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The billionaire illegitimate son entanglement

The billionaire illegitimate son entanglement

Fredrik dave


Damon's life had taken a unexpected turn. Firstly he was declared and illegitimate son of his billionaire father, stripping him of his birthright and leaving him cut off from his father's vast fortune. Then, on what was supposed to be the happiest day of his life, he was betrayed by both his fiancée and his stepbrother. Had a night one-stand with a very powerful heiress of a billionaire who circumstance made to get married to. When he thought all hope was lost he, got back on his feet became very rich, and was set to take revenge from this fiancée and his stepbrother, when he discovered he was the father to two sons one from his fiancée and one from his one night encounter. Now shattered between who he should choose.

Chapter 1 The Revelation

"Mother, are you certain about what you're saying?" Alexander's words reverberated in the grand study, as he sat confidently in a luxurious armchair.

Katherine stood in front of him, her silhouette highlighted by the room's luxurious background. The walls were decorated with invaluable pieces of art.

Stopping for a moment, she traced her fingers over the intricate patterns adorning the embroidered silk drapes that adorned the windows. The fragrance of recently trimmed flowers filled the air, mixing with the faint aroma of aged leather and polished wood.

"Yes, Alexander," Katherine eventually responded, her voice gentle but determined. "I fear it's true ," she stated s she carefully the placed the test results on his reading desk

Alexander paused, his hand shaking as he went to grab the test result "I've had my doubts," he confessed, scanning Katherine's face for validation. His mother had eyes the color of emeralds, similar to those of my father. What is the reason for his blue eyes?

Katherine maintained a neutral expression while locking eyes with Alexander. "The test has been confirmed," she said calmly, with a hint of enthusiasm in her voice. "He is not your father's legitimate son."

"So that means he won't be added to father's will," Alexander murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes, that seems to be the case," she replied cautiously.

Alexander was filled with a mix of conflicting emotions rushing through his mind. On the one hand, he felt relief as his suspicions were confirmed. He was definitely the only heir to his father's wealth, a reality that provided a feeling of safety and authority. However, the repercussions of excluding his father's illegitimate son from the inheritance troubled him deeply, as he knew he won't go without a fight.

"Being the sole heir should make you happy, " Katherine kept on, her words slicing through the quiet like a blade. Once the old thing passes away and he knows that his favorite son is not really his, he will not hesitate to eliminate him from the will.

Alexander quivered at Katherine's indifference.

"Isn't this what you wanted?" Katherine asked

"It is, but you.." he said.

"But nothing, Alex, don't tell me you are scared of him" Katherine asked looking into her son's eye.

"Scared of him?, no I am not"he declared grinning.

"Better" Katherine said

Alexander's grin became cunning as he pondered their upcoming strategy. "How should we tell father about this?" he inquired, excitement sparkling in his eyes.

Katherine responded calmly "I will do that myself", her voice unwavering as she approached the door and closed it firmly behind her.

Katherine's movements were careful as she walked through the large corridors of the mansion. With every stride, she practiced the words she would say to her husband, realizing that the truth could destroy their meticulously crafted image as a family.

When Katherine arrived at the dining room, she stopped briefly to collect her thoughts. The space was decorated with stylish furniture and sparkling chandeliers, a sharp difference from the inner turmoil she was experiencing.

bracing herself, Katherine walked into the room, finding her husband Theodore engaged in a discussion with a colleague while sitting at the head of the table. The noise of cutlery and quiet conversations filled the atmosphere, hiding the underlying tension.

"Excuse me dear," Katherine whispered gently, her voice clearly audible over the noisy room. Her husband glanced at her with a curious and hopeful expression before dismissing his business associate.

"Anything?, Katherine?" he inquired, his brow folded with worry.

For a moment, Katherine hesitated, feeling her heart pounding in her chest. "We have to talk about something," she started, her voice remaining steady even though she felt unsure inside.

A moment of hesitation passed as Katherine felt her heart racing in her chest. "Let's talk about something important," she started, speaking confidently

Theodore's eyes focused, feeling the seriousness of what she said. "What is the matter, my dear?" he asked urgently.

Inhaling deeply, Katherine found the bravery to reveal the truth. "It's concerning Damon." She whispered.

Her husband was surprised, his features expressing disbelief as his eyes widened. He inquired with a hint of anxiety in his voice, "What about him?"

Before delivering the news that would change their family's future forever, Katherine paused to gather her thoughts. "He is not your biological son," She simply stated that, her words lingering in the air.

The room was filled with a silence of shock. Katherine's husband remained still in his chair, his thoughts racing to understand the significance of her disclosure.

At last, he uttered words. He inquired, filled with disbelief, "How is this even possible?"

Katherine locked eyes with him, confessing, "I had suspicions," she said calmly, "and a DNA test proved it."

Upon realizing Katherine's disclosure, her husband grappled with digesting the startling information. The discovery that the boy he had come to adore was not his biological child hit him like a sharp blade, causing him to feel a blend of rage, deception, and astonishment. He couldn't rid himself of the sense of betrayal, pondering how he had been fooled for such a long time.

Katherine flashed a cunning grin at her husband, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "He must be informed," she said in a gentle yet authoritative voice, indicating there was no room for disagreement.

Katherine's words caused a surprised reaction in her husband, who quickly started considering the implications. He understood that informing Damon about the news would be challenging, but it was essential to ensure their family's future.


Damon exuded an air of confidence and charisma as he stepped out of the sleek black car at the grand entrance of the mansion. His tall, commanding presence strode with determination as he emerged from the car, his fit physique visible beneath his stylish suit. Even though Damon appeared distant and cold, there was still a strong attraction to his presence.

With confident steps, Damon walked towards the mansion's entrance, his sharp blue eyes carefully examining his surroundings. The household staff, dressed in neat outfits, rushed to welcome him, their expressions full of deference and respect as he entered.

Despite his unchanged facial expression, Damon's voice was unexpectedly friendly while he chatted with the household staff, maintaining a polite and courteous tone. His manner had a slight charm, hinting at kindness that contradicted his real character.

Upon stepping into the mansion, Damon glanced around at the luxurious decor and fancy furnishings with a feeling of aloof intrigue.

"Master Damon, His highness wishes to speak with you," a servant informed while seated on a sofa in the living room.

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