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"My life was a whirlwind of privilege and innocence until everything changed. As the only child of wealthy parents, I'd always had everything I needed, but never really connected with the girly scene. My best friend Travis, the ultimate playboy, was my rock, and we shared a bond that went beyond siblings. But when my dad's business went bankrupt and my parents left me in Travis's care, my world turned upside down. Living with Travis and his family, I struggled to cope with the loss of my old life and the secrets Travis kept from me. Little did I know, our summer of solitude would lead to a truth or dare game that would change everything..."

Chapter 1 Home Alone.


I opened my eyes and blinked several times, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness.

I sat up in bed, letting out a deep breath as I thought about the dream I had just woken up from.

It was the fourth time this week that I had dreamt about my parents, and it always left me feeling a little bit shaken and sad. I reached over and turned on the light, blinking again as the room flooded with light.

I couldn't help but think about my parents as I got out of bed. Maybe because we've never been apart for so long, I still need to get use to it.

I slid out of bed and walked over to the door,opening it and stepping into the hallway.

The light from the kitchen shone down the hall, and I made my way towards it, feeling the cool floor under my bare feet.

I opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water, unscrewing the cap and taking a long drink.

The cool water felt good on my throat, and I savored the moment of peace.

I was about to take another drink when the sound of footsteps in the hall made me jump.

I turned to see Travis, my best friend, walking into the kitchen, a surprised look on his face.

"Luna!" he called in surprised.

"Travis" I exhaled.

"You scared me! I didn't expect you'd to be up at this hour." He looked at me, concern in his eyes. "Everything okay?"

I hesitated for a moment,debating whether to tell him about my dream.

In the end,I decided to be honest. "I just had a dream about my parents." I said softly.

"Is it okay if I ask what the dream was about?" He ask gently.

I nodded, taking a deep breath.

"In the dream, I was back in my childhood home." I began.

"And my parents were there, just like they always were. But then something happened, you recall the day we both hide in mom's closet cos we took some cash from her save to pay Anny for helping us with our assignments"

"Yh" He said and grabbed the second drink I was holding. He opened uncapped and hand it back to me.

"The dream was like they're the ones in our position and not us.. isn't that weird?" I ask with a small chuckle.

He nodded and gently placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I think it's because you've been missing then too much lately, It's just a dream. It's not real" He said.

Even after he said that, I was still restless. Maybe he noticed it cos Travis held my shoulder instantly and pull me closer to him.

I swallowed hard, feeling the tears welling up in my eyes.

"I'm sure they'll come back for you soon, trust me okay?" He reassured and gave a short smile.

"I know, I just missed them a lot I guess"

Travis nodded, squeezing my shoulder reassuringly.

"I know it's hard, but we'll both get through this" He grabs my hand and we both left the kitchen, he made me sat on the couch and he sat next to me, switching the TV on.

"What are you doing?" I faced him.

"Since we're both having a hard time to sleep, how about we watch some porn?" He winked.

"Porn?" I blinked twice.

"Yes, don't tell me it's your first time...." He seem quite surprised to hear that.

"I'm not interested" I spoke and Travis nod bringing out another disk.

"Horror?" He asks.

"Yes, I love horror the most, my favorite genre" I smiled.

Travis inserted the disk and before it's started playing, he got a big bowl of popcorn from the kitchen and two cans of sodas.

He sat very close to me but didn't moved anything in me as always. We're both used to staying this close anyway.

The first thirty minutes was going well untill it's got to one of the most chilling scenes in "The Exorcist" comes when the young girl, Regan, becomes possessed and her body contorts in an unnatural way.

In this scene, Regan's body twists and turns in ways that would be impossible for a normal human, and she is able to spin her head around completely just like I read in the book.

I couldn't help but let out a high-pitched scream. I gripped Travis's arm tightly, my heart pounding in my chest as I watched the scene unfold.

I was so scared that I jumped up and threw our bowl of popcorn in the air, some of it landing on Travis's head.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to" I bit my lips as our eyes met.

He just laughed and pulled me close, trying to calm me down.

"Holy crap, that was terrifying!" I whisper as I huddled against Travis's side. His arms still wrapped around me.

"It's just a movie, it's not real" he reassured me.

"I know" I said, trying to calm my racing heart. "But that scene was so intense, It felt so real!"

We both turned our attention back to the movie, but I kept my arm wrapped around Travis's waist, just in case another scary scene came on.

As we watched the movie, I started to relax and enjoy the story, but then another jump scare happened and I let out another yelp.

This time, Travis didn't laugh.

He just looked at me and said, "Do you want to stop watching the movie? It's clearly not good for your heart!"

I took a deep breath and said, "No, I'm okay. I want to see how it ends." I was determined to finish the movie, even if it scared me to death.

Travis smiled and said, "Okay, but I'm keeping my arm around you just in case" He said.

"Whatever" I added before returning my face to the TV.

Travis smiled and movie continued.

I found myself gripping Travis's arm even tighter as the movie continue, my nails digging into his skin. But he didn't complain or try to pull away, he just held me close and whispered,

"It's okay, you're safe."

Finally, the movie ended and the credits started rolling.

I let out a long sigh of relief and turned to Travis.

"That was the scariest movie I've ever seen! But I'm glad we watched it." I giggle.

"I must admit, it was fun" Travis smiled.

"Yh, thanks for making my night better. I feel okay now" I got up and stretch her body.

"Goodnight Travis" I turned to head to my room but Travis grabbed my hand.

"If you're still scared, you can stay in my room if you want?"

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