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Bonded by love

Bonded by love



Phone rings…. “Hello, Mr. Jones” Said Mr. Loys “ Sir, please have mercy on me, even if I sell myself I won’t be able to repay you”. Said Mr. Jones. “Shhhh, who says you can’t repay me. I want 1 of your girls to serve my son, you know what I mean. I will give you some extra money ”. Said Mr. Loys. “Okay sir, thank you sir”. Said Mr. Jones in happiness as he ended the call.

Chapter 1 Are we going to be homeless

It’s 6:00am Yvonne wakes up as usual to do her chores, “Gabby

wake up, let’s get ready” said Yvonne.

“Let me sleep a little while, please” said Gabby.

“No, you have to wake up now or I’ll tickle you” said


“I’m up, you don’t have to”. Said Gabby.

“I’d wake Lucy and Valerie, you just have to tidy the

kitchen. I’d do the rest.” said Yvonne

Yvonne is a very beautiful girl , tall, slender, brown skinned

with pointed nose. She is very

intelligent but due to her family’s financial issues she and her siblings had

to drop out. Yvonne is the first child of a family of 4 children, all being

girls. As a result of this her father was always unhappy and only sees girl

children as investments.


Phone rings…

“Hello sir”. Said Yvonne’s father.

“Mr. Jones, when are you going to pay back my money?” asked Mr.


“ Sir, I promise to pay back your money but I don’t have it

now”. Said Mr. Jones.

“If you don’t pay my money by the end of the today , l will

take your life.” Said Mr. Loys.

“ Sir please…” call ends.

“ how am I going to pay back the money”. Mr Jones pondered.


“Mummy.., we made a lot of sales today”. Yvonne said in excitement.

“That’s very good at least we would be able to pay for our

rent. Yvonne take this money and buy some groceries from the market”. Said Mrs.


“ okay mum”. Answered Yvonne as she collects the money and goes

off to the Market.

“Yvonne, Yvonne”. Stella calls from behind.

Yvonne turns to the direction of the voice.

“Stella, how are you doing? Asked Yvonne.

“I’m doing just fine, and you?”. Replied Stella

“I’m okay” Said Yvonne.

“It’s been long we saw each other, since high school.” Said


“ yes, your looking good “. Said Yvonne.

“let’s exchange contacts”. Said Stella

“Okay” Yvonne said as she brings out her button phone.

“see you soon ”. Said Stella.

“Stella looks really good” Yvonne thought to herself as she

heads back home.


“pay your rent, I have been patient enough with you. I will

call my boys to send you out of my property”. Said Mr. Hooks the Land lord.

“ Sir, we will pay your money, just give us a little time

please”. Said Mrs. Jones in tears.

“ I have tried, your rent expired since 6months now, no sign

of payment. I am willing to give you an extra one week to pack your bags and

leave”. Said Mr. Hooks as he leaves in anger.

“ Mum, I thought you paid for the rent”. Asked Yvonne

“I gave your father the money to pay the rent, it means he

didn’t pay it. He might have used the money to gamble again”. Said Mrs. Jones crying


“ Mum, don’t cry we will find a way out”. Said Gabby Yvonne’s

immediate younger sister.

“Are we going to be homeless? Asked little Valerie.

“No, baby it will all be fine, we just have to work twice as

hard”. Said Yvonne.

Mr. Jones returns at noon.

“ where is the money I gave you to pay the rent, the

landlord was here and he gave us one week to vacate his property.”. Said Mrs.


“Woman, don’t trouble me I have my own problems”. Said Mr.Jones.

“We are going to be kicked out of the house and all you can say

is ‘Woman, don’t trouble me, I have my own problems.’ Do you want us to live on

the streets”. Said Mrs. Jones in anger.

“I’m off to bed, goodnight”. Said Mr. Jones.


Phone rings….

“Hello, Mr. Jones” Said Mr. Loys

“ Sir, please have mercy on me, even if I sell myself I won’t

be able to repay you”. Said Mr. Jones.

“Shhhh, who says you can’t repay me. I want 1 of your girls to

serve my son, you know what I mean. I will give you some extra money ”. Said Mr.


“Okay sir, thank you sir”. Said Mr. Jones in happiness as he

ended the call.

“Yvonne, Yvonne”. Mr. Jones called out as he searched for


“ Yes daddy”. Yvonne Answered.

“have a sit”. Said Mr. Jones.

“I just spoke to Mr. Loys on the phone, I owe him a lot of

money and he wants me to repay him”. Said Mr. Jones

“We don’t have any money now, how can we repay him. Dad you

can try asking him for sometime, I and Gabby will try to get some money”.

Suggested Yvonne.

“ Even if the whole family works together, we won’t be able

to pay him”. Said Mr. Jones.

“ how much is his money” asked Yvonne.

“1 million dollars”. Said Mr. Jones

“ What!”. Exclaimed Yvonne.

“ Yes” said Mr Jones.

“ Dad, the money is huge. what did you use the money for”. Asked


“ I thought I would get more money, I didn’t expect they

would take it from me”. Said Mr Jones.

“so you used the money to gamble?”. Asked Yvonne

“Yes”. Said Mr. Jones

“ I can’t be the only one to hear this, Mum, Gabby please

come.” Called Yvonne.

“What’s the problem?”. Asked Mrs. Jones.

“Yes, big sis”. Gabby answered.

“can you believe that dad borrowed, 1 million dollars from

someone and lost it to gambling”. Said Yvonne.

“what!!!’ Exclaimed Mrs. Jones and Gabby in unison

“how can you gamble with 1 million dollars, knowing fully

well that we barely eat. If we had invested that money we would be living a

comfortable life.” queried Mrs. Jones.

“Dad how can you do this.” Said Gabby.

“ well, the did has been done. It’s no use crying over spilt

milk. Mr. Loys wants his money back.” Said Mr. Jones.

“And how does that concern us?, you should pay for your

wrong deeds. You didn’t inform us when you borrowed the money, why inform us

now”. Said Gabby.

“ you are my only family, Mr. Loys is dangerous, he

threatened to kill me. Do you want your father to die”. Asked Mr. Jones.

“It makes no difference if you are dead or alive”. Said


“ Gabby, don’t be too harsh. He is still our father”. Said


“ I think Gabby is right, let him sought it out himself”.

Said Mrs. Jones.

“Mum, even you”. Said Yvonne.

“ please you have to help me, Mr. Loys wants Yvonne to

please his son as a gift to his son, who will return from a foreign country in

few days time”. Said Mr. Jones.

“I’m speechless” said Gabby.

“How can you do this to your own daughter”. Said Mrs. Jones.

“ he promised to give us 1 million dollars again, atleast we

can pay the rent and do some other things”. Said Mr. Jones.

“ I am not doing it”. Said Yvonne.

“you don’t have a choice”. Mr. Jones said.

Yvonne storms out in anger.

“How can you be this wicked to your daughter, she will not

do it”. Said Mrs. Jones.

“ Woman, don’t make things difficult, help me convince Yvonne”.

Said Mr. Jones

“ I will do no such thing”. Said Mrs. Jones.

“Guess what, if Yvonne does not agree he will kill each and

every one of us” said Mr. Jones in an irritated tune.

“what have you gotten us into”. Said Mrs. Jones.

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