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The Hurt That Comes with Disappointing

The Hurt That Comes with Disappointing



This story is about Anna Facing a million hurdles in her life but still finding the strength to grow and become a better person she finds someone that at first she hates but finally sees how much they have in common

Chapter 1 First day of school

The first day of Highschool comes with all types of nerves and excitement but for me lets just say I had none of that I was quite numb

The morning of my first day in Highschool

"Anna wake up it's time for school I don't have time for all this I need to get to work hurry up" mom says

I wake up feeling extremely tired no exhausted from the night before what was I doing the night before you ask I had to write a 7 page essay for my first day speech as the school I went to was big on speeches and public speaking

" Im awake " is say half asleep

I wake up take a bath and now the big part what will I wear...as someone who is diagnosed with social anxiety I didn't what anything that would make people approach me and make me visiable but I also wanted something that didn't make me a victim to bullies so I chose my light blue mom jeans a big Naruto black oversized t and light blue cap with white airforce ones

"Anna hurry up I have to get to work and by the way you have to come back on your own and I won't be back until Saturday night"

*A whole week to myself I think*

• At school

Everything is busy everyone is everywhere it's messing me up and giving me anxiety I walk to the back of the school where it seems more quite by the way it's 6:30am and school starts at 7:45 my mom brought me very early but I guess all the kids prefer to come Early

As I reach the back of the school I see these two people making out and as any normal person does I just turn and try walk the other way but as I walk away the guy whom I later knew was Sam called me over and said " hey you why don't you join us" making the girl he is with angry and walks away

He comes closer to me very close and he is like 5"11 while I'm 5"0 I look up at him our lips almost touching he says " hey my name is Sam Brown and you are absolutely gorgeous babe" I look up at him asking myself if this is how people act in Highschool call each other 'babe' and stand uncomfortably close to each other

"Hey... I'm Anna Coleman...uhmm sir...boy you are standing way to close to me I'm literally suffocated by your cologne so if you can please move" I say feeling my face flush in fear as those are the most words I've said to anyone at school except for when I do speeches I feel like running away

" Uhmm sorry he steps back and sorry to I'm am not a sir or a boy" he or she or they awkwardly smile

"What do you mean" I ask " what are you then cause I just saw you making out with that girl"

She looks at me like I should've know what she was the moment she said she wasn't a sir or a boy

"Uhmm...I'm female but I identify as a Lesbian stud I didn't think I would have to explain that to you"

She looks at me and I have no words I'm just shocked I feel stupid to have not of thought of that and we just stand there looking at each other for what feels like a lifetime the more I look at her the more I see how handsome she is and how her hazel brown eyes shine the sun how her full pink lips beg me to kiss them how her well built body shows even though her hoodie and don't get me started on her scent the one I liked and said is suffocating me hmm the way this woman smells can make any girls knees weak she smells like cinnamon mixed with the smell of the wet sand when it rains *why am I feeling like this* I ask myself

" So are we just gonna keep looking at each other like this?" Sam asked

"Yes..uhmm no no I meant no uhm I'll just go now" i say turning my back to leave

As I take a step she pulls me back holds me by my waist and are now so close that I can feel her breathing so close that I can hear her heartbeat she leans over my ear and whispers

" Now that's rude babe you can't just walk away from me I want you and I want you to be completely mine and only mine" her deep husky voice alone makes me wet

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The Hurt That Comes with Disappointing

Chapter 1 First day of school
