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Ruby Reginald, is a young event planner hoping to make a partner in her firm when one night she meets Edward. They kind of have a one-night stand. Reginald doesn't know Edward's real identity, he happens to be a young billionaire, and he is also a werewolf. An alpha. When Ruby finds out that Edward isn't human, she can't cope and runs away to make a new life for herself, But she ends up in a worse mess than the one she ran away from and has to run back to Edwards for help. Can love between a human and an Alpha exist? Can Ruby overcome her fear towards Edward? Is it love?

Chapter 1 The Nightclub

There is something about meeting a guy and from that very first time and realizing to yourself that he is the one, after all those nasty breakups and cheaters, you have finally found the one. It sounds crazy and unreal but that's how I felt when I met Edward.

I was at this famous club in the city with my friends, it wasn't really my scene but I had just found my boyfriend having sex with our neighbour next door and I wanted to forget that image from my head. When I ran crying to my best friend Zaria, she held me and cooled me down but then when our friends joined our pity party, they kind of forced me to come. So here I am right now.

From the moment we took our seats at the booth I could feel Someone watching me and I let my eyes wander around the club looking, I met a pair of crystal blue eyes staring right at me by the bar. I couldn't tell much from far away but I could tell he was good-looking, I had never seen such striking eye colour before that made me feel awakened inside. The way he looked at me and the way he held himself oozing such power and confidence, I wanted to get close and get a front-row seat. I wondered what being up close with him felt like and I wanted it.

As the night progressed, my eyes kept finding his by the bar and he always had his eyes on me. It made me hot and tingly inside. I wanted to grab his attention in any way I could, So I announced to the girls that we should dance and we all went to the dance floor letting the rhythm of the music run through our bodies. I try getting the guys attention while I am on the dance floor and when our eyes meet again and I am sure he is watching, I put on a show just for him, looking right at him as I move my body seductively. I think I see a hint of a smile before I am interrupted by a pair of hands that have just landed on my waist; I turn around to find a man I don't know smiling down at me and moving with the music. I don't think so, buddy.

I remove his hands from my waist and make it clear, I am not interested as I move away again and start dancing. I look for the blue eyes that first caught my attention at the bar but I am not so lucky this time. If he is not there anymore and he is not watching I just better get out, it's not fun anymore. I am just about to leave when warm, hard and strong hands get a hold of my wrist and flawlessly pull me to an even warmer and stronger chest that makes me warm all over. The most vibrating sexy voice I have heard whispers in my ear

"Are you leaving just when I have finally found you?"

The voice sends butterflies in my stomach and awakens parts inside me that were surely dead after what I found out today. I know it's him. I can feel the energy, the touch, the rhythm, he makes me feel things I can't explain in words, not even if I wanted to

"What took you so long?" I ask back

"I was enjoying the view until I remembered you weren't mine yet, others can see you too and I had to make you mine"

"Getting ahead of ourselves, aren't we? What if I am already taken? My boyfriend could be watching us right now"

"I would have smelled him on you. I just need to claim you and show everyone who you belong to"

Then he starts moving to the beat holding my waist while caressing my stomach going under my breasts. I can feel myself getting wet and I wish his touch wasn't so intoxicating, I haven't even seen this man's face well and he already had me like jelly in his arms. I am in trouble. I don't know how or when but then we are grinding against each other with his hands now full on grabbing and fondling my breast while his other hand alternates from pinching and grabbing at my waist to my hips. He is hard behind me and grinding his huge might I add erection on my ass cheeks we are almost fucking in the middle of the dance floor with his hot rushed breath against my ear. I should feel ashamed but I am lost in my pleasure to notice that right now.

The beat turns to loud music and as the people jump and bump around us we finally come down to reality. I turn around and finally take a look at the man behind me. He is strikingly beautiful just as I had thought before, the man who looks like every woman's wet dream just as I had been fantasising about all night. I like what I see now, hard strong cheekbones with a bit of moustache an elegant nose that I would enjoy inhaling me in bed and those blue eyes that have got my heart, the way he holds himself seeming to promise me everything. He is powerfully built and sexy as hell. I am sure even if I never see him again; I will always be on the lookout for the way he made me feel, that feeling.

I smile up at him and blush when he focuses all his attention on me. He smiles back at me and I am mesmerized by how his smile changes his whole face from being so dangerously sexy to lightning up my whole life. I knew being close to him and having him wholeheartedly focused on me would good but I didn't know it would make me feel like I am the only girl in the world, it's like being the only thing that matters the most important cherish one of all. I can see my life flashing before his eyes I can see myself falling in love with him, getting married somewhere on the beach and having our family. A little him and a little me. I want to be what he is offering I want to be his.

He must have read what was on my mind because he smiles and shouts at me over the music,

"Do you want to get out of here and go somewhere quiet?" I nod eagerly at him and raise one finger to give me a minute as I go say goodbye to the girls and leave with this stranger whose name I don't even know yet. Highly risky and not very smart but I believed I had just met my first love and I was ruled by passion.

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