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Heart Entwined

Heart Entwined

Esther Esty


In a treacherous world of high society, Ann and Theo, a couple with big dreams, believe that their skills at seizing opportunities are exceptional. They both developed a risky scheme to woo Mr Alex who is Theo’s Boss and the CEO of Benett Enterprises. With a carefully crafted plan, they enter a prestigious Art gala to charm and manipulate their way into his inner circle. As the night unfolds, Theo and Ann navigate a delicate act of seduction and deception to get Alex's attention, which they see as an opportunity to elevate their status and secure their future. What starts as a chance encounter quickly spirals into a night of intrigue, manipulation, deception and seduction. Ann and Alex strike up a conversation and end up getting intimate. a few weeks later, Ann confronted Mr Alex and lied that she was pregnant with his child. Alex decided she would move into his house till the paternity of the child was confirmed. weeks later Ann presented a fake DNA result confirming Alex to be the father of her unborn child. “Marry me, he said with his deep cold voice” Being a well-respected man in society having a baby out of wedlock would ruin his reputation so he proposes a solution: a contract outlining their commitment to marriage solely to raise their child together. What will happen when Alex finds out that Ann is a fraud and an opportunist? Read on to find out!!

Chapter 1 Prologue

Ann sat alone in their living room, the wall clock ticking away the minutes that stretched into forever. She had spent hours waiting for Theo, and as time went on, her worry grew. There was an almost tangible tension in the home due to the silence, which seemed to intensify her concern.

Ann's patience ran out as the sun dropped below the horizon, throwing long shadows across the room. Whenever she had phoned Theo's phone number, voicemail would always answer. She thought through all the worst-case scenarios, and a knot of fear tightened in her chest.

The sound of the front door creaking open broke the silence like a dagger, just as she was about to give in to panic and contact the police. Ann shot to her feet, her gaze fixed on Theo's standing at the doorway, and her heart shot into her throat.

Theo walks through the door with a heavy sigh, his shoulders sagged and his face worn with defeat. Ann looks up with concern as she sees him enter.

“Babe you are home late I have been worried sick, is everything okay? “

Theo stumbles onto the couch after dropping his suitcase on the floor and runs his fingers through his hair. "No, I just lost my job, so everything is not okay.

Ann's shocked eyes widened, "What happened?

"They claimed to be cutting staff, so they had to lay me off. Am sorry I disappointed us all.

“But you don't deserve this, you have been working for this company for years now, you deserve more, why would they lay you off? That's odd.

“Are you questioning me, Ann? He asked angrily.

Ann gives a shake of her head and reaches out to bring Theo's chin up to meet her eyes. Theo, am sorry for asking such a question I didn't mean to offend you and you didn't disappoint anyone. Your value is not defined by your job loss. We'll work together to overcome this.

Theo leans into Ann's arms, comforted by her words, and his eyes sparkle with unshed tears.

Ann, I don't know what I would do without you. Ann puts more pressure on him and kisses him on the forehead. Theo, you'll never have to ask. Remember we're a team.

Theo nods, his face buried in Ann's shoulder as he expresses gratitude for her steadfast support during his difficult period. A tiny smile tugs at the corners of his mouth.

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