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A dose of love and the heart of a CEO, please

A dose of love and the heart of a CEO, please



Maria Eduarda Montez Deocca awakens from a coma of almost a year to discover that she has been abandoned by everyone during this time. Determined to surprise her husband, to whom she dedicated her life, she comes across a shocking revelation: perhaps for years she had been deceived by him and her best friend, one of the people she trusted most. Feeling alone and fragile, she decides to go to a bar to drown her sorrows, thinking that drinking a dose of self-love would be the cure for her broken heart. Willing to take revenge on her husband, Maria Eduarda sleeps with the first man she meets. He just didn't expect that unexpected encounter to change his destiny. After all, was that strange CEO full of secrets and owner of the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen his salvation or his ruin? Would she accept being “the other”, even though she saw how much it hurt? Amidst a web of conspiracies that led to her grandfather's financial and emotional ruin, Maria Eduarda finds herself at an impasse between taking revenge on everyone or taking advantage of the second chance that life gave her and trying to be happy. In a scenario of lies, intrigue and ambitions, she discovers that, even in the midst of chaos, true love and genuine friendship can emerge from the most unlikely situations.



I heard a continuous sound, which seemed like it was inside my brain. I wanted to open my eyes, but I couldn't. My eyelids felt like they were having trouble moving. With great effort, I finally opened my eyes. The light disturbed me deeply.

Several people ran towards me, saying things I couldn't understand. Everyone wore blue clothes and their hair was covered by caps made of the same fabric.

—Call Dr. Adams... Find her, wherever she is — one of the women ordered.

I started to move and realized that there were several types of wires that were preventing me from moving.

I tried to identify where I was, but my head was still strange... And I couldn't connect my thoughts properly.

— Normal heartbeat... Normalized pressure. — I heard one of the women next to me talking as I watched the machines that glowed and made screeching sounds that were as if they lived inside my brain.

I managed to move my head to the side and identified the environment I was in: a hospital.

What was I doing in a hospital? What would have happened?

A woman quickly approached, causing everyone to move away. He checked all my signs again and asked:

— Can you hear me, Mrs. Montez Deocca?

“Montez Deocca”... I immediately remembered Andress. And I was even more confused:

— Did I marry Andress? — I questioned, finding the sound of my own voice strange.

—Andress Montez Deocca? — Her voice was gentle and accompanied by a smile: — Yes, he is your husband.

I smiled when I remembered Andress. I might not be able to remember our wedding, but in my mind the moment he asked for my hand, when I was still 9 years old, in the shopping mall's food court was vivid.

— Can you tell me how you feel, Mrs. Montez Deocca?

— I... I feel good — I said — but a little confused... As if my mind couldn't remember much. How did I get here?

The doctor turned and spoke to someone:

— Vital signs are perfectly fine. Schedule all the necessary exams and as soon as they are ready, I want her in a room alone.

— You can leave it, doctor.

—Do you remember anything? — She wanted to know.

I shook my head:

— I only remember Andress... His smell, his taste, his skin...

— You'll certainly gradually remember other things, don't worry. This confusion is normal.

- What happened?

— You woke up from a deep coma.

I looked around again, smelling the smell of cleaning products mixed with alcohol, characteristic of hospital areas.

— A coma? — It seems that my mind has become even more disturbed.

— I know you want to know a lot of things, Mrs. Montez Deocca. And it's normal. It turns out that first we need to check how it is actually going and whether there have been any consequences. Then we will focus on your memory. — He touched my hand affectionately. — I'll be here for whatever you need. My shift was coming to an end – she smiled – but we’ve been together for practically a year. Then I wouldn't miss your awakening for anything in the world. I'll only go home when I'm sure there's no injury or permanent damage... Because the way you woke up is almost inexplicable.

The woman was leaving when I took her hand, her skin feeling slightly dry:

- What is your name?

— I'm Dr. Adams, neurosurgeon. But you can call me Verbena... — With his free hand he used one of his fingers to caress my forehead. — I'm so glad you're back.

- Thanks.

She slowly removed my hand from hers and was leaving when I asked:

— And Andress?

He seemed a little hesitant when responding:

— As I said, first let's go to the exams.

— He... He's fine, isn't he?

— Yes, Andress Montez Deocca is fine — he confirmed, making my heart feel an absurd relief.

I closed my eyes, even with difficulty due to the light that still disturbed me. And in my mind only the image of Andress appeared... The smooth face, the clear eyes, usually matching the blue clothes, his favorite color. His hair was always clean and well combed, a common light brown, but it seemed special to him, as if no one looked more perfect in that tone. My Andress's lips were soft and his kisses were sweet and gentle.

Still without much sense of time, whether by counting hours or even days, I found myself taking countless exams, which some didn't even know existed.

Doctor Verbena Adams came to see me every day. Soon I began to receive visits from a Psychologist and other medical specialists. Each one took care of a part of me: brain, body, internal organs... And it seemed like everything was fine, except my mind, which brought me nothing but Andress.

I was transferred to a room and as soon as I was alone in the room, I sat alone for the first time, without needing anyone's help. And I didn't feel tired. Just proud of myself.

I ate the first normal meal and came to the conclusion that I could repeat it, as I still felt hungry, which I was denied. “Go little by little” was the nutritionist’s order.

I was sitting, looking at the gigantic white wall as images began to fill my mind.

The door opened and Doctor Verbena entered, with that usual radiant smile.

She was black, tall and her full lips were always open in an infectious smile that showed her completely straight white teeth. Despite the hospital odor, I could smell her. And it wasn't perfume. It was floral soap, with notes reminiscent of jasmine. And even though I was absolutely certain that I had never seen that woman in my life, it was as if I had smelled her my entire life.

- How it feels?

- Good, very good.

— It's been a week.

I narrowed my eyes, confused:

— You... Shouldn't you have informed my family? Where are they? Why didn't Andress come to see me? What happened to him?

I had so many questions but no answers.

— I... I'll try to explain to you what happened... — She seemed hesitant. — But I want you to stay calm, okay?

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