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My soul mate

My soul mate



Nada intends to look for her husband who disappeared five years ago. However, unexpectedly, she received information that her husband had died. While searching for her husband's whereabouts, she ends up being trapped in a situation where she loves a man who is younger than her. The man who helped him. So, what steps does Dara take? Do you continue your love, or go back?

Chapter 1 Neighbor insults

"Nada! Come here!"

From near the fence of Nada's house there was a woman screaming her name. Nada knew who the woman was, she was someone who often insulted her family.

Nada told Nazril to come in. Nada knew what was going to happen and she didn't want Nazril to hear it. Nada approached the rude guest who had pulled up in front of his house.

“Assalamu'alaikum, Mrs. Nia. What's going on..."

"Don't make too many pleasantries!" Nia snapped, interrupting Nada's words.

“Oh my God, ma'am. I just said hello, you know. Nia's mother forgot or what, the law answered that greetings were mandatory. So...."

Once again, Nada's words were interrupted by Nia.

“Don't lecture! Now is not the time for lectures. If you want to give a talk, go to the mosque!" Nia snapped and Nada just apologized and shook her head, feeling funny about her neighbor's behavior.

“I'm not giving a lecture, I'm just reminding you. If you answer..."

"What a lot of talk, huh!"

Nada exhaled roughly. It's useless, it feels useless to talk nicely to this person who seems to be getting emotional. Even his words that wanted to remind him were insulted.

"Okay Mrs. Nia, so, what is this actually about? Mother screams in hot weather like this in front of my house too."

Nada immediately asked the point why Nia came to his house and shouted his name.

“Hey itchy widow! Educate your child properly, OK? His behavior was not like that of a six year old child. Look! What have you naughty children done?” Nia showed claw and bite marks on her child's hands and neck.

"Sorry ma'am. You don't need to remind me how I should educate my own child. I know how my son is. He would never have started first if he had not been provoked and....”

"And what?" Nia interrupted

“So, you want to say that my son started first? That's it Nada!” Nia snapped until Nada turned her face away because Nia was pointing her finger right at Nada's face.

“I didn't say it like that. "In fact, you said it yourself," said Nada as he straightened his gaze again at Nia.

Nia looked angry, it was clear from her face which turned red. As well as clenching his palms so hard that his knuckles turned white.

“Hey widow! Still, your child is wrong. He likes playing physically. "This is the result of lack of education, lack of love from my father, that's why I'm naughty like this."

Nada could no longer contain his anger. People can insult themselves, people can curse at themselves. But, not with her children and husband. Moreover, she brings her husband's name into the problems that occur between these young children.

The husband she really respects even though he doesn't know the jungle. The child she loves and loves so much, Nada doesn't want people to bother her, let alone insult her.

“Miss Nia! That's enough, yeah. You may insult or vilify me, but I beg you not to insult or vilify my husband and children. I don't accept it!"

"What did you say? Husband? Haha, hello husband, where are you from? Hasn't Aziz been missing for five years? And you still consider him your husband, hah, pathetic!”

"Obviously, because never once did the word divorce come out of my mouth or Mas Aziz's mouth. That means I'm still his wife.”

“You've gone crazy! My husband left for five years and didn't come back, which means he died! Why do you still consider him husband?”

“Watch your mouth, Miss Nia! Why are you interfering in my personal affairs? "Aren't you here to complain about my son's behavior which isn't actually wrong, he's just defending himself."

“You really need to take care of your life, so you are self-aware. If your husband runs away and is still retained, it's the same as making your own life miserable."

“Enough, ma'am! Why does your mother's discussion spread everywhere? If you have nothing else to do, please leave here!"

“You kicked me out?”

"Yes, because you have disturbed my comfort and invaded my privacy."

"Proud! Just be careful that our business is not finished, and the children's business is not finished either."

With a mouth that keeps muttering without brakes. Nia continued to grumble cursingly, uttering words that really hurt her heart. For Nada, this is normal, it could even be said to be daily food for her.

In her heart, she always called her husband. Sometimes Nada just wants to give up facing this huge ordeal. Maybe from the outside, yes, Nada looks strong, tough and tough. However, what about his heart? His heart had been hurt for a long time, since five years ago. And now that the wound has not healed, the wound in his heart is getting deeper and bigger.

'Mas, I need you,' Nada groaned to herself.

Not long after, Ningsih had just arrived from the market. He saw that Nada was silent with teary eyes. He knew what had happened. And things like this are no longer strange for Ningsih.

"What's wrong with you, kid?" Ningsih's sudden question made Nada gasp in surprise.

Realizing her mother's presence made Nada try to look okay. However, he couldn't just lie to Ningsih.

"There's nothing wrong with Nada, ma'am," Nada lied, smiling a fake smile.

"Don't lie, son. I'm your mother, I won't be easy for you to lie to. Now tell me, who else comes here and gets angry at you? It's your fault why you're still waiting for your husband. If only you would listen to mother's advice to open your heart to other men. Maybe you won't continue to be insulted by other people," said Ningsih with a little emotion.

“Nada is still legally Mas Aziz's wife, ma'am. "Nada can't get married again," said Nada as she went inside.

Ningsih followed Nada's steps, she again tried to advise Nada.

“Indirectly, you have divorced your husband, son. You don't even know how he is, whether he is alive or dead!"

“Enough, ma'am. Mas Aziz will always be Nada's husband. "Nada won't remarry until Nada knows about Mas Aziz," Nada's words started to get louder, even her index finger was raised.

“You dare raise your voice at your mother? Why do you keep defending Aziz who doesn't know what he's doing? Say you want to go abroad to improve the economy, what is this? It's been five years, son, five years. Does he deserve to be called a husband?"

Nada was silent, he knew he was wrong. But, is it wrong if he hopes? Blame him if he defends his household? Although indirectly their marital status is questionable. Go five years without providing physical or mental support.

Nada always thinks positively, she always strives for success, maybe if not now, next week, next month or next year, Aziz—her husband suddenly appears before her eyes, he is Nada's hope.

"Sorry, ma'am, if Nada has been impudent with you. Really, as long as Nada doesn't know about Mas Aziz, Nada won't get married again. If he was still alive, Nada would come back with Mas Aziz. Building our household from scratch again. Even if he is dead, Nada wants to know where his grave is.”

“It's up to you, kid. I'm talking like this because I've been in your position. Living without a husband raising children alone, working hard. I don't want you to be like that, that's enough, Mom, son, that's enough, Mom.”

Ningsih was miserable, her eyes had condensed, ready to drop clear liquid from her eyes. Ningsih is also a single parent. She was clear, because her husband, Nada's father, died when Nada was four years old.

Ningsih leaves Nada, while Nada can only watch her mother leave with feelings of guilt. Guilty for yelling at him.

"I'm sorry Nada, ma'am. Nada will prove that Aziz is a good man and Nada will follow him to Jakarta," muttered Nada softly.

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