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Me and Mr. Wrong

Me and Mr. Wrong

Lana Mora


"Yes, I know we have divorced. But you're still my woman! You're pregnant with my child! Mine! You have to come back to me!" - My name is Louisa Torrington. Despite being an orphan, I have always wanted to get married to Mr. Right. When I was 22 years old, I was forced to get married to the most intimidating mafia boss, Lucas Farrow, in town. On our wedding day, he took my virginity and told me that he would never love me. It turned out that I was only his substitute lover. He also told me that he needed my bone marrow to save his precious Jessica. No. Lucas Farrow wasn't my Mr. Right. Everything about him was wrong for me. And that's why I had to end our marriage and run away from him. As the mystery of my biological father unrolled, I turned out to be the only heir to a multi-billionaire, Frank Sawyer. His adopted sons formed a private elite army pledged their loyalty to me and swore to protect me from danger. But the real danger seemed to be hidden among them. That was when I met my Mr. Right, Darren Thornton, the CEO of the world's top-listed company. And that was when I found out I was pregnant with Lucas' child. What makes the whole thing more complicated is the fact that Mr. Wrong and Mr. Right hated each other. I have absolutely no fucking idea what I'm supposed to do. But one thing I do know is that - When you're surrounded by dangers, love always prevails.

Chapter 1 No.1

Louisa's POV

"Father, please don't..."

My sentence was cut short by a slap across my cheek.

"You will get married to Lucas Farrow! That's part of the arrangement!" My foster father Jake looked crossed.

"But he's a mafia! He's a criminal! Father, please..." I covered my face with tears pouring down my cheeks.

Jake went hysterical and barked at me, "I know who he is! But I owe him money! He needs a wife and you will become his wife! If you don't get into the car right now, he will let people burn our house down and kill us all! Is that what you want?! To see us burning in hell?!"

I lowered my head and wiped the tears off my face.

No, I didn't want to see anyone burning in hell.

He had a gambling and drinking problem, but he had also raised me for 22 years.

Now it seemed to be the right time to pay him back.

So I got into the black sedan and the driver closed the door.

As the engine started, I thought to myself -

Am I going to be... the wife of the most intimidating mafia billionaire in the country?!

I have absolutely no idea of what was awaiting ahead of me.

But as most things happened in my life, I don't give a shit.

Anyway, maybe things will turn out just fine for once in my life.

As the car drove through piles of birch and pine trees, it finally stopped in front of a giant, castle-like mansion.

A butler opened the door for me and led me into the mansion through the side door.

He showed me into a room, where a tall, intimidating lady was awaiting.

"Oh, mine," she exclaimed and covered her face with obvious disappointment. "Is this that Torrington girl?"

"Yes, Mrs. Farrow," the butler replied.

Mrs. Farrow? Is she Lucas Farrow's mother? My future mother-in-law?

Mrs. Farrow sized me up and down and shook her head, "A lowbred girl like her never knows her manners. She hasn't even greeted me. This is rude. Are you a mute or something?"

"Sorry, Mrs. Farrow. I didn't mean to offend you." My voice was barely louder than a whisper.

"Oh, she looks so dumb." Mrs. Farrow rolled her eyes. "Take her downstairs and sort her out. She can't show up in front of everyone with a face like that."

This is way too much.

Just as she was about to walk away, I raised the volume of my voice and said, "Mrs. Farrow, my name is Louisa Torrington. I come from a poor family. But I don't think that is the reason for you to treat me in this way. You're an ill-mannered person, not me."

Both Mrs. Farrow and the butler looked shocked.

Mrs. Farrow's face was red and white for a while. I knew she was on the verge of swearing, but at that time, a servant came and said, "Mrs. Farrow, Young Master Lucas has just arrived."

The high-maintenance, arrogant bitch rolled her eyes at me one last time and walked off with her nose pointing at the sky.


My wedding night was not quite the same as I had imagined in my life.

I stood at the altar like an idiot, waiting for my future husband to show up, together with more than 100 angry-looking gangster members in the audience.

And when my future husband finally showed up, he was walking into the chapel with a girl hanging on his arm!

She looked petite, with innocent sparkling blue eyes and radiant blonde hair.

Everyone in the chapel was looking at her and whispering because of what she was wearing.

She was wearing a white wedding dress. The level of confidence and comfort on her face almost made me believe that this was her wedding.

Who the heck wears white on other people's wedding day? I thought to myself and clenched my fists.

Then, I shifted my eyes to my future husband Lucas Farrow.

My heart skipped a bit.

I couldn't take my eyes off him.

I almost forgot to breathe.

This is my Mr. Right. I thought to myself. This is the man that I have been dreaming of.

He was a tall, stunningly handsome man who was in his early thirties.

The tailored wedding suit was clinging to his muscular torso, accentuating his broad shoulders and narrow waist.

He was full of elegance and charm. He looked like a movie star walking out of a shooting site or some sort.

As he laid his eyes on me, I could see infliction and annoyance in his eyes.

My heart sank.

He didn't like me at all.

"Hi, my name is Jessica Hutchinson and I'm Luke's friend. We've grown up together and he's so generous and kind. He's the brother that I've never got." Jessica displayed a sweet, gummy smile. "Since you don't have any people for today, Luke asked me to be your bride's maid. I hope you don't mind me wearing white. I didn't mean to steal your show. It's just this dress is the only thing I could pull out at the last minute."

I decided to be nice, so I stretched out my hand and said, "My name is Louisa Torrington and..."

Jessica ignored my hand and stepped back.

"Oops," she chuckled as she left the altar. "What am I doing? I'm standing on the altar, holding the groom's arm. Stupid me!"

I withdrew my hand awkwardly and took a glance at Lucas.

He wasn't even looking at me.

The priest cleared his voice and said, "Lucas Farrow, do you take Louisa Torrington to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her..."

"Father, let's skip the vow," Lucas interrupted the priest's speech.

I was so shocked that I couldn't even say a word.

People in the audience started humming and snickering.

Lucas didn't seem to notice.

He picked up a ring and grabbed my hand.

Instead of putting that ring on my finger, he tossed it into my hand like a piece of trash.

It took me a few seconds before I realized that he wanted me to put it on by myself.

As I turned back to get the ring from Jessica, I could see the flash of menace in her eyes.

I ignored her hostility, picked up the ring, and handed it to Lucas.

He took it and put it into his pocket.

The priest tried to save the moment by speaking out loudly, "By the power invested in me, I hereby declare you husband and wife..."

Lucas left the altar before the priest said "You could kiss the bride now".

Jessica followed him and grabbed his arm. She tiptoed and whispered into Lucas' ears.

Lucas tilted toward her a bit to listen to her.

They looked so intimate like two peas in a pod.

I, on the other hand, was abandoned and left alone at the altar.

Everyone was staring at me with pity, just like I wasn't wearing anything.

I covered my face and stormed out of the chapel.

By the time I reached the swimming pool, I couldn't stop but cry out loud.

I had pictured my wedding a thousand times in my mind ever since I was a little girl.

But here I am, weeping next to a swimming pool, being the most miserable bride in the entire world.

"Aha, you're hiding here. I've been looking for you everywhere." I heard a voice from behind.

I turned back and saw Jessica standing behind me.

She walked towards me with an evil smile on her flawless face.

"How does it feel to be arranged to marry someone who doesn't even want to look at you?" She said with cruel innocence on her face.

"It's none of your business," I replied. "Stay away from my husband and leave me alone."

Jessica narrowed her eyes and said in a vicious threatening voice, "Luke will never love you! He's mine! If you want to be his wife, you will have to put up with the fact that there are three people in your marriage and you are the extra one."

I became furious at the arrogance in her voice. I stared at her with hatred in my eyes.

"What? Do you want to start a fight with me? I wouldn't do that if I were you. Lucas will always take my side unconditionally. You'll see!"

I clenched my fists with anger burning in my chest.

How dare this bitch say something like this on my wedding day?

Just as I was about to punch her in her stupid face, she suddenly screamed and threw herself into the swimming pool.

I frowned.

What the heck is this attention-crying bitch doing?!

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