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Unwanted Bride

Sebastian Knight A billionaire who owns a chain of companies worldwide and famous for his arrogant, merciless and dominating nature. He hates middle-class girls and likes to use them like changing clothes. The word 'marriage' doesn't exist in his dictionary. In the world he only loves a person and she is his grandmother. Elena Marshall A simple, innocent and beautiful girl. She lives with her stepmother, sister and a heartless father. They hate Elena from the core of their hearts. Elena hates money and rich man as because of money her father divorced her mother and married a rich woman. What will happen when Sebastian will be forced to marry the middle-class girl Elena? Will he accept her? Will Elena manage to create her place in her devil husband's heart who vows to destroy her? Let's find out........

Chapter 1 Family

Elena's POV


What is family?

Is only having mom and dad called a family?

Then no. A big no. Because I know what family is! I myself know what the real meaning of family is.

I have mom, dad, yeah, also a sister but still, I don't have any family. I am lonely.

My dad divorced my mom because of money. I still remember my mom's pleading. She pled to my dad not to divorce her.

My dad laughed evilly in return.

I still remember, my mom begging him to take me with her.

But my dad kicked her out of the house in return. He locked me in the storeroom. No, no don't think that my dad kept me because of love.

He kept me with him as a punishment for my mom. He never treated me as his daughter. He always feels ashamed to call me as his daughter.

He treats me like trash. A dirty trash. I am a full-time servant of his family or I should say my so-called family. My stepmom wanted to send me to an orphanage but dad never let it happen.

No, don't think he refused because of love. He only refused because he didn't want to miss a full-time free servant.

I have never heard about my mom since then. I have waited for her. I used to think one day she will come and take me with her. But she never came back. I don't know if she will ever come back or not but I am still waiting for her.

"Won't you come back, mom?" I whispered looking at the photograph of my mom.

"Mam, a lady wants to talk to you" Nadia, my worker told me.

Hearing the sudden voice, I got startled. I wiped my tears quickly and turned towards her.

"Send her in my cabin Nadia," I said and she nodded her head then left.

Soon, an old woman entered my room. I stand up from my chair and spoke up politely, "Good evening mam. How can I help you?"

"Good evening dear. Actually, next week is my grandson's birthday. I want a special cake" She told me.

"Sure mam. You just select the design. My people will make your make mam" I told her.

"No dear. I want you to make the cake. I want your handmade baking cake." The woman told her.

"Okay, mam. I will do that. When will you need it, mam?" I asked her.

"Next Friday dear," The woman told her.

"Okay, mam. Please give me your address. I will deliver the cake next Friday in the morning" I told her.

"Sure. Here dear" The woman gave me a card.

"Thank you mam," I said and she smiled and then I left my cabin.

I looked at the card and read her name "Stella Knight".

I put the card in a safe place and came outside.

The shop belonged to my mom. After she left, the shop was closed. When I completed my graduation, my father told me to join his company but I refused. I requested him that I want to reopen the shop.

And thankfully he agreed. Since then, I have been running the shop. I have four workers in my shop.

I came outside and sat down on a bench just then my phone started ringing.

I looked at the phone and sighed.

I picked up the call and my stepmother started shouting, "Where are you useless girl? Didn't I tell you already my daughter is coming from the trip today? You need to cook dinner according to my daughter's wish. Buy groceries and come home quickly" Saying this she disconnected the line.

I looked at my watch. It's 6 in the evening. I entered my shop and entered the kitchen.

"Mam, do you need something?" Nadia asked me.

"No. I am going home. Please close the shop properly and go home before 7. Okay?" I told her.

"Sure mam. Don't worry" She said.

I smiled at her and came out. Taking my bag, I left my shop.

As the supermarket was five minutes away from my shop, so I started walking.

While walking I saw many posters of Lina who is my stepsister. She is a model. In fact she is a famous model. She is two months younger than me. She is just like her mother and my so-called father.

My dad used to work at Jenny's husband's company. Jenny was a model of that company. Only for money, she married the old owner of that company. After seven years of their marriage, the man met in an accident and died on the spot. Also, the same day my dad divorced my mom.

Jenny married my dad after her first husband died. My dad and Jenny were as if made for each other.

My dad divorced my mom and got married to Jenny the very next day. Her husband died just yesterday before she got married to my dad. Lina was her and her first husband's daughter.

But, my dad never hated Lina. He always loved her like she was his own daughter and he made me feel like I was a burden on him. He never looked at me when I cried for him. He never cared for me when I used to cry in pain, hunger, sickness. For them, I had always been a nonexistent person.

I took a deep breath and entered the supermarket. After buying groceries, I left the market and took a taxi.

After I reached my so-called home, I paid the taxi driver and entered home.

I saw Jenny and my dad was talking to some man. Maybe their business partner. I went towards the kitchen silently. I never liked meeting their business partners because they always insulted me.

When I was little, Jenny used to lock me in the storeroom whenever any of their business partners or guests came to our home, because they felt ashamed to introduce me as their daughter. I used to cry in the storeroom, because I feared darkness. Sometimes they forgot to open the storeroom after the guests left. I used to fall asleep on the ground while begging them to open the door.

"Oh, at last, the queen of England decided to show up. Didn't I tell you to come to fast, you useless girl?" Jenny shouted at me.

"I left from the shop as soon as you called me. I will make the dinner now. Just go from here, I don't like to talk to you" I said.

"You bitch, seems like you got your tongue back. Just like your middle-class bitch mother" She said.

"Don't you dare to say like this? You know very well who the real bitch is" I told her.

"What did you just say?" Someone spoke up from the back.

I turned and my dad was standing there, looking at me angrily.

"Hunter, honey did you hear? The girl is threatening me." Jenny told him.

Hearing this, I looked at her with shock. When did I threat her?

I looked at dad and was about to say something but he slapped me hard.

"Be thankful that my business partners are waiting outside otherwise I would have tought you a good lesson. Make dinner quickly. My business partners will also eat dinner here" Saying this, dad left the kitchen.

Jenny gave me an evil smirk and left.

I wiped my tears and started making dinner.

After two hours, I finished making dinner. I put all food on few trays. Jenny and a maid entered and took the trays then left.

I took out a cold water bottle and left the kitchen.

Entering my room, I changed my clothes and then sat down on the bed.

I took my mom's photograph and kissed it with love. Then I drank the cold water and laid down.

Switching off the lights, I closed my eyes. A long tear came out from my closed eyes...

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