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Gifted to the vampire prince

Gifted to the vampire prince



I was doomed the moment her words escaped her lips, dripping in regal authority. My Queen has decided to give me to him as a gift before his ceremony. A consolation prize for being forced to take a mate not of his choosing. He isn't mine to have, but I dared to fall in love with him, despite knowing he was never mine to keep. He was never mine to lose either, now, I had to surrender him. 'It's time, my beauty,' Queen Valentina's voice echoed in my mind, her grip on my hands like a shackle. I nodded, my voice barely a whisper. 'Yes, my Queen.' I trembled at the unknown that awaited me. What happens when he's finished with me, would I emerge unscathed, or would I be forever shattered?

Chapter 1 Given

Ciara Pov

"l can't believe you're actually going to give her away for nothing. Adrian is fine with the arrangement. He has accepted his duties like a man! She'd be far better utilized for an actual diplomatic need, not to give my son another piece of ass before he's mated. He doesn't need his mother's gift to get that." King Baylen exclaimed, his hands gesturing emphatically in frustration.

Queen Valentina snapped her gorgeous head around, glaring her husband straight on as she

squared herself to her full height. "Exactly Baylen,he deserves this, he's giving up alot for your treaty. The least we can do is give him a reward for doing it so willingly, she is by far the most beautiful slave I've ever had. What he does with her is up to him. She will belong to him from now on. For now, she is mine to do with as I see fit, and I will give her to him, I don't need your permission to do so." He growled under his breath and ran his hands through his hair angrily. "Well, get it over with already. The ceremony is in a few months and he needs to get it out of his system so he can focus on what's coming. Hell, he can keep her on the side after he mates Vessa for all i care, but he will not be distracted from his duties." King Baylen stepped close, his eyes blazing with disapproval. "A waste," he muttered, his voice low and dismissive, before turning and exiting the room with a sharp click of the door queen Valentina took a calming breath before turning back to face me, her fingers holding firmly beneath my chin to bring my gaze up to meet hers. I felt my body tremble against her touch as my breath came out shortly. I worked hard to slow my heart rate, realizing she'd hear the change instantly. "Don't be afraid, Ciara. This is what you've been trained for your entire life. you are to bring him some comfort before all of this hell starts for him. You are to do whatever he asks of you and please him in more ways than just sexual."

Her mahogany eyes were warm as she gave me a small smile, cupping my face in her hands. She had been the only mother figure I'd known my entire life. They found me at age three, wandering the woods outside of their kingdom. She took pity on me and brought me in to join her personal slaves, having me serve beneath her private servant. As I began to age, she noticed my creamy skin and long wavy Black hair paired with my deep emerald eyes as a gift to be nurtured. She separated me from the rest of the slaves and began to have me serve her individually. She'd had me fitted for a chastity

belt the moment my curves began to come in, knowing the males in the kingdom would try and use me. Most knew better because of my position with the Queen, but they often did not keep their hands to themselves, only to find that they would not be able to be successful with the barrier seated tightly around my hips. She'd treated me with a firm hand but with kindness, nurturing me from the beginning. She did not however blur the line between master and slave. I knew my place. I knew she is in charge of every movement and step I take. I knew nothing else, her authority and guidance

Is all have known. She ensured I was trained not only as her personal servants, but in other aspects. Queen Valentina had me learn the art of seduction and pleasure as well, knowing my purpose would one day be useful in tight

negotiations or to show gratitude to another kingdom or warrior after a major battle. I'd known my fate all along, I'd accepted it. Queen Valentina had me spend the entire day being cleaned and prepared, and a new outfit was made for me. I slipped into the thin skirt of the

white gauzy dress before pulling the halter over my head and around my neck. The neckline

plunged to meet the skirt sitting low on my hips before it wrapped around my back, covering just enough skin. Two slits split the sides, exposing my hips and the silver of my chastity belt. My back felt the delicate gold chain as it draped against my bare skin, sending shivers down my spine each time it touched. The sides

of my hair had been braided into a partial braid meeting in the middle of the back of my neck as the rest of my long black hair hung in cascading waves down my back and arms. My gold metal collar was placed around my neck, the center open to indicate my status. I was ready. " It's time for you to be presented to him." She squeezed my shoulders reassuringly and then turned, leaving the royal suites and walking slowly towards the throne room as I followed closely behind. She was announced and I trembled slightly as I followed her in, my barefoot steps quietly padding against the cold stone floors. My eyes remained dropped to the floor as I moved, focusing to calm my breathing. She stepped up onto the platform and sat in her golden seat beside King Baylen, as if it was any other day in court. I felt a presence standing at my side and my heart fluttered as I realized the prince was standing only inches from me, waiting. I fought every

urge not to look up at him, but I could see in my peripheral that his hands were clenching and

unclenching. Did he not want me? After a moment, Queen Valentina spoke with authority as the King eyed her in annoyance."Zane, in honor of your cooperation with the terms of the peace treaty that King Treston has laid out, you are being gifted with one of my most sacred possession. She has been raised with the sole

purpose of gifting her purity one day, and that time has now come. Today, and from now on, she is yours. She holds her key and is ready to present it to you at whatever time you're ready." "I told you I didn't need this. I understand what's expected of me. You don't have to bribe me." Prince Adrian spoke dismissively. "Zane, this is not a bribe, it's a reward and it's one you'll accept, whether you like it or not she belongs to you now. Do with that what you will." Queen Valentina spoke firmly and absolutely. There was no room for negotiation with her. He hesitated and took a deep breath before saying calmly, "Fine." He bowed shortly and Left quicker than I could follow. Keeping my eyes to the floor, I gave a small bow before turning and slowly walked in the direction of his suite. I knew the way, and would be there waiting until he was ready. It was my duty

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