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The billionaire spoilt heir

The billionaire spoilt heir

loveth babs


Tim is the only son and heir to Mr Henry an industrious and successful business man in the heart of Mexico City, Tim was a rude, arrogant,handsome,and cold young man. All Mr Henry wants for his son is to be a responsible man and take over the company but Tim is the opposite side of what his father wanted. All Tim wanted, was to go to clubs,get high,do drugs and he has numerous girlfriends. Mr henry forced Tim to work in the company, .... Tim was a cold hearted guy and he choose to ignore that he has a heir to bear. Tim Chase his loyal domestic staff causing him to get a new house keeper. Mr Henry verdict was for Tim to get a woman, Tim contract his house keeper to be his contact wife but his father wants him to marry Emily the director. Is love enough to change Tim irresponsibility ?.

Chapter 1 John reckless and arrogant live

Tim Williams, the only son and heir of billionaire henry williams, lived an extravagance lifestyle . His days were spent together in a haze of Champagne s, Lamborghinis, crushers ,designers and luxurious wears.

He's rude,arrogant,cold,handsome, charismatic,he's irresponsible and entitled, often clubbing and womanizing rather than committing to work or having a serious relationships.

With a mouthwatering and life time trust fund and allowance, Tim feels he has no needs to worry about anything except which club to visit next or which babe to pass a night with.

His father, Henry a successful, prominent and prosperous business man, that has built his business empire entirely from scratch, but Tim showed no interests in following his footsteps. He doesn't want to do anything for a living, Otherwise he spent his whole time and days flaunting his wealthy and flamboyant lifestyle on social media, impressing his girls and unserious friends as they are of the same feathers so they fly together.

Much to his father's dismay. Henry has tried everything possible to get Tim to take up his responsibilities but all to no avail, this gave Mr Henry sleepless nights and increased his blood pressure,his doctor had to place him on bed rest for a week.

Mrs Kate Williams , Tim step mother,tim lost his mum when he was 5 years old,Mrs Kate was a good and lovable step mother,she has loved tim just like his own son.

She called him to inform him about his father situation,tim didn't pick the calls ,he was busy smooching one of his numerous girlfriend, finally Mr Henry was discharged from the hospital and tim didn't even know not to talk of checking up on him.

The morning was bright,with a cool weather, the alarm rang and wake James up from his sound sleep,he grumbled and struggled to get up as hangover was still dealing with him,he got up to realize his phones, wallet and jewelry was missing .he rushed out to check for the lady he passed the night with but the girl was gone.he fumed and punch the wall and hurt himself in the process.

He dressed up and head straight to see his father on getting there Mr Henry was just coming down from the car and his wife Mrs Kate was supporting him, yo dad, what's up I need some some cash right now,my phone has been stolen I currently don't have any money with me no cash I could not even afford food to eat,there is a robbery incident in my house all my stuffs are gone.

His father shake his head and ask him if he reported the case to the police he said no..that there was no need for that,his father walks away, Mrs Kate move close to tim,what is wrong with you,your father has been in the hospital for a week,did u check your phone, several missed calls should be hanging in there, is that why he is doing like he is about to die or something,tim said, don't die yet o.

Mrs kate was surprised, you don't talk to your father like that do you have an idea of how insensitive you can be, you wish your father death hell no! I did not raised you to be like this ,God forbid, right now you will follow me inside the house and apologize to your dad am I clear, Tim grunts, he said yes mom.

Mr Henry was really pissed,he just left the hospital and this is happening again,what have I done to deserve this kind of spoilt brat as a son.

Tim enter the house and apologize in a cut manner , I'm sorry dad, how do you feel now,I don't want to stress you just give me some cash or your debit card.

Tim do you know I wasn't feeling too well, for days and I was in the hospital for a week and you couldn't call not to talk of checking up on me, Tim said..oh Daddy I'm so sorry about that though one of my girlfriend stole my phone my watches and my money right now I'm so stranded I could not even access my bank account, can I get some money,I have some bills to pay.

Mr Henry said, you are not getting any money from me, henceforth no money for you till you resume to the office,if you miss a day in the office your salary will be slashed into two and there will be a board meeting on Friday and I want you to follow me.

Tim said he can't be there because one of his girlfriend is having a birthday party and he is the sponsor that he has to turn up for his babe, mr henry shouted..you want to choose your girlfriend over a board meeting, there is no way for you to do that.

Tim insisted on not going to the board meeting and Mr Henry said,young man get out of my house. I'm

cutting off your allowance,your trust fund is locked till you become a responsible man and get a good woman otherwise I will disown you.

Before you disown me give me my inheritance and my shares, Tim said. Mrs Kate was concerned about the relationship between Tim and his father, she wants Tim to succumb to his father's request and wishes and become a better person, Tim wouldn't stop yelling on top on his voice.he want his father to give him money,all he want is money after money, he left for his house.

Tim got some loan from his friend to get a new phone,he didn't reach out to his dad till the Friday morning.

Mrs Kate called him to remind him of the board meeting, he told his mum he is not going to show up.

On the friday night, he stumbled out of the nightclub, arm in arm with two ladies, and straight into a waiting limousine. As they sped away, he gazed out of the window, wondering what the next day's adventure have for him. Little did he know, his life was about to take a drastic turn.

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