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To my husband's mistress

To my husband's mistress



Prologue My hand was shaking as I left the bathroom. I hid the Pregnancy Test in the pocket of my pants before leaving the room. As usual, I'm the only one here in our huge house. I sat on the sofa and stopped the sobs that I had been holding in for a while. I took the pt from my pocket and two red lines were revealed to me. *thud!* I immediately turned to face the door as it opened violently. My husband entered as if a woman was there. Nothing but its attachment. But in this household, I'm the one who looks the part. "A-ahh Ki-Kione. A-you're here" I said and stood up. He just stared at me blankly and he moved his eyes to the girl with him. "Let's go babe. We're just wasting time her" he said coldly and led the girl into his room. I immediately smiled brightly and wiped my runaway tears. I went to the garage and got into my car. I immediately turned it on and I just drove by drive. I want to go away especially now that we have children. I know he doesn't care about it. He despises me a lot. And I cannot bare to see my soon to be child being miserable because hi

Chapter 1 Avlaire's POV✨

✨Avlaire's POV✨

After I lay down and tried to sleep again, I can feel the rock-like bed.

Just a little bit, I'll believe it's not a dream.

I can also smell the surroundings, it`s not disgusting but it`s different from our house.

I slowly looked behind me and the image of the surroundings changed because I thought it was a dream.

Usually that can't be changed, but NO.

This handsome, hot, tall, Moreno and half naked man is still in front of me.

I took a deep breath and then faced them while gripping the blanket.

Maybe he'll beat me and I won't be able to stop him, it's hard.

I faked a cough before speaking.

"Who are you?", I asked with my bossy attitude so they wouldn't think they could take advantage of me.

The kid looked at this hot guy and talked.

"Nanny, how are you?"

I raised my eyebrows because I couldn't understand him.

I've met a lot of kids before but they speak English perfectly and what?

She called him naya?

"So you`re a maid here?", I asked to the guy who was looking at the child.

He is smiling and I almost faint.

How can he be so angelic?

I shook my head to wake up to the truth.

After n


I kept writing as I waited for Aki to return. The one friend of his friend left with their mother. My mom said she would leave Aki to take care of me. Well, I'm not that I don't like it and I'm still thankful for her mommy's suggestion but her son is so ugly. After a few minutes, Aki came in with her hand again. This time, he's wearing a t-shirt. Why?

"Oh!.", He said at the same time as the cup of coffee next to the net hard bed. I looked at her and she wasn't smiling but her reaction was a firm. "Eat up and Mom says, if you want to, you borrow her clothes first."

I raised her eyebrows. "Do you expect me to eat that?", I said as he stared at the bread he was in.

“No. I don't really care if you eat or not, you will be hungry. ”, He said and then lowered the bread and then looked at me again. “Get out when you need something. I'm just going to cry. ”, He said and didn't wait for my answer and came out.

I struggled with my image and then looked at the food in front of me. “What`s this, anyway? And the coffee, the aroma is very cheap. ”, I complained while talking to myself. I also smelled the bread and its hardness compared to the breads I had eaten before. I plan to eat it but my stomach growled. I didn't even die from kidnapping, I would have died of hunger if I didn't eat.

I jumped and ate a little part of the bread to taste it. Ihhh. It really taste bad but not that bad but .. I looked at the bread again and its shape is like Aki`s ABS. Maybe I'll think of that abs to make me happy.

After I ate and ran out of sweet coffee and hard bread, I just wondered again and wondering what plan I could make but it looks like no one will be sitting here while staring at my shabby surroundings. I decided to go out and plan when I saw where I was.

I slowly got up and carefully focused on the wood wall because I was feeling it anytime. After I passed the curtain entrance, I heard that something was beating outside or something. I followed the sound and then I saw Aki on the other side of the small house. I was surprised that with one eye of my eye, I immediately went around the whole house.

Slowly I approached the window near Aki and was careful not to touch any of the belongings because it might be one wrong move and the house collapsed. He`s cutting woods and sweat sweat. Even with his shirt, his masculine figure is still scratched and it looks hotter. I immediately shook my head and thought about how much it was.

"So you're wondering.", I said, repeating what he said. I don`t know why but he stopped for a second after hearing me then continued to say I didn't say anything. “You`re so ugly? Anyway, where can I take a bath? I feel gross towards myself right now. ”, I said while looking around. As I looked at Aki, she was walking somewhere.

He was coming in inside the house and then I went somewhere but I followed immediately. He didn't answer but he stopped in front of the curtain.

"Here is the bathroom.", He said without even looking. “And the water? It will take the well. ”, He added at the same time as the box that had something on the ground. There is a bucket do`n with some rope. "Come on, I'll teach you to get it."

I followed him again with a gap. I can't process anything he is saying right now. Do you want me to bathe there? In that little space that looks gross? And duh? The water eh from under the ground? Is he kidding me? Do you still want me to take it?

“Ganto. You will drop the bucket and then wait for it to sink and fill it with the lap and then pull it off and when it is heavy, you will pull it off. ”, He said as he did what he said. Well, it`s simple but duh I can`t still accept it. "Well, by this, you can accumulate water."

“Really?”, I asked in disbelief.

“Really.”, He said and took my question as something light.

“No! Really? Me? Will you get water and then take a bath in that small room? ”, I asked as I nodded.

He took a deep breath, nodded and then read his lip. He seems to be losing his patience. “Miss, if you forget, you're in another house. And we don't know you to serve you and I have no reason to do that. ”, He replied as he looked straight at my eyes.

"So, are you going to treat a girl?", I asked with two eyebrows raised. I crossed my arms and looked up at her. It feels like I'm just neck.

“I'm just returning how you treat us. You do not serve us. If you stop being bossy and your English English, we might agree. ”, He said as I nodded. My ego was hit. "You're in another house, you can learn to serve yourself."

After a few minutes of staring at the well, I tried what he said and lean forward to the well to lower the bucket. On the other hand, I can't really blame him in what he said. I really looked at them as my servants really. His mother is okay, she really took care of me earlier and I didn't even say thank you for being used to serving. As time went on, I realized my situation. I really am lost and far from my area. Even if I'm sorry now, run somewhere or get angry with them, no one will.

I also need to wash because I feel my dirt more than my arm pain. My right leg is a bit too tight, maybe because of the fall in the van. Looking back, I remembered that they were midnight kidnapped by their calling daddy and - "oh my -", I almost cried out with a grip on my baby and pulled me up. I could feel Aki's body heat from behind me.

“I taught you to get some water to bathe and not drown. Are you okay? ”, Aki whispered to my right ear that gave my whole body a tickle after I pulled me into a fall. In the depths of my thinking, I forgot that I was on the edge of the well. I`m panting from panic and I noticed my tightness on his wrist. I could feel how gentle I was pulling until I could sit properly.

"I'm sorry.", I said and then felt his slowly coming out. He sat in front of me and then reached for the strap on the bucket.

"I'm the one who's going to sit down first and try to call you.", He said while still looking at what he was doing. I didn't answer because I was so registered with his movements. He looked at me suddenly that surprised me. “MHM? Do you have anything more to say? Do you want to take a bath to help me? ”, He asked with a grudge. I tortured her and stood up. I heard him laughing in my heart.

What the hel

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