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King Kellen's Revenge

King Kellen's Revenge

Amy Bernet


This is a story about finding your love, but have obstacles and numerous misunderstandings in the way of fulfilling that love. Join me in my story of Prince Kellen, soon to be King Kellen, a dashing man with a killer body and dreamy eyes, who has never found a girl who could speak to his heart until seeing Rayne one day, the only girl he has or ever would be in love with. Winning her hand and love, he suddenly has to stop loving her because of fulfilling his duty as a brother and what he thinks he saw. He marries her and traps her in their marriage, telling her she means nothing to him, but just his wife on paper, which is the opposite of what he really feels. Having to go back to his country, to take over his position, he takes his wife to fulfill his revenge for her. Rayne is a simple girl from an average family, her goal in life is only to help others. Currently in college she meets Kellen one day. Starting off as friends, he worms his way into her heart, making her fall deeply in love with him, she abandons her studies and defies her family's warnings and marries Kellen. Only after she finds out the truth but it's too late, he owns her and won't let her escape his clutches. Kellen just can't let go of her. After using her to satisfy his needs only, he starts regretting his actions and as he wants to speak things over with her, she disappears from him. The thing is nobody knows where she is, she seems to have just vanished and it's only after his cousin comes to visit to try and steal the crown. Can Kellen find his beloved wife? Did she run away from him or was she kidnapped, the thing is that, she is pregnant with his country's heir but he doesn't know that. Join this magical story of what it feels like to fall in love, when you least expect, only to find out you made a mistake by punishing the wrong person. Wondering if it's too late or not.... 🫣

Chapter 1 Prologue (The Start Of Their Misunderstanding)

The Happiest Day Of My Life

Reaching my new home, in the limo, I jumped out and ran straight for the big double iron gates, pushing it opened.

Let me not lie, I could have just waited for our driver to press on his remote to open the gate but I guess I was far too excited to wait.

My name is Rayne, a simple girl from a simple family and at the age of 19, I had found my happiness with the man of my dreams, my wonderful, romantic, gorgeous husband who married me and made me his queen.


Turning back a little with the biggest smile on my face when I heard the other side of the limo door open, I held out my hand for my beloved Kellen to hold, but he simply just walked past me, without uttering a single word. Confused by his odd behaviour, I ran towards him, calling out his name, "Kellen, Kellen" but he continued to walk away, leaving me behind.

Puzzled, I walked behind him, until we got to the front door of his house as he pushed opened the door and entered, leaving the door ajar for me to enter. Walking in, I heard him instruct his housekeeper to show me to my room at the end of the hall on the 3rd floor and then just walked away.

Looking at the housekeeper whose name is Abigail, I remember due to having met her on numerous occasions, I saw her sigh, and tell me to follow her.

As soon as we got to my allocated room, she took her leave, closing the door behind her. I waited until I was sure she was gone, before I opened the door and went in search of my husband, he needed to explain to me what was going on. I have been to this house multiple times and knew exactly where his bedroom was, so I walked straight to it.

Knocking on the door, I heard him say "Come in", to which I entered and saw him on his bed with his laptop on his lap, typing away. Without any acknowledgement from him, I said "Kellen we need to talk",but no answer!

"Kellen what is going on?" "Why do I have a separate bedroom from yours?" "Please tell me if I did something wrong to make you angry at me?"

Still no reply from him....

After what felt like forever, I heard him speak...

"Rayne, I am going to say this once and once only." "I did my duty and married you." "You are my wife in name only, other than that we will have nothing to do with each other." "Am I making myself clear to you?"

Looking at Kellen I felt my heart drop. Why was he talking to me like that?, I thought.

Going up to him and pulling his laptop away, he looks at me with hatred in his eyes, hatred for the same person a few hours ago he looked at, with so much of love and adoration.

I was completely clueless, what could have happened to change him like this. How could the man that said he will love me for better or worse till death do us apart, look at me like this. Seeing me still standing in his room, near him, Kellen got up and grabbed my arm, pulling me across his room, towards the door, opening it and dragging me out, he then pulled me in the direction of my room. Getting there, he opened the door and threw me in with so much of force that I slammed into the drawer. He then slammed my door shut and proceeded to lock it. Running towards the door, I tried opening it but it was already locked. Banging on the door, I screamed for him to open up for me but all I was met with was silence, so I continued to scream and shout until I felt visibly dizzy and drained out. Falling down dehydrated and completely exhausted, I looked at my lavender gown and thought back to what I thought would be the happiest day of my life. Soon exhaustion overtook my senses and I fell asleep on my white tiled floor.


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