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Love Beyond Privileges

Love Beyond Privileges

Sage James


Emily is a passion-driven soul trapped in a gilded cage. Longing to break free from her family's expectations and suffocating legacy, her passion for art ignites a fire within her. As she pursues her creative dreams, Emily finds unlikely allies in the male domestic staff, who not only believe in her talent but also stand up for her and encourage her to take a chance to make her dream come true. A handsome and kind-hearted butler who becomes her confidant and love interest is "James." Emily's artistic ambitions threaten to upend her family's expectations. She faces formidable obstacles: her father's criticism and disapproval, her mother's manipulation, and the dark secrets that have haunted her family for generations. Can Emily overcome these challenges and follow her dream, or will the weight of her family expectations crush her artistic spirit and her chance of having true love with James?"

Chapter 1 A Life of Luxury

Emily Richardson looks out through the luxurious mansion window, her eyes tracing the Texas skyline. A sense of desperation washed over her, and she kept on wondering why she couldn't be more than just a Richardson and live a life of her own.

"Emily, darling, we are waiting for you. Please come to the dining room and join us for dinner! Your father has some important news to share," her mother, Claire, called out from the dining room.

Am coming, mother, she answered and sighed. As she walked to the dining room, she felt like she was walking into a trap. Her father, Richard Richardson, was already seated with a glass of wine and looking pleased with himself.

Emily, my darling, good to see you," he said, his deep voice booming across the room. "I've finalized the deal with Smith Industries. We're going to be partnering on a new project."

"Whaoo, that sounds great, Father," Emily said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

Richard beams with pride, his eyes shining with excitement. "Yes, it's going to be huge. And, my dear, I want you to be a part of it. You'll be the face of the company, representing us at all the high-profile events."

Emily suddenly felt a surge of frustration; her mind started racing with thoughts of rebellion. "But Father, you know I don't want to just be a socialite. I want to make a difference and do something meaningful with my life."

Richard "frowned, his expression disapproving. "Emily, it's time you knew your duties as a Richardson. You can't just abandon your responsibilities for some unrealistic dreams."

Emily stood up with a pang of anger, but she couldn't burst out her emotions. "She bit her tongue, knowing it was useless to argue. She excused herself and retreated to her room, feeling like a prisoner in her own house.

She began to pace back and forth, her mind racing with rebellions, thoughts, and modes of escape. She knew she had to take action. She opened her laptop and started researching colleges and universities, looking for programs that aligned with her interests and passions. Just then, she stumbled across an art studio that won her heart, and she signed up for the class.

Emily resumed class and began to paint. For the first time in her life, she felt totally free; she had never had such an experience before in her entire life. Living out of Richardson was a life she wanted at all costs, with art. She was able to express herself better than she ever could with words. She was finally herself, without being weighed down by her family legacy.

A feeling of excitement could be seen written all over her as she walked into the art studio. She had never been artistic, but something about the studio just drew her in. She was greeted by the instructor, a kind-eyed woman named Sarah.

"Welcome, Miss Emily Richardson! I'm very happy to see you in the studio today." Sarah said as she handed Emily a canvas and paints.

I just wanted something to express myself," Emily said, feeling a bit awkward.

Sarah smiled. "You are absolutely right. Art is all about expression and freedom. Let's get started!"

Emily began to paint, and a sense of calm washed over her. She lost herself completely in colors and textures, forgetting about her family pressure with no worries or doubts.

"Emily, you have a gift for art," Sarah exclaimed as she walked by Emily's canvas. "You have a real talent for art."

Emily blushed with a sense of pride and accomplishment. "Thanks, Sarah. I'm really enjoying this."

"Sarah, can I ask you something?" Emily said as she packed up her things.

"Of course, dear. all ears?"

"Can I make a career out of art? What do you think of me becoming an artist? Does it fit my stature as a Richardson? "Art might not be a traditional path, but I have this feeling of being alive when I'm painting."

Sarah looked at her with a serious expression. "Emily, dear, art is a tough field, but I assure you that if you're passionate about it, you should pursue your dream. You never know where it might take you."

Emily left the studio feeling inspired and determined. She must find a way to balance her love of art with her family's expectations, but she was ready to take up the challenge.

With excitement, she walked into her penthouse. A soft voice welcomed her; it was her mother, Claire.

"Hello Emily, darling, How was your day?" Claire asked as she slipped a glass of wine.

"It was great, Mother. I found an art studio, and I've been painting. I feel this kind of feeling of being alive when I'm creating," Emily replied, trying to measure her mother's reaction.

Claire raised an eyebrow. "Emily, art isn't a suitable career path for someone of your stature. You need to focus on your responsibilities as a Richardson."

Emily looked at her mother" with frustration, but she held back her words as she bit her tongue. She knew it was useless to argue, and she knew she couldn't win. She excused herself and retreated to her room. She feels like a prisoner in her own house.

with a sense of determination. She knew she had to find a way to pursue her art; she was lost in her thoughts.

She was still lost in her deep thoughts when her phone buzzed. It was a text from Sophia, her best friend.

"Hey, what's up? I haven't seen you in ages. Let's grab coffee and catch up."

Emily smiled, feeling a sense of relief. Sophia was the one person and a true friend who truly understood her.

"Hey Sophia, I'd love to catch up. But I have to be careful; my parents are watching me and my every move."

Sophia replied, "Don't worry, I get it. How about we meet at the art studio tomorrow instead? I've been wanting to check it out anyway."

Emily's heart skipped a beat. That's the perfect plan.

"Sounds perfect; see you there tomorrow!

Emily arrived at the art studio the following day with a sense of excitement and nervousness. Sophia was there earlier than her, chatting with Sarah, the instructor.

"Hey Emily, look at you looking gorgeous," Sophia said, giving her a warm hug. "Sarah and I have been discussing your amazing art skills; you are so talented."

Sarah smiled. "We've all been waiting for you. Well, we're glad to have you here. We need to start working on some new projects, shall we?"

Emily was so excited to be among the selected artists to participate in the new project that she felt a sense of freedom and creativity wash over her. She was finally doing what she loved, and no one could stop her from following her dream.

But just as she was painting about getting into her zone, her phone buzzed. It was a text from her father, Richard.

"Dear, where are you? Have you forgotten? You're supposed to be at the charity gala tonight and represent the family, not gallivanting around town."

Emily sighed as she put down her paintbrush, frustration written all over her face, but she knew she couldn't avoid her father's question.

"I'm at the art studio, Father. I'm working on a project; my passion is mainly for art," Emily replied, putting in so much effort to sound confident.

Richard paused for a while, and Emily could feel and hear her father's disapproval.

"Emily, art is not a suitable career path for your stature. You need to focus on your responsibilities as a Richardson," Richard said, his voice firm but controlled.

"Father, I know that you want me to take over the lead of the family business, but I'm not so interested in the family business the way I am passionate about "Art'. I feel fulfilled with art; it makes me happy, and I'm very good at it. Can't you just support me?" Art is my passion.

Richard sighed, and Emily could tell he was trying to remain patient. "Emily, we'll discuss this further when you get home. Right now, you need to get to the charity gala. You're supposed to be representing the Richardson family." okay

"Fine, Father. I'll be there soon," Emily replied, feeling a sense of defeat.

As she hung up the phone, Sophia and Sarah looked at her with concern.

You look upset. "Emily,are you okay? Sophia said as she moved closer to her, putting her hand on Emily's shoulder.

Emily took a deep breath and smiled, shaking off the feeling of frustration. "I'm fine; thanks for caring. Just my father being his usual controlling self."

Sarah nodded sympathetically. "Well, don't get bogged down, Emily. You are very talented; you should pursue your dream with passion.

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