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Luna's Reckoning

Luna's Reckoning



She had just experienced the most humiliating rejection, unable to take the taunting anymore, she lashes out and runs into the woods to escape judgment. What she wasn't expecting was to run into the arms of drunk rogue wolves who wanted nothing but trouble. Fighting to survive and nearly losing the battle, she is saved by a handsome stranger who turns out to be her second mate, and as the moon rose in all of its glory, they had a fiery night of passion and by morning he was gone. What happens when Melissa is accused of being a slut and then finds out that she was pregnant and what happens when her stranger comes to save her but this time brings knowledge of who he was. An enemy. Her mate. How does she escape the same fate her parents had? She had a responsibility now and that was to take care of her new family and nothing was going to get in the way of that. Characterization Melissa storms: 5'3, blonde hair, grey eyes, curvy and beautiful. Former worker of the palace of blood moon pack, future Luna to lycan king and mother of secret triplets. Avalor Brandon: 6'5 black jet hair, blue eyes, very handsome. Lycan king, a former enemy of the blood moon pack, and rumored to have wiped out the blue moon pack. Lucius Russel: 6'2 blonde hair, green eyes, very handsome. Prince to the blood moon pack and soon-to-be alpha. Asshole and still hungover on Melissa's beauty. Aria storms: 5'5 brunette, brown eyes, beautiful. Lucius' girlfriend and accomplice to a series of mishaps. Hates Melissa and causes her major problems. George Brandon: 6'2 black hair, black eyes, and a villain. Stepbrother to Avalor and he converts the throne of the lycan King while he planned with Lucius to get his selfish gain. He nearly accomplishes it but comes back for his revenge the second time. Start The story starts with Melissa trying to have fun at the moon alignment party before she's kicked out by gossip for being mateless. She ends up in a corner about to down multiple drinks just before she starts to have the sensation that her mate was close by. She's excited and she begins to trace the connection. She felt what her mate was feeling and she was aroused. Her excitement and her tracking led her to the palace, she knew that her mate was near as she got to the kitchen but her face fell when she heard moans coming from inside. Her mood changed when she found that her mate was none other than the prince of the blood moon pack, Lucius Russel. Melissa expected that since Lucius had seen her standing in the doorway that he would have some manner of shame and stop what he was doing since it was hurting her but he continued and made sure Melissa saw. The moment Melissa tried to leave, Lucius ordered her back and began to ask her if she was the one that was supposed to be his mate, before she could reply, Aria the woman who he was with began to laugh. Aria told Lucius who she was and what she was, Lucius immediately joined in the laughter and together they humiliated her. Lucius rejected and humiliated her and made a mockery of her parents, unable to take it anymore Melissa lashed out and slapped Lucius across the face, it doesn't take her a second to bolt out of there as Lucius immediately started to call guards to chase after her. She runs out of the palace and into the woods, she didn't know she had gone far until she stops for breath and realizes that she had crossed into unknown territory. She decides to get situated but she picks up an unfamiliar scent and it wasn't long before she saw not one but three different men all reeking of alcohol and all coming towards her. Melissa tried to act calm and tried to turn back but the men were faster and began to try to coax her into going further into the woods with them, one of them unable to control himself would try to touch her and out of fright, she would hit his hand away and that would ignite a series of events. They would try to overpower her, and she fought them off but eventually, they pinned her down while they teased her and ripped her blouse, she made out a figure in the bushes and cried for help, the figure stepped forward and ordered the men to stop but they shouted at the man and when the man commanded that they let her go, the men got enraged and went after him but he killed them all. The effects of the alcohol she had made her eyesight blurry. She knew she was attracted to the man and she noticed how strange the man was but she knew the man wanted to take care of her and make sure she was alright until she was overcome by the mate bond and made seductive suggestions to him and as the moon rose higher, the bond got stronger and they had sex and he mated and marked her. When Melissa awoke the next morning, the stranger was gone and she found herself on the boundaries of her pack. Melissa was embarrassed as she was naked and evidence of her wild night was placed all over her body parts, Melissa was in the middle of dressing up when Aria would catch her.

Chapter 1 Melissa

The moon party kicked off and I knew I was going to have fun. Everyone was clad in white or silver and had their heads decorated.

I was on my fourth potion when I noticed people staring at me in disgust.

I felt uncomfortable but I ignored them and continued to have another drink, I was so happy today because it was rumored heavily that the moon collided with the stars today and made finding mates so much easier.

I was twenty-two years old without a mate and it was embarrassing, I was taking yet another drink when a girl stood abruptly before me.

"Goddess!" I shouted,

"You scared me!" placing a hand on my chest as she continued to look at me like a crazy person then she smiled.

"Look, I don't know if you know but this is strictly by invitation..." she trailed off and I looked up at her, astonished by her audacity.

"People are staring and we don't want you to make people uncomfortable," she said and took a good look at me.

What did she mean by that!?

"Uncomfortable, how?" I asked, my voice getting defensive

I'm sure the alcohol was playing more than a few tricks on me.

"We know that you're mateless and wolfless -

My face was constructed into one of shock and anger.

"You're a bad omen. Don't you see that?" She whispered and I didn't think my eyes could stretch more than they were.

" I think it would be best if you left so Please leave," she said in a sweet tone and walked out on me flippling her hair as she left.

I stood there like a statue, shocked to my bones at how people could be so mean.

A part of me wanted to keep on drinking, twice more than normal but I thought twice as shame engulfed me. Making me leave the party sad.

I was mateless and wolfless but that wasn't my fault and how people kept knowing about that flaw made me wonder if I had it written somewhere.

I knew that I wasn't from their pack originally but that didn't give them or anyone the right to treat me that way.

I sighed to myself as something started to call out to me. I called out back and ecstasy filled my bones.

What was this?

I love the scent that engulfed me and before long I was breathing it in till that was all I could perceive, my mind searching for what it must have been.

A part of me remembered that to feel a scent from nowhere was to have your mate nearby.

I was suddenly excited as I grasped the opportunity of my mate being nearby.

This could be the end of everything. All the rejections and insults? This could be it.

If he was close, I needed to meet him.

I moved quickly, as I didn't want the scent to die out. Excitement powered me through as I moved till the scent was the only thing in my nose even when I came in contact with the palace gates, I still moved forward.

Suddenly, I felt my body light on fire, a good kind of fire that brought warmth to my skin and insides.

I pressed my legs together to stop the feeling but the more I pressed my legs, the more I felt a moan at the back of my throat.

I was excited and I was in heat, all I wanted to do was to see my mate and make him mark me as his and his alone.

The scent got stronger as I passed through the throne room and some other rooms but the moment I got to the garden, the scent stopped.

I was still excited and juices dripped down the side of my thighs as I moved, I bit my lip in ecstasy.

All the beautiful things that he could do to me filled my head proportionately.

I placed a hand on my stomach to still myself and that was when I heard it.

It started at first but then fast, tiny sounds coming from inside the garden.

My heart started to beat fast as I heard more thumping and as I pressed my ears to the closed door, I heard moans.

I wanted to back away but the more the moans came out, the more annoyed I felt.

I have never felt like this, constricted about what to do, as the moans came out even louder, I couldn't help, the anger that suddenly built within me.

I opened the door with force and I was met with an outstretched bareback in the shadows, I realized that the moans were coming from someone else in this same Garden.

My face fell as I realized without a doubt that I was connected to the guy but that he was sleeping with someone else.

I gasped in horror as he finally turned back and paused for a moment.

"Don't stop" the girl said and he smiled broadly


He kept going!

I stood there, with my thighs dripping all of my juices, my mouth dry and watering at the same time.

I was the one supposed to be bent over not someone else. Hurt filled my heart as I made to turn around and walk out of the door.

"Stay!" he commanded and as though I was under a spell, I stood there and heard his every grunt and heard every moan until he was finished, and from where I was, my eyes rolled back in pain and yet I was still hungry for his touch.

"Were you the one that called out to me?" He asked and I turned to look at him, my face in horror of what it was he was asking me, he stepped out of the shadows, a smirk on his face.

The moment my eyes saw his, I immediately felt stupid.

What on earth did they put in that drink because I was delusional?

"Are you,- stressing the word as though it was some form of disease

" supposed to be my mate?" He asked me as he looked at me from my head to my toes and I froze.

There was no way that Lucius Hayden, prince of the ice stone pack was my mate.

No way this man whore and brat was my mate!

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