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Forced to Marry My Ex Brother-in-Law

Forced to Marry My Ex Brother-in-Law

Vithree Rosea


"Your sister died, you should marry your brother-in-law, Nai!" I was forced to get married. After I took care of his little daughter, Rama became a polygamist when I gave birth without him! Living under the same roof with a mistress? Just look at it! I will repay you.

Chapter 1 My Life

"I want us to break up, Iz, I already accepted Rama's proposal!"

Faiz was surprised when I told him that. Even though I knew he was holding a ring to propose, I reluctantly let go of the year-long bond that we have been living.

"It's not fair for me, Nai. We should have gotten engaged by the end of this year. You shouldn't take the responsibility of taking care of Mira. We love each other, right?" asked Faiz with wide eyes.

"Destiny, Iz. My sister died, my nephew is still kid. If I hadn't married my brother-in-law, he would have moved my nephew away from here. My parents asked me to marry Rama."

I held his hand tightly as I looked down. "I'm sorry, Iz."

Without another word, Faiz left me. A unilateral decision that I didn't want.

One month later, I married Rama, my brother-in-law to be a mother to Mira, his daughter.


No, I wasn't. I regret a lot, including the material and freedom I gave up for this marriage.


A year later...

I was already four months pregnant while taking care of my little daughter. I was also still working as a pharmacy attendant just to supplement my monthly income.

Only half of the salary Rama gave me. The rest? He keeps it for his own needs.

"Next month, you don't need to cater for mother anymore, Nai."

Rama talked to me after arriving home after picking me up from work. Just as I wanted to undress because it was hot, he complained that it was because I couldn't cook during pregnancy.

"Six hundred thousand rupiahs a month is a lot, Nai! I only eat dinner, I don't go home during the day. Just cook, it's more economical."

"I can't do it yet, I'm still nauseous. Besides, six hundred thousand rupiahs is already cheap. If I shop by myself, not to mention oil, spices, chili and others. It's already delicious, you just have to eat. I just cook rice in the rice cooker."

I deliberately showed a wry smile just to make Rama realize that I didn't want to comply with his wishes. Yes, how could he know the difficulty of this pregnancy? Not just nausea, my back hurts all over. Lying down to rest is difficult.

"Besides, if I cook, how will I shop? Do you want to take me to the market to shop? I'm also having trouble finding the ingredients. The market lately has been muddy, flooded, I'm afraid of slipping."

"Yes, ask the Putri to take you! I'm working, right? Besides, you have a motorcycle but someone else uses it. It's a waste. You know you don't need a motorcycle loan, just save the money to buy gold. It can be an investment."

Rama left me after the argument. He must have gone to meet his friend at the café for coffee and peanuts while watching the ball on the television screen there.

I sat limply on the chair, letting the tears fall with a tight heart. Yes, the motorcycle that I bought when I was single, is now being used by my sister everyday because of my mother's request.

Kling! An incoming message popped up on the screen. The new number listed there.

[Assalamu'alaikum, Naina. It's me, Faiz. How are you? You're well, right? I didn't want to disturb you, I just wanted to ask how you were doing. Yesterday I dreamt that you were sick, so I was worried.]

My heart was beating violently. Faiz, the one I forced to retreat in his struggle when I decided to accept my brother-in-law's proposal.


He is the past that I gave up in order to marry Rama. The throbbing I feel now is not because I still love him.

I still feel guilty towards Faiz regarding our past story. Yes, it's not right to make him wait, I just reply to the greeting message to calm his heart.

[Waalaikum salam. Alhamdulillah, I'm well, Iz. Thank you.]

I don't want to ask again so that there is no continuation of this chat to avoid unwanted things.

[Alhamdulillah. Stay healthy, Nai. I wish you happiness.]

Happy. Every wife wants that in her life.

Honestly, my household is also happy. Moreover, I have Mira and am now pregnant. Married without love and also because of the demands of fate. I tried to be sincere. However, money always creates problems.

I put the phone down after sending a message to Rama. Not forgetting beforehand, I deleted the chat history from Faiz so that there would be no misunderstanding later.

[What time do you get home? I'm sleepy. I'll lock it from inside. You have the key, right?"]

Only read, without reply.


Sunday morning at the end of the month. After I had eaten breakfast, I started to clean up to leave.

Rama who saw me getting ready, then asked, "Where are you going, Nai?"

"I'm going to my mother's house. Just for a while."

"Mira is taking me out for a walk later this afternoon. Later-"

"Use your money! I don't have any more money, I haven't gotten paid from the pharmacy yet!" I snapped, closing the door to go to my mother's house.

When I got there, I saw my mother and father sitting on the terrace enjoying tea and coffee. There was no Putri, I don't know where she went so early with my motorcycle.

"What are you doing, Nai?" asked my father.

I smiled while kissing the hands of my father and mother. "Nothing. There's just something I want to talk to you a little bit. About my bike."

I carefully told them about my desire to sell the bike.

"Let it be used by Putri. When she gets a job and has her own money, she can buy a new one," my mother said.

"But my bike broke down, the price went down. Don't you feel sorry for me?"

"You're already married. The money is your husband's problem. Why bother? I don't know, I'm too lazy to talk about it."

My mother left me and my father with a worried heart. Where did I go wrong? I was just demanding my rights. Can't she understand?

My father looked at me sadly. I wish he would stand by my side and understand my current predicament.

"I'll help you. Don't think about it anymore. You're pregnant, don't stress. Besides, why are you suddenly asking about the motorcycle? Are you having financial difficulties? What's wrong with Rama's work? Is there a problem?"

I just shook my head. I didn't want to reveal my household finances to my father. I was afraid of becoming a burden on his mind. I felt like my daily bread wasn't enough, but for Rama, it wasn't a burden.

"Not like that, Dad. I'm afraid that if my bike is damaged or lost, I'll get stressed, right? I'll just sell it for savings."

After that, I said goodbye to go home. Just as I reached the crossroads, I ran into my best friend, Linda. That beauty must have been jogging around the neighborhood to maintain her fit body.

"Are you idle? Let's eat some chicken porridge together!" she asked.

We had a quick snack at a chicken porridge stall not far from my house. Linda smiled as she placed a bowl of chicken porridge in front of me.

"Here, for beautiful pregnant women. You have to eat a lot, don't stress."

"I already ate at home, Lin," I said. But still, who could resist the savory taste of the broth of our regular chicken porridge?

"For my little nephew, please!"

We spent the rest of the second joking around. After she finished her bowl of porridge, she looked at my nerves with her narrowed eyes.

"Why?" I asked, curious.

"I met Faiz at the mall yesterday."

I choked a little on the cold sweet tea that had been flowing down my throat.

"So?" I asked, pretending to be ignorant. Just last night she had texted me, and Linda had mentioned it.

"When you rejected him yesterday, he went to Jakarta to work for his aunt. I was surprised to suddenly meet him yesterday. He said he had been transferred to Medan. You're going back to your old home."

I didn't want to ask any more questions, just pursed my lips and said a short 'oh'. Linda knew I didn't want to talk about it. I was also married, Faiz was my past. It was inappropriate to talk about another man.

"I think he's getting more successful. I heard he got a promotion to manager at the showroom where he works. There must be more girls approaching him. He's handsome, rich, and has a good career."

"Well then, go ahead and ask him. You're single, right?"

"I'll be looking for a date anyway. I'll get married at 35." Her laughter was heard after that.

"Don't be like that, no one knows what your soul mate is."

Yes, soul mates are part of destiny. How Faiz and I used to be committed together all the way to the aisle, suddenly my world changed when my brother died in the hospital. My life agenda took a quick turnaround. Rama, who I had been staring at like my brother because I didn't have a brother, I suddenly felt awkward with him when everyone started urging me to marry him. That was the destiny that brought me to this moment.


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Forced to Marry My Ex Brother-in-Law

Chapter 1 My Life
