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Winter N.


"My company is to be given to my daughter. The lawyer read aloud and Rose felt Happy, only to hear the other words the lawyer had to say. "To get the company, you need to get married. The lawyer read out the will of Rose's grandfather, and this made Rose angry. Rose who is an ambitious woman,in order to be the new CEO she had to get married to someone, someone whom she does not know.Rose was skeptical about it ,as she had an illness, a skin reaction to Men.But she had to take the risk of marrying a man, for 1,000day, Rose's plan was to get married to the man for 1,000days and then get divorce. But would this work? What if she falls for him??

Chapter 1 The kiss

Rose's POV

Wailing noises filled the house, and mostly fake wailing. I stared at them all in disgust.

It was all pretense, they all wanted him dead. I'm sure one of them even killed him.

I was looking around in pain as my heart hurt.I noticed a smirk from Mark, my half brother.

I stood up from the position I was and rushed to him, grabbing his shirt, pushing him against the wall.

I am Rose, the only legitimate granddaughter of my grandfather.

My grandfather just died, so I'm devastated. My grandfather was the only I she had since my mother died. Now that he's dead, who would save me now!! I have to take care of myself. Thinking about that made me so nervous and scared.

I have to stay among snakes.

"You killed him right!" I yelled while grabbing the shirt of my half brother tightly. The grip was so hard that it nearly started choking him.

Mark then immediately shoved me to the floor and I fell to the floor.

"Stop it! Are you okay? Do you really want to get popular that badly?? What do you care? He's already old and bound to die anyway". Mark scoffed and smirked again. This made me scoff.

"He's a devil, they are all devils" I uttered slowly as she slowly got up from the floor on which she was, and she ran out fearfully.



A young man entered a flower shop.

"Welcome!" The shop attendant greeted him.

"Give me this "Liam uttered while pointing to a flower.

"Alright sir", the shop attendant answered, she grabbed the flower and packaged it for him, he paid, and collected the flower while walking out of the store.

"I'm sure, my Barbie would love this", Liam muttered and was walking happily, just then Rose, who was in a confused state, hit him on the shoulder and the flower fell from his hands.

"What are you doing?" Liam yelled as he picked up the flower, but Rose ignored him and walked past him, but Liam angrily grabbed Rose's hands.

"You just hit me, making my flower fall, and you can't even apologize. Liam blurted with his eyes shooting,

Rose stopped and in her imagination she saw him smirk too.

Rose hates it when people smirk.

Rose then suddenly slapped Liam.

"Stop smiling, you devil" Rose yelled and pushed Liam.

Liam was shocked at this gesture, because he expected an apology from her and not a push.

But as she took a step, she suddenly collapsed and Liam rushed to her.

"Please call an ambulance". Liam panicked on seeing her collapse.

"Where am I?" Rose wondered as her eyes were closed, but she could sense she wasn't home.

She opened her eyes, and she saw very huge eyes. Rose gasped and hit that person on the head with her head.

"Aaargggg" Liam groaned, touching his head.

"What are you!" Rose yelled as she saw a flower with him.

"Are you by chance one of my admires? For your information, you're not my type, your eyes, nose and lips are all ugly", Rose uttered, and Liam scoffed.

"Admirer! Lolzzzz, today is my 100th day with my girlfriend, and you ruined it" Liam uttered and gasped.

"Oh no! My Barbie would be mad at me, she'd have been waiting". Liam gasped and rushed out.

"Who is that fool? Why am I here?" Rose wondered.

Rose was still wondering in her head what had happened.

Her friend Mimi rushed towards her, sitting on the bed.


Rose, I was Soo worried, how are you? Does your head hurt? What happened?" Mimi asked Rose.

"Have you settled the bill?" Rose asked and got up.

"Yes I have" Mimi replied and also got up.

"Then let's go,I'm alright, perfectly "Rose responded and walked out on Mimi.

"I'm worried about someone that isn't worried about themselves, poor me!" Mimi uttered and smirked.

"Wait up for me" Mimi shouted and ran after Rose.



Rose walked into the mansion and everyone was smiling again. She almost missed her steps.

Why would they be smiling when someone just died?? It doesn't make sense at all.

"What's wrong with me?" Rose wondered, as she didn't understand the new feeling.

Rose managed to sit, she sat, and then a man walked in. He walked to them.

"Hello, you all know me right" the man said.

"For those who don't know me, I'm Mr Sky. For those who don't know me", Mr. Sky uttered

"I'm here to read the will of late Mr. Banks , Mr Sky said, and opened a file.

" Two estates are to be given to my first grandson" Mr. Sky uttered and the murmuring started.

"Why only two estates, Mom", Mark murmured.

"Who would get the company then? Hope it's not that wrench", Mark murmured and sat up eager to hear the next one.

"This mansion should be given to my last granddaughter" Mr. Sky continued

"Mom, only this Mansion, really!" Cindy foamed angrily as she folded her hands.

"And for the company, it would be given to my daughter Rose, only if she gets married, and that's the end of the will" Mr. Sky uttered and Rose smiled.

"That will is fake ,you evil man, you corned us " Mrs Banks, Rose's stepmother yelled.

"You're smilling, you evil wrench" Mrs. Banks yelled and walked to Rose, but Rose got up.

"What do you want to do? I'm not that young fragile child you used to know anymore. If you don't all know your place,you'd be out of company in no time", Rose uttered and catwalked out of the Mansion

"That was close", Rose sighed as she got out of the Mansion.

"How was it?" Mimi came out of nowhere and Rose gasped.

"What!" Rose yelled.

"How was the meeting? " Mimi asked.

"I'm excited, my grandpa actually left the company for me" Rose uttered and

"Really!! Wow". Mimi smiled happily and hugged Rose.

"I'm Soo happy for you my dear friend, is there another problem? "Mimi uttered

"Yes, there is, I have to get married before I can get the company " Rose said and rolled her eyes.

"Why not just get married then?" Mimi asked.

"I'm not ready yet, and do you think any man can march this beauty" Rose scoffs and Mimi laughed.

"Come on girl, let's go get you a man" Mimi scoffed and pulled Rose.



Liam walked to the restaurant and rushed to Barbie.

"I'm sorry my Barbie", Liam pleaded and stretched out his hands, giving her the flowers, but Barbie stared at him angrily and threw the flowers angrily.

"We're done" Barbie yelled and walked out angrily, but Liam followed her from behind and grabbed her hands.

"Please" Liam pleaded, but she flinged his hands and walked away.

"Hey, buddy, what are you doing here?" A guy asked as he saw Liam.

"Hey, Josh" Liam said as he handshaked Josh.

"What is up man, why are you down?" Josh asked Liam.

"My baby and I just broke up" Liam said sadly.

"When there are a lot of babes out there, come let me take you to another world entirely" Josh said to Liam and pulled him.

Rose and Mimi entered a nightclub

"And is this where I'll find a man?" Rose shouted to Mimi as the background was loud with music.

"Yes,I bet you" Mimi shouted back.

Rose started having drinks and drinking so that she got drunk. Rose then climbed the stage and started dancing.

Liam entered the nightclub and was amazed. Suddenly he saw Rose.

"Ooh, isn't that the girl?" Liam uttered and continued watching her, but Rose walked to the stage and started dancing and Liam started laughing and he was also mesmerized.

"She's cute" Liam uttered, but immediately slapped his cheek.

"Cry, you just got heartbroken" Liam uttered to himself and suddenly started crying.

"My Barbie", Liam cried out loudly.

Rose came down from the stage and staggered to Mimi.

"That was great" Mimi said and smiled ,just then a guy walked to Rose

"Please can I have your number?" The guy asked and Rose stared at Mimi.

"OK" Rose uttered and typed in her number on the guy's phone.

"I'll call you" the guy uttered and left.

"I told you, see" Mimi said and smiled.

Rose's phone beeped, She just got a message

Rose checked

"Mark has set up a board meeting with the board of directors" the message reads.

"Mimi" Rose called to Mimi, but Mimi didn't hear she was talking to a guy, so Rose rushed out of the nightclub.

Rose rushed out and reporters had already gathered at the front of the nightclub, and taking a picture of her, Rose wanted to run away, but the lights kept getting closer, Liam out of the blue suddenly covered Rose's face, and Rose was shocked.

"Who is this guy?" Rose wondered under the influence of alcohol.

"Your grandfather just died, and you went clubbing" the reported question.

Liam immediately pulled Rose and they both ran to a corner. Rose then immediately removed the jacket used to cover her face.

This time Rose now already remembered who he was.

"Flower guy!

"You again, why do I keep running into you, are you by chance a stalker? Ooh! wow! Are you God sent too?.... Rose stammered and walked close to Liam, touching him.

"Get married to me, what do you say? I'm beautiful and rich, I'll make you rich too", Rose uttered, and Liam gasped.

"You're somehow cute though". Rose uttered and moved to Liam, she leaned and kissed him on the lips, Liam's eyes widened as he was shocked, The reporters followed them and kept taking pictures.

"There's a commotion outside, the reporters are here!" Some people uttered and Mimi rushed out, and she gasped as she saw Rose and Liam kissing.

"This is amazing" Mimi uttered as she saw them together.

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