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Losing Myself In Your Darkness

Losing Myself In Your Darkness

Elf Khan


Everywhere was very dark, the sky was covered with darkness, the fog in the air made everything even more difficult. And he was walking in a hurry in the forest filled with dense trees, as if he was late somewhere. But both the trees and the dense fog prevented him. Taking big steps, he was trying to cross this difficult road in a state where he was out of breath. However, he arrived at the right place even though he was a little late. Behind the black mist was a person, but his physical appearance seemed to be taller and slimmer than normal people. There was no one there but the two of them, both of whom had to be there just in time. When Lucifer saw that he was late, he began to grumble. "You're late again," he told him in an angry tone. The man who entered hurriedly then repeatedly apologized with a bow in front of him. "Excuse me, but I am not yet accustomed to this situation. Please, why have you called me here?" Lucifer accepted his apology and explained the reason for calling him here. His tone of voice and his gaze made it clear that the matter was serious. With a confident and intimidating tone, Lusifer asked the person in front of him who was visibly scared: When do you think about killing her? Time is running out. While everything in her life was going normal, Nena meets someone. Assuming him to be a light coming into her life, it actually turns out to be a darkness descending upon her life.

Chapter 1 November 1445

The entire surroundings were enveloped in complete darkness, with the sky covered in a thick shroud of black clouds. The mist hanging in the air added to the ominous atmosphere, making it even more challenging to see clearly. He was pushing his way through the dense forest, almost as if he was in a rush or running behind schedule. However, the abundance of thick trees and heavy smoke in the air made his progress slow and arduous. With each determined step, he struggled to navigate through the challenging terrain, feeling breathless and exhausted.

Despite the obstacles, he eventually reached his destination, albeit slightly later than he had intended. Behind the veil of dark mist, there was a figure lurking, appearing larger and more imposing than the average person due to their physical stature.

No one else was present in the room, making it essential for both of them to arrive on time. When Lucifer noticed the man's tardiness, his voice filled with indignation as he tersely remarked, "You're late once again." The man, clearly perturbed by his own delay, humbly lowered his head and expressed his apologies multiple times. "I am truly sorry, but adjusting to this new situation is proving to be quite challenging for me. Could you please enlighten me on the reason for summoning me here?"

Lucifer graciously accepted the apology from his companion, his tone and gaze indicating the gravity of the situation. It was clear that the famous prophecy they had long been aware of was now rapidly approaching its fulfillment. As time passed, the prophecy grew weaker, and now they were on the brink of its realization. The decision was made - she must be eliminated to prevent their own demise. Lucifer entrusted this crucial task to his companion, knowing full well the importance and danger of the mission. "You are aware of the famous prophecy, as time passes, it diminishes, and we are now getting closer to it. We must kill her. If we don't, she will kill us. I entrust this important task to you." They both understood without needing to speak the identity of the person in question.

He expressed his gratitude to the gentleman for entrusting him with the task, unable to meet his gaze. "Sir, I am grateful to you for giving me this task." Lucifer proceeded to caution him about the consequences of failure. He posed a question, inquiring if he was prepared to face the severe punishment that would follow any mishap. "If you fail to do this, a great punishment awaits you, are you ready for this?"

The man standing before Lucifer responded in a voice that quivered with fear. He acknowledged his responsibility to follow Lucifer's orders. His voice quivered with a mixture of excitement and dread. Lucifer's words were delivered in a menacing tone, as he cautioned the man once more: "When the moment arrives, I will claim what I desire from you. I trust you comprehend the gravity of the situation. Emotions can be deceiving, so it's essential not to rely on them. The outcome rests in your hands."

Present time

The sun was shining brightly, and autumn had not yet begun to make its presence known; the clear blue sky seemed to be beaming down on everyone below. The universities were bustling with activity, gearing up for the start of a new academic year. Fresh-faced new students eagerly took their first steps onto campus, while returning students prepared to dive back into their familiar routines.

As the phone rang, she groggily reached out to check the time - it was already 7:00 a.m. Her long, flowing blonde locks cascaded down to her waist, and she struggled to open her heavy, drooping eyelids in an attempt to wake herself up. Excitement bubbled within her as she realized it was the first day of classes at the university, and Nena felt a surge of happiness at the thought of beginning a new chapter as a student.

Determined not to be late on this important day, she sprang into action, quickly getting ready for the day ahead. Standing in front of the mirror, Nena wrestled with her unruly hair, contemplating whether to cut it short or keep its length. Despite the challenge, she decided to let her golden locks flow freely, embracing her unique style. Nena, a petite blonde with a lively spirit, meticulously chose her outfit when her phone interrupted her thoughts. It was her close friend Vera calling.

Vera, a statuesque beauty with dark brunette hair and mesmerizing eyes as deep as the night sky, was always impeccably groomed and effortlessly elegant. The two young women had been inseparable since their school days, entering the same university though pursuing different majors. Their bond remained strong, undeterred by their diverse academic interests. Their childhood friendship with Nena blossomed as they lived next to each other. Nena picked up the phone and greeted Vera with a warm "Hello".

"How are you, Nena? We're waiting downstairs for you, or are you still not up?"

"No, I'm getting ready. Who did you bring with you?" Nena inquired with curiosity in her voice.

"I brought Samuel, and he's eager to see you." Vera revealed.

Excitedly, Nena hurried to join them.

Samuel was not only Vera's close friend but also Nena's boyfriend as they neared their one-year anniversary. Possessing an alluring charm, the tall, slightly blonde Samuel had the ability to captivate any girl, including Nena, with his striking blue eyes. Unbeknownst to many, Samuel lived alone without any family, having tragically lost his parents in an accident. He rarely discussed his family background. Meanwhile, Nena resided with her parents and had no siblings. Before leaving home, she made sure her parents were well.

Upon laying eyes on her beloved boyfriend, Nena's face lit up with joy.

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