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Gifted to the vampire prince

Chapter 7 Broken walls

Word Count: 2425    |    Released on: 15/05/2024


away, tryin

s I tried t

hold, but

I lifted m

lly gave in

just enou

n to wedge

een his kn

own his s

gers up his thighs and

ut he contr

now nearly black in d

nbutton hi

before slig

ed to harden more under my gaze. My hands twitched with the desire


ngue flicke

teeth gen

ttom lip.

hrough hi

s traced

pleasure, as I took him slowly into my mouth, my tongue massaging and circling around him as my mo

ra!" he g

asure, enjoying the way I affected

on against

move my

nd down i

nd circled the round

ucking him

His brea

agged and

ing contro

ed up his

ainst his b

ssaging i

y move

He gritt

ew moment

o grip in

mly against

y eyes sho

into mine a

rther to t

y mouth. I

m as I fel

e, pushin

ack into

he reflex

elf again

t of me.

I could fe

g against

pain tingl

fingers gr

hair. My

to work

outh as i

nd within m

want to cum in your mo

in resp

into my m


and thrust

e groaned

ath as I f

lling the

ckly swallow


gainst my

my head

s strong h

eased him

lt him shu

th c

ept up my

down to hi

body as my head reste

His hand reached down and pull m


before k

nst his lips, pleased

y let me in. He took a moment, slowi

l dragging against the wood and my breath caught. His body hovered ov

I'd been p

pect, but

to forget

was this

ng at me

evour me,

o le

s time I fin

thing, don

y to give

rembled as

My question came out in a breath. He nodded and

forehead a

going to be

be in your

de to remov

he one to do

itched in m

oated down

inst the pl

ath me. I

ent, and

ut was jus

r as steel.

small lock

I hovered a

g the key into it and

nding a jol

in mine, trailing it down my side and pulling it

inst my ski

en and his

e more as I

the waist

e willingl

s fingers

my thighs a

belt dro

uietly as

ound my op

through m

at my ape

ng increased as he repeated the movement, I bit down onto my lip as

ry gorgeou

you want.

his chest

ivers up m

ed thr

his hand

oved dow


opened wi

ands reac

ess from m

what was l

He stared at my naked body and muttered


he lowere

en my legs


mly against

y bundle of nerves. I gasped and m

e began t

as he licked down

my entra

o start aga

k arched i

uth began

ngs scrape

I cried,

n his tee

with his t

ed fierce

t his finge

nd slide i

g it wit

moaned as

e sha

eady near

e'd even

gainst me

s through

ps to buck against

ed tight o

e firmly

s moved in

g and hitt

ot as his mo


ut as my

tic. "Adria

I couldn'

as I felt

rash over

body ove

fingers. He slid them out and his mouth lapped

rose to bri

, his forehead rest

no idea

l you com

u're so fuc

you'd brea


e deeply as


cing hea

tingled t


said gent

on my hi

pull the co

beneath me

d it to the

k. I stared

led nearly black with

y legs as

e to let m

y cupped

me deeply,

t the seam


dove into

softly b

hungry o

ropped to

t the back

him press

manhood a

caught and

my traito


to take it

pulled aw

s flashed up to see him looking

nodded sho

lip in ant

rubbed h

st my ent

gh my fo

nd sliding

ve clit. He

thin me a

his nost

swirled da

eply into


wet for me

nd rough w

flipped w

himself at my hot c

across his

oking his

is thick c

gently he

gle he wa

into me, i

and my ha

nd his neck

and stare

ncern filli

, are

uickly and

n't stop

mewhat un

ut I'd also

. I wanted

m. I tried

pushed the rest of

ana. You'r


lled his f

ips against

ed tighter

ling him f

aned and g

y hip. He

tly away b

ck in and

a stead


d over his

eel more p

ull ache was beginn

of him. I

back. I lo

m and beg

nts, rocki

thm wi

as his fing

in. "

ing shall

nto his bac

pushing h

easure was

st control

slowly get


" I couldn't

before t

egan to cr

gled and convulsed

n fire

ck Ciara.

ls pulsed

once more

ling his ho

eathing wa

own hitch

f every par

lled and n

needed mor

ainst him

o the side

ing his as

ed, never

linking u

dened and h

"Not done y

down at hi

own his ch

ed to gri


e." My voic

wasn't ask

w me to b

and this

At least

gently sl

bbing erec

ght instan

no idea

are right


y arm arou

d the oth

gan to lif


l harden

rumbled t

he began t

, thrusti

than bef

we were b

wave of b


roaned as I cried

d his arm

me tightly

e sat, sti

to reign in


mazing." I

ng finally

a semi-n

into the

ssing again


uietly and

him and ca

oom. He p

front of

ing it on a

pulling m

sadness cr

as the ho

fought to p

kept resur

ad him, ho

to give

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