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Queen Rissa


SYNOPSIS “What do you want from me now” Amaare asked almost shouting. “What do I want from you” Dylan repeated with a devlish smirk.”Stay away from my child and I ” she said moving back and shaking slightly. “Our child you mean”. He said flashing his ever handsome smile….” Now I'll be straight forward with you ……I want both the child and her mother” he continued. “I'll never let you have my child” she cried out ….”ohh we'll see about that….. good bye for now” he said with his smooth baritone voice while putting on his sun glasses She knew he was back for her ….. Dylan always had anything he wanted .and he wouldn't stop till he had what he wants She hated him so much with all her heart and soul. Watch out what happens between the billionaire and his lady.


Son, when do you intend on getting a wife” . Mr. Park just asked all of a sudden. Dylan didn't want to believe that his father was asking him that kind of question. “ I don't know dad, why would you be asking me questions like this”. He said and continued eating.

They were just having dinner when Mr. Park just popped up this discussion out of nowhere. He didn't reply Dylan and paused for some minutes before he began again. “ What about Cheryl ?”. He asked. Dylan stared at his father in disbelief now. “ What about her and besides, how did you get to know about her? . Dad it's almost as if you paid an FBI to check mate every single details of my life at Oxford”. Dylan said. It wasnt a lie anyway. Mr. Park always had his eyes on his kids and even if they were away he never Missed a detail on anything happening in the life of his kids . “ Cheryl is not just anyone. She's like a family to us now and vixy’s best friend. You should be thinking of putting a ring on her finger now”. Mr. Park said with a tone of authority sauna, Dylan's mum didn't look surprised though she looked worried. Now Dylan understood his father's motive. All of this was to get him married to Cheryl.” Getting married to Cheryl will be good for the company as it will foster a very great bond and close relationship between our families and companies as well” Mr park continued. Now he saw where all of this was leading to. A marriage for the growth of the company. “ I hate to disappoint you dad. But Cheryl and I broke up and I don't have any intentions of getting married to her” Dylan declared. He couldn't imagine spending the whole of his life with Cheryl as a wife. “ Well, then you should be able to get a woman from the upperclass society and get married to her” Mr park said calmly…. Besides that's the criteria to take over from me…you must get married..he continued with a tone of finality

“Dad I've done literally everything…I graduated from oxford with excellent results …I have three personal companies on my own…Now it's time to take over and you're bringing up this” he asked slightly raising his voice… “we've heard stories of your wayward lifestyle. Which does not befit the status of a CEO so therefore you have to take a wife before assuming that position in order to counter my doubts and that of the board members” he said quietly.” Jesus,dad that was university for christ sake” he cried out.” I think I'm done here since my son won't let me eat”......”mara send my meal to my room”..he called out to the chef.and turned to Dylan...”and as for you young man I'll be hosting a party for all the board members and elite men of los Angeles…. they'll all be coming with their family….do well to get your self a woman and try as hard as possible not to disappoint me too” he said climbing the stairs to his bedroom .

“Mum you aren't saying anything…you were just watching dad say all of that” Dylan cried out to his mum.sauna knew her husband had a reason for doing all of this but Dylan wouldn't understand It now.”my baby boy ….you know your father is right.you should obey him” sauna said folding his hands.”mum please don't”....he said.dylan just couldn't fathom what was going on in his family.he knew something was up but he just couldn't place his fingers on it .he always despised women and used them at his will .he thought of them as empty vessels and gold diggers and now he was supposed to get married to one, God have mercy on him…he couldn't even bear to live with any other woman that was not his mother and sister now he's being forced to get married to one.”mum don't tell me you're supporting dad ….you know I love you so much and you're my only hope now” he said blinking his bright blue eyes .”yes baby but ……” she paused .. Ahh that “but” finally did it.his hopes were shattered.”mummy” he cried out in disbelief.”baby getting married isn't a sin. Besides it shows a high Sense of maturity and responsibility… I'm tired now.i should go get some sleep”she said leaving to prevent further questions.she hated to let him down but in this case he didn't have a choice and she wanted it for him too.”mum tell me you and dad aren't being serious “ he shouted behind her.

He just couldn't believe his parents.he was used to having his way in whatever he wanted but not in this particular case.”They can't be serious” he muttered to himself

“You should go easy on him.This party…aren't you going too fast” sauna asked worriedly.”sauna,you over indulge these kids and that's why they've become spoilt.he needs to grow up.hes no longer a boy”he replied her .”my kids are not spoilt.you should take one step at a time . everything is happening so fast and he doesn't know anything about marriage.i know why you're doing this but give him some time “ she pleaded.” I've made my decision and that is final” he said lying down to sleep. Mr. Park loved his wife very much and couldn't bear to see her like that but right now he needed to put on this mean farcade to get things done .


Tiindel laughed so hard upon hearing the story .Tindel and Dylan were best friends right from childhood and their parents were close friends and business associates too. Tindel's parents owned the biggest and most popular hospital in the whole of California.“ Bro you know they mean well for you right” he said while sipping his coffee.”just don't start now”. Dylan said giving him a death glare .”whoa,chill bro.i was just joking.but they want the best for you” he said still laughing “ be careful now surgeon”..They were having coffee together in a small coffee shop. Tindel always wondered why Dylan loved this particular coffee shop.though they made very good coffee , this particular shop was not his style. Dylan always argued that the shop was very soothing and helped to clear his mind .”so what do you intend to do now CEO “ .they always addressed each other by their title .”I don't think I have a choice here…I'll just pick any woman.it doesn't matter if I love her tho.so far she becomes my wife then I can take over the company.i just don't know where dad came up with that ridiculous idea from.like how can be judging me based on my past .I'm a changed person now”.He explained. Tindel couldn't help but laugh very hard . “Oh, they want to be sure you've actually changed.bear with them “ ..he laughed very hard. “ Surgeon this isn't funny at all….I know what to do ..I'll just get a thick and round woman from the so called party dad is organizing” he said smiling to himself. Tindel stared at him in disbelief. “ What??....I don't want to come home every day to a skinny woman please “ he said with a scoff. “ You can never really change, can you?” He asked shaking his head.” When is the party?”. Tindel asked. “ It's on weekend.thats why I left los Angeles and I won't be going there again till the day of the party.the whole sorrounding just irks me “. He replied scratching his forehead….” You should go easy on yourself man.i gotta go now.bye” Tindel said adjusting his watch.they bade each other good bye , while Tindel walked out Dylan decided to remain there for a while.

While Tindel was walking towards his BMW,he bumped into a lady.he got angry instantly….what a nice way to ruin your day …but when her hazel eyes met his..he was dumbfounded…he had never seen any lady so pretty before..the lady used that opportunity to apologize and escape.seeing she had escaped..he had no choice but to drive home and prepare for work


“ So this is the time to come to work”.Mr. Jim roared.” I'm sorry sir I went to see my sister.please don't sack me” The lady pleaded with tears brimming from her eyes.”You know what…go and clear that table over there.ill deal with you later”he ordered walking away.the girl quickly dried her eyes and walked to the table.there was a man sitting there..she was astonished by his cuteness….with dark blue eyes and well curled hair. Judging from his dressing and perfume.this man was definitely from the upperclass society..what she wondered was what he was doing in a small shop like this.she quickly cleared the table.she felt the man staring at her intensely which sent creeps down her spine.

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