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The Alpha's Maid in Disguise

The Alpha's Maid in Disguise



Her role is to destroy everyone but she has sympathy. She can kill in just a second but she values every life.She's not a normal creature, she's a Goddess who decided to disguise as an ugly lady. Her name is Shama Galena Theliska, the goddess of destruction who sacrifice for the whole world. He is pragmatic and ignorant. He hated being a werewolf and he want to escape from being the next Alpha. His name is Ion Blaze Masiete. He became the master of Shama and he slowly learn to love the ugly girl who is hated by everyone. What if Alpha Blaze discovered Shama's secret, will he dare to keep on loving her? It is said that true love wins, could love save the both of them?

Chapter 1 It all Started

"What kind of creature is she?"

"She’s so ugly!"

"Trash just entered our school!"

Gossips spread all over the hallway. I bit my lower lip and tried to calm myself down. They must be thankful that I value their lives.

"You are Shama, right?" The teacher asked me, so I nodded. He smiled at me. He is the first person who did that to me, from the very first step I took at this school.

"Follow me to my office!" he utters, so I immediately followed him.

As I follow him, all eyes are fixated on me. I will not be surprised by that; who will dare to ignore my disturbing appearance? I look like a messy girl that is lost in her own home, and all of them are talking about how ugly I am. I don't care what they think.

"I am the President of this university. All your information will be kept confidential. I hope you’ll enjoy staying with us!" he said and handed me my uniform, so I kept it inside my bag.

Seriously? How can I enjoy those students who are judgmental?

I bowed to him and smiled. I can’t see any confusion in his eyes; it simply means that he is not suspecting anything about me. I think he is an ordinary werewolf.

I walked silently until I reached our classroom. They all turn their heads to check who is opening the rusty door. This looks like it has existed for so long. If I compare myself, this door is the simplest thing that you can compare to me. To my appearance right now.

"She’s the transferee. The nerd girl!" Someone laughed, and all of them joined him.

I looked around and saw the guy wearing an earring on his right ear. He gave me a smirk, and I just flashed my cold look at him. Damn you, werewolves! Are they all bad?

"Sit down, Miss Theliska. Welcome to Tashara University!" Our instructor, who has blue eyes, greeted me with a genuine smile.

Our instructor started to discuss, but I fixed my gaze outside the window. Our topic bored me so hard that I’ve been studying the same thing for a hundred years. I almost memorize all the equations and formulas in Inorganic chemistry, so there's nothing new to me except the surroundings that I am currently staying in.

"Can anyone determine its concentration in molecular weight?" I heard our instructor ask.

They all looked at me. "Let’s give her a try; maybe she knows that," one of them said.

Tsk. Werewolves are weirder than I am.

"I’ll take it!" I said and stood firmly. I walk silently and start solving problems. All of them were surprised as I finished my solutions. I can’t deny that I sometimes feel boastful because of what I can do, but I know that this is a simple cheat. I know everything, when they are starting to know such things.

"How did you solve it?" with hands on her chest, our instructor asked me.

"I learned it from my previous school," I lied, and I walked directly to my seat without looking at any of them.

"She’s smart, but no one can surpass the ability of Alpha Blaze. He is above all." I heard someone whisper.

Blaze? His name made my heart beat fast. Am I right? What does destiny plan to do with me again? Please not again!

I immediately walked outside our room when our instructor dismissed us.

"What’s bothering you, Shama?" I paused when someone called my name. I slowly turned on my back, and I saw a tall young man standing in front of me. He is not familiar with me, but why did he dare to ask me that?

"Nothing; who are you, Mr.?" I uttered, and he laughed sexily.

"I am Lester, my Goddess!"

My eyebrows met as I heard what he said. Does he know me? Who is he? Do I know him?

"Wait, are you insane? Don’t play with me," I said, turning my back to him.

"You need to know something. Blaze is alive, but with a werewolf personality. You need to find him; his life is secretly in jeopardy. Goddess of destruction, I know it’s you; you are here to escape from your enemies, so take the opportunity!"

I once faced him. "How did you know me?" I asked him, and he smiled.

"You can’t hide from me." It was his last word before he walked away.

Should I follow what he says? What will I do to protect Blaze? Should I interfere with his life again? My role is to destroy bad creatures; falling in love is a big no for a goddess like me.

"Hey, you’re new here?"

I stopped when someone called me. She’s a beautiful lady wearing a dress. She looks like a wealthy lady.

"Yes, and I am finding my new shelter," I answered, bowing.

"It’s perfect! We need a new maid for my son. Are you interested in applying? Everything will be free for you: shelter, food, clothes, and we will offer you a high salary," she added, which made me nod.

I have no reason to reject it. As my mom told me, I need to be versatile and wise. I need to stay here until the prophesied day comes.

"I will accept that good offer. Thank you, Miss!" I uttered and smiled at her.

"Come, follow me!"

I followed her until we reached their castle. I am right; she’s a wealthy lady. The guard let us in and welcomed us. Their gate is made of pure gold, and the hallway is coated with a red carpet. It looks like our kingdom.

"Let’s first have a contract signing. Sign it, Lady!"

She gave me a piece of paper, and I signed it without any doubt. With a smile on my face, I gave her back the paper.

"I don’t need maids! How many times do I need to tell you?" As I entered their main house, a cold shout from a tall guy welcomed me.

"She’s the 90th maid that we hired, and we are deadly sure that she’ll be your last maid. Be good to her, Blaze!"

The guy they called Blaze fixed his gaze on me. He raised one eyebrow and then smirked. Blaze?

"Really? How did this ugly creature enter our clean house? Are you not scared that she might have any dangerous diseases?"

I almost bit my lower lip because of what he said. He changed. Mom is right; once a human reincarnates, there will be a change in their attitudes.

"Introduce yourself to him," Lady Averyl told me.

I bowed my head a little. "My name is Shama Gale Theliska, your maid at your service," I said and smiled at him.

"Leave us now, Mom," he said, sitting on his swivel chair.

"Your surname sounds like you're from the family of witches," Blaze said, and then chuckled.

Is he serious? But that’s what he thinks right now, especially since my appearance is messy.

"Alpha Blaze, I’m not a witch. I am an ordinary human."

He looked at me, and I did the same thing. He is thinking deeply, and he is a little bit confused.

"You’re a human? You shouldn’t be here!" he said, but I could feel his sincerity in his baritone, cold voice.

"It’s my choice to serve you. There’s no need to be worried," I answered back, laying my bag on the couch beside me.

"Wait!" he stopped me, and I frowned at him. What’s the matter?

"Your bag may have dirt or germs; put it inside your room. Get inside this door," he said, pointing to the door beside his table.

Is he the Blaze that Lester is referring to?

"Wait... how did you know that I am an Alpha?’ he asked me, so I stopped walking.

"I heard it at the University. You are bright," I said, but he laughed.

"It’s one of my advantages. I can cheat without getting caught because of my abilities," he boastfully answered.

"You’re happy with that?" I asked him, and he laughed again.

"Get in!" he shouted, then he laughed. He is insane! He is not the Blaze I met a hundred years ago!

I look at myself in the mirror. I touch my face, which is full of fake pimples. Living away from my parents is fine with me, but disguising myself as an ugly lady is hard for me. If not for everyone's safety, I will not do this.

My Dad is from the underworld; his father is the God of Death. He escapes from their kingdom because of his love for my mom. Their love is forbidden, but they fight until I come into their lives. As a curse, I became the goddess of destruction and am now being chased by my evil grandfather, who wants to use me for his evil desire for the whole world. This is the only way to escape from them.

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