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Luna Of The Bloodmoon Alphas

Luna Of The Bloodmoon Alphas

Danny chuks


In the peaceful and tranquil settlement of the Ozark Mountains, the once-peaceful nature of the Blue Moon pack is threatened when the Alpha, Rex Edinburgh, rejects his chosen mate on their wedding day due to accusations and charges of her being a thief. Unknown to him, this is just the beginning of his problems. The deceitful accusations were crafted by his elder brother, Richard Edinburgh, and brought into reality by his brother's partner, Seraphina. He does this with one sole aim and purpose in mind: to usurp Richard Edinburgh from the throne because he believes he ought to be the Alpha as the older brother. The problems rise to a crescendo when Richard goes as far as joining forces with a long-known rival of the Blue Moon pack, the Black Moon pack in a bid to bring his long-visioned plan into reality. Offering them a shared alliance when he becomes the Alpha, the Black Moon accepts, and while the Blue Moon pack believes they are at peace, they are actually at war. Luna, Rex's rejected mate, takes solace in a faraway town, believing that her lover and her mate will come to her rescue even though the chances are slim. Forced to leave his home and his people, Rex Edinburgh must find a way to redeem himself not only in the eyes of his pack but also in the eyes of his long-lost lover. Will he succeed in his quest for redemption? Will their love stand the strain and the test of time?

Chapter 1 Beginning

*Sahara's POV*

I allowed my finger to run along the sharp edge of the knife. The blade was so sharp that with a little more force it would pierce through my skin. I grabbed the handle and with a quick reflex, I sent the small knife flying through the air.

I watched with confidence as the small knife landed on the center of the dart board. This was something that only years of practice could achieve.

My hypersensitive nose took in a large gulp of the flowers around me. This was my haven and I did not wish to leave, not with the disturbing thoughts I have been having lately.

I shake my head and bring myself back to the present. It was too early in the day to allow my mind to wander around, thinking bitter things.

The sky was bright and beautiful, despite being the last day of summer and I wanted my mind to reflect the peace and happiness the day brought.

Oh yes, it was a happy day. Today was my mom's birthday and I wanted to be as happy as I could be. It was a joyful day and she would love for me to radiate the same happiness for her. As the Luna of our park, my mother would not be happy to see her daughter looking sour on her birthday.

I was going to maintain this energy no matter what to give my mother just what she wanted.

As I walked through the flowers to retrieve my knife from the dart board, a clear voice rang inside my head.

"Sahara, please come to my room now."

That was my mother's voice and she had just mind-linked me.

The peaceful look on my face morphed into a smile as I spun around and hopped back to the castle building. Thoughts of my mother made me happy. She was one of the few people, if not the only person who believed in me.

The castle and the entire Fire clan lived at the heart of Arizona. We were surrounded by tall trees which gave us some sort of protection against the eyes of the outside world and other clans. We had watchdogs at the outskirts of our lands keeping watch and reporting on rogue activities. For one, I had to admit that my park was well-protected and organized. The only problem for me was that we had a leadership problem. A new Alpha was set to be crowned in the next full moon and that was where my problem lay. The new Alpha was not worthy in my terms.

I slowed my pace as I got to the door at the back of the castle. Two maids were carrying drapes of well-washed curtains in their hands.

"Good morning Princess." They both greeted me with their eyes looking down to the ground.

"Good morning." I nodded to them with a smile.

With a wave of my hand, I urged them to go in ahead of me. They smiled lightly as they filled the small space in the wall and disappeared into the castle.

I followed quickly behind them and moved straight to my mother's room, all the while answering the greetings of maids and male servants as they made preparations for the party we were hosting in honor of my mother later in the day. I could smell the excitement in the air as everyone bustled around, trying to make the occasion perfect. I had given instructions and I was sure that everyone was going to follow them accordingly to make the occasion perfect. I would only check in to make adjustments before the party began.

I opened the door to my mother's room and strolled in. The room was quiet, but not eerily so. There was a consciousness in the room, one that only my mother could ooze out.

My legs strode out, carrying me to the queen-sized bed where my mother lay. As soon as I got to her, I pushed myself down and cuddled her.

Laughter escaped her lips and brightened the mood in the room even more.

"Hey, beautiful daughter of mine." Her small voice which could be likened to a whisper drifted into my ears.

"Hey, mother. I hope you are having a pleasant morning. Remember today is your birthday." I said to her with a smile covering my face.

"That is the reason why I called you." She said, trying to sit up.

"Don't stress yourself, mother," I said and helped her sit better. Her health had been failing ever since my father died.

She took in a few breaths while I stood, wondering why she called for me. A million thoughts ran through my mind, but I promised myself to remain calm. I had to show her that I could remain strong, just as she wanted.

Dipping her hand into the space between her mattress and the wooden frame of the bed, Mother pulled out a small jewelry box that I had only seen once when I was much younger. My heartbeat rose for reasons I couldn't explain. I was just so anxious seeing the box in her hand.

Mother opened the box grabbed my hand and placed the box in my flat palm. With enough pressure, she pressed my palm close to the box.

"It is my birthday, and I have decided to gift you this."

My eyes widened as I stared at her and quickly redirected my gaze to the box. I flicked it open and just as expected, it held the diamond necklace the moon goddess had given my mother when she was of age.

"Mother!" I gasped in shock, surprised that she would gift me this at this time. I was not yet a Luna nor found my mate. Suddenly, the realization hit me and I looked at her with fear written all over my face.


"Shhh." She placed her index finger over her thin dry lips. "The voice of the moon goddess tells me this is the right time for me to give this to you. Somehow, it just feels right."

A tear escaped my eyelid and I crashed down on her, hugging her tightly. "Thank you so much, mother. This means so much to me, and I can't wait to make this one of the best birthday celebrations of your life."

"Of course dear. I trust you to give me the party of a lifetime." Mother gave me a smile that showed just how much she trusted me to deliver. I knew I could not fail her. She was one of the few people who truly believed in me.

"Now, go along and make this the best birthday of my life."

I stood up with a resolution to make this day the best day of my mother's life. I was not sure exactly how I could make this the perfect day, but somehow, I believed I could do it and I could not wait to wow her.

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