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Queen is Reincarnated to lonely princess [end she change the blacsilold academy she is the sky ]

Queen is Reincarnated to lonely princess [end she change the blacsilold academy she is the sky ]



PROLOGUE Kindly Nice Clever Talented Map helpinin Loving Careful You have a childish Fond of sweet and hot Two -siblings Munit Demono you will come out She can kill you She's the queen The Queen of All Queen She is Angelica Demonic Hellerion But how can the Queen be able to accidentally change her how she can reincarnate a Princessa Princessa is quiet Can't fight Fear of everyone No friends Shame on family Kamag son brother She is far from princes and princesa Even his brother was away from him Because of the accident, he will change Skyline Edizon Blood the Princess of Edizon Blood What will happen to our star and let's keep the story of The Maffia Queen is reincarnated to Lonely Princess

Chapter 1 [The New Blacsilold University]

Haily's POV

"It's still a dear Empiratris, it's close." I heard someone's talking.

'Where am I, why the darkness? Why can't I open my eyes? '

In a few minutes the surroundings suddenly shone and I realized that I was crying like a baby.

"Your daughter is a girl, Empress."

'What the H*ck is happening?'

"My daughter, my princess." A beautiful woman promised that she was in her mid 30's, and then kissed my forehead.

“Well, I want you to take care of my son well. I don't think I'll take it for so long. ”

“Dear Empiratris, O-Opo. I promise. Even though I'm still alive, ”promised a senses that seemed to be in his mid 40's.

“Goodbye my dear, I love you so much. Princess Devi Zhanaia Hemilton. ”

Wait - that name is familiar, where did I hear that? '

'F*ck! I didn't hear it because I read that, I'm inside a baby's body named Princess Zhanaia— The Emperor 'Hated Daughter and .....

..... I got reincarnated?! '

Haily/Devi's POV

This body was weeping, maybe because her mother had passed away.

Suddenly someone came to me, the feeling of it.

“Dear princess for your beauty, very nice. I promise to take care of you as my real child. You're going to call me 'Nana', huh? ” She smiles as I think she will be Princess Devi's feelings until she grows up.

"Damn, the emperor is coming!" The promise of a feeling suddenly entered the room.

Suddenly Nana's face replaced her face - I prefer to call her 'Nana,' and hold me tight.

Suddenly I heard footsteps going to make it.

'I'm going to die again? But I'm just going to live. T*ngina. 'I promise in my mind.

Two men entered the room. One has a blank expression on the face while the other has heavy awra. Suddenly fear replaced all around.

She had a haircut, red eyes, a sharp nose and a handsome body. It also wears a curl and has a sword.

'The Ruthless Emperor Laxus Zeinor Hemilton.'

She circled her gaze to the room and went to Devi's mother's dead body and there was no trace of sadness on her face until her gaze moved to me.

Our eyes were tight, I couldn't read her eyes. Full of emotion but I don't know what promised here.

He pointed the sword to me, I heard the senses laugh and the man with him was shocked.

He did not remove the sword from my delicacy while I was still looking into his eyes.

If a normal kid was probably in my situation I would have cried, but an 18 -year -old soul was here.

I didn't let my hands be trembling and cold, I'm not afraid to die, but I don't want to die yet, I'm just going to live and I want to experience what is inside this novel.

In just a few minutes he lowered his sword and left without leaving.


I'm still alive, thank you.

Someone's POV

'Interesting ...'

Haily/Devi's POV

One week had passed after that event, the Emperor had not been showing up for a week and that was a great good news for me.

On the one week I was eating, sleeping and bathing, I couldn't crawl I still couldn't even control this body.

I also have some gossip from the chismos.

Like 'Raige Lancelot' is the name of the man with the Emperor, he is his right hand and trusted Knight throughout the kingdom.

The hair is red, a beautiful body and dark eyes that when you look for you to be bullied and have a sense of humor.

In this world, the West, East, South and North Kingdom have four kingdoms.

Our kingdom is in the North and the North Kingdom is the most powerful kingdom of this world because of the leadership of the Emperor which is Devi's father.

South Kingdom followed North alliance.

The East Kingdom and the West are late, though they are not weak, other kingdoms are very strong.

He was called The Ruthless Emperor because it was brutal when he killed, he was a good leader and every time they were going on they were always the winner I didn't know what others were.

If you ask why I just know them even though I read that in the novel because the story in the novel is just a female lead, so I don't know much about the villainess life.

I have no other chismis because I have fallen asleep.

My only mission was to find a friend because when Devi was a dise, it was also the day he would be judged by his own father's death, I just had to avoid the emperor and the main characters.

"Dear princess, ohh our little princess is awake." I stopped thinking when Nana suddenly came in.

If in the novel Devi is hurting and hurting Nana, P'wes I won't do that, because Nana is the only one who really loves Devi.

I saw Nana pull out a milk bottle. Suddenly my eyes were bright.

I don't know, but why is their milk so good here and in my world? Hayst.

"The prinse is hungry—" Nana couldn't finish what she was saying because someone suddenly knocked on the door.

He opened it and a soldier reached out to us.

It gave a letter and left.


Haily's/Devi's POV

I was still in my room with Nana and I was busy dressed.

Earlier the letter that the soldier reached was an embitational, where a celebracy would take place tonight.

The emperor won the war this week against the other side.

'So I didn't see him in the palace.'

"That's a great princess." Nana promised as my clothes were wearing,

'Inborn, Nana.'

He put me a headband because I didn't have hair, hayst.

“Wow the princess's cute”

"you said it"

"It's good to squeeze the cheek."

They have different comments.

'I'm just calm.'

When Nana finished dressing me, she picked me up and got into the carriage.

The evening held the celebration and I'm sure all the North Kingdom's nobles will go, for alliance or whatever they need and not for the celebration.

Expected by many claims to North Kingdom knowing that this is the strongest kingdom in the entire Gran Terreno land.

'Gran Terreno' is called the whole land where the four kingdoms are divided by the North, South, East and West Kingdom.

Gran Terreno is not the only nageexist in the world to many other lands and kingdoms.

In my opinion I did not realize that we had arrived where the celebration was held.

The soldier, in turn, announced my arrival.

"The Princess Devi Zhanaia Hemilton of North Kingdom, has arrived!"

After all, all my attention came to me, everyone stopped doing it.

The attendees are very expensive and jewelry.

Nana started walking to the empirator's behavior as I led.

“Greetings to the Emperor of North Kingdom” Nana greeted and bowed herself.

“Rise.” She responded coldly but I had her attention.

He stood up to sit down and approached us and—

Haily/Devi's POV

The emperor stood in his chair and approached our direction.

Nana was also slowly getting backwards. I could feel her twitter.

The people inside are also waiting for what the emperor will do.

As he approached our behavior, he quickly grabbed his sword and immediately pointed at me.

The sword was a short distance from me.

Everything was overwhelmed by what he did, but he didn't seem to notice it.

I ignored the sword and just looked into his emotional eyes - so did I give him, no emotion.

There is a grain of sweat on this cheek but you can't see it.

'Is this my end? Did he invite me to kill me? 'I promised my mind.

A few minutes passed and he lowered the sword.

I saw him smirk.

"Interesting ..." he said softly as we could hear it, then looked at me with a smile on his lips. "You're so interesting."

'It's crazy.'

He turned his gaze and looked at the nobles.

"Continue the celebration, everyone."

'Eh? After what he did? '

'When I grow up, you will be my first Totorturin, Grrrr,' I promised.

"Give her to me." Emperor's command.

"P-po Emperor?" Nana's puzzled question.

“I said, give. Her. To. Me. ” He repeats with every word.

'No, I don't want to die right now, waaaaah'

I tried to spin so that Nana wouldn't give me, even though I knew she couldn't do anything either.

'Yeah, he's a stupid emperor, Nana can't do anything, he's just a poor assistant.'

What else could my father's father be.

Nana has given me the Emperor and is currently sitting on her lap.

“Leave.” he ordered Nana.

'No, don't leave, huhu.'

Nana stooped down and looked at me and left us.

"I wonder what Devine did to you and you became so interesting to me, hmn?" He asked softly while people were attentive.

BTW, Devine was the late Empress's name and Devi's mother.

'Do I look good to speak?'

He didn't say anything after that and just watching people having fun.

'I'm hungry, huhu. Does he have no plans to feed me? '

'That's it! Maybe this is his plan, to kill me from hunger. Don't be so torture. '

I turned myself around so that he could notice me, he was so upset with others as his son was dying of hunger.

'You're a very bad father, huhu.'

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, while grinning when he looked at me.

'T*nginaa! If only I could say something to you. I'm hungry for you. '

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