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My best friend is a werewolf

My best friend is a werewolf



It was the first day of resumption when Emma met with a strange girl. She had been sexually attracted to her and wanted to be her friend. Trying to get to know her on her first day at school. Lilly told Emma what she was. " A werewolf." Lily went ahead to show Emma her glowing eyes but they were suddenly attacked in the woods by an unknown wolf. Which ended up biting Emma turning her into a wolf of her own. Will Emma see the power as a blessing or as a curse when she now has to hide her true form from her family and friends? The North and the South now had to fight over who was going to be the Alpha of the two kingdoms with both friends cut in the crossfire. Will Emma forsake her love life and friendship for Lily or will she choose her pack?

Chapter 1 The new student

The first day back after winter break was always a mix of excitement and dread. Emma adjusted her backpack and sighed, stepping into the bustling halls of Woodbridge High. The same faces, the same routine—until her gaze fell upon the new girl standing by the lockers.

Tall, with a mane of wild, dark hair and piercing green eyes, Lily was impossible to miss. Her presence was magnetic, and Emma couldn't help but stare. It wasn't just that Lily was beautiful; there was something raw and untamed about her, something that made Emma's heart race.

As Emma walked past, Lily glanced up and their eyes met. A flicker of recognition passed between them, though Emma was sure they had never met. She felt a strange pull, a connection that went beyond the ordinary.

By lunchtime, whispers about Lily had spread through the school. "Did you hear about the new girl?" "I heard she's from some small town up north." "She's kind of weird, don't you think?" Emma ignored the chatter, focusing instead on her mission to get to know Lily. She found her sitting alone under a tree in the courtyard, her nose buried in a book.

"Mind if I join you?" Emma asked, summoning her courage.

Lily looked up, her eyes softening. "Sure."

Emma sat down, unsure of what to say. She fiddled with her sandwich wrapper, finally blurting out, "I'm Emma."

"Lily," she replied, a small smile playing on her lips. "Nice to meet you."

Over the next few days, Emma found herself drawn to Lily's side. They talked about everything and nothing—books, music, the weird teachers at Woodbridge. Emma felt a growing attraction to Lily, but she wasn't sure how to express it. She valued their budding friendship too much to risk it.

One afternoon, as they walked home together, Emma noticed something strange. The shadows seemed to cling to Lily, moving unnaturally as she walked. She brushed it off as a trick of the light, but the sense of something off lingered.

"Do you ever feel like you don't quite fit in?" Lily asked suddenly, her voice tinged with sadness.

"All the time," Emma admitted, thinking of her struggles with her sexuality in a conservative town. She was drawn to Lily as she couldn't deny it. Her smell was so captivating Emma found herself lost whenever she was around her.

Lily stopped and looked at her, her expression serious. "Emma, there's something I need to tell you."

Before she could continue, a sharp howl pierced the air. Emma froze, her heart pounding. "What was that?"

Lily's eyes widened in fear. "We need to get out of here. Now."

They ran, Lily, leading them to an abandoned shed at the edge of town. Inside, Lily paced restlessly, her agitation growing. Emma watched in confusion and worry.

"Lily, what's going on?" she asked.

Lily took a deep breath. "Emma, there's something you need to know about me. I'm not like other people. I'm... different."

Emma's mind raced with possibilities. "Different how?"

Lily's eyes glowed with an unnatural light. "I'm a werewolf, Emma."

Emma's breath caught in her throat. She had expected many things, but this... "You're serious, aren't you?"

she had always believed that werewolves were mythical creatures but here was one before her very eyes.

Lily nodded, her expression pained. "I didn't want you to find out like this. I just wanted to be normal for once, to have a friend who didn't look at me like I'm a monster."

Emma stepped closer, her heart aching for Lily. "I don't think you're a monster. You're my friend, Lily. Nothing changes that."

Lily looked at her and wondered how she wasn't scared. it was their first day being together and she had told her what she was.

" I even showed her my glowing eye. " Lily thought loud to herself looking at Emma.

Just as Lily seemed to relax, a low growl emanated from the darkness outside the shed. Emma's blood ran cold as she turned to see a pair of glowing eyes staring back at them from the trees.

"Lily, what is that?" she whispered.

Lily's face paled. "It's not me. There's another werewolf. And it's not friendly."

The growling grew louder, the creature advancing slowly. Emma felt Lily grab her hand, her grip tight with fear.

"We need to run," Lily said, her voice trembling. "Now."

They burst out of the shed, sprinting towards the safety of town. The creature's footsteps pounded behind them, growing closer with every second. Emma's mind raced with fear and confusion, but she held tight to Lily's hand, refusing to let go.

Just as they reached the edge of the woods, the creature lunged a dark blur in the moonlight. Emma felt a sharp pain in her side as she was knocked to the ground. She struggled to breathe, her vision blurring.

"Lily!" she cried out, her voice weak.

Lily turned, her eyes glowing fiercely. "Emma, stay with me!"

Emma's world faded to black, and the last thing she saw was Lily transforming, her body shifting into something both beautiful and terrifying, as she faced the other werewolf head-on

The world was a swirl of darkness and pain as Emma drifted in and out of consciousness. She felt the earth beneath her, cold and unyielding, as the sounds of a fierce struggle echoed around her. The growls and snarls of the two werewolves filled the night, a terrifying symphony that spurred her to fight the fog in her mind.

Emma forced her eyes open, her vision swimming. She saw Lily, now fully transformed, locked in combat with the other werewolf. Their furred bodies clashed violently, teeth bared and claws flashing. Despite her fear, Emma felt a surge of awe at the raw power and grace Lily possessed in her wolf form.

The other werewolf was larger, more savage, its eyes burning with a malevolent light. Lily fought bravely, but she was being overpowered. Emma's heart ached with the realization that Lily was risking everything to protect her.

"I can't just lie here," Emma whispered to herself, pushing through the pain. She looked around desperately for anything she could use as a weapon. Her fingers brushed against a sharp piece of broken wood, and she seized it, her determination outweighing her fear.

With a burst of adrenaline, Emma stumbled to her feet, clutching the makeshift stake. The other werewolf had Lily pinned, its jaws closing in for the kill. Emma's legs felt like jelly, but she forced herself forward, aiming for the beast's exposed side.

"Get away from her!" Emma shouted, plunging the stake into the werewolf's flank with all her strength.

The creature howled in pain and rage, turning its burning eyes on Emma. She braced herself for an attack, but Lily took the moment of distraction to break free, slashing at the other werewolf with renewed ferocity. Together, they forced the creature back, driving it away from the shed and deeper into the woods.

Breathing heavily, Emma collapsed to her knees, the adrenaline leaving her body in a rush. She watched as Lily, still in her wolf form, chased the other werewolf into the shadows, her growls echoing through the trees.

Minutes felt like hours before Lily returned, panting and bloodied but victorious. She shifted back to her human form, her eyes still glowing with the remnants of the fight. She rushed to Emma's side, her expression filled with worry.

"Emma, are you okay?" Lily asked, her voice trembling.

Emma managed a weak smile. "I'll live. Thanks to you."

Lily helped her to her feet, supporting her as they made their way back to the edge of town. They didn't speak much, the night's events weighing heavily on them both. When they finally reached Emma's house, Lily insisted on staying until she was sure Emma was safe.

Inside, Emma collapsed onto the couch, wincing at the pain in her side. Lily sat beside her, her face a mixture of relief and guilt.

"I'm so sorry, Emma," Lily said softly. "I never wanted to put you in danger."

Emma reached out, taking Lily's hand. "You saved my life. Twice. I'm not mad, Lily. I'm just... confused. And scared."

Lily nodded, squeezing her hand. "I get it. There's a lot to explain. But for now, you need to rest."

Emma nodded, exhaustion overwhelming her. She closed her eyes, grateful for Lily's presence. But as she drifted off to sleep, a nagging thought pulled at the edges of her mind.

Just before the darkness took her, she heard a whisper, so faint she wasn't sure if she imagined it. "This isn't over, Emma. He's coming for you."

Emma's eyes snapped open, but the room was silent. Lily sat beside her, her eyes closed in exhaustion. Emma's heart pounded with the realization that the danger wasn't over. The other werewolf was still out there, and it wanted her.



Emma looked at Lily " Did you see my mom when you walked in?" She asked aittle terrified. She looked at her clothes and saw they were torn and covered with blood. Emma felt a sharp pain to her ears and shouted looking at Lily. " Are you alright?" she asked looking into Emma's face

" Until today, I had always believe Werewolves were a mystical creature until I met you. Are you born this way?" She asked seating upright with her back again the back of her bed.

Lily looked at Emma " Are you sure you want to talk about this?"

Emma smiled " I know it is a lot to process but I think I am okay with my new friend being a werewolf."

The door opened and Martha walked in " Did I just hear someone mention the word werewolf?" She asked with a serious gaze

" No mom, I a sure you must have heard wrongly." Emma looked at Lilly who nodded her head.

Martha looked at Emma and back at Lily waiting for her to do a little bit of introducing her friend.

" Ah! mother , meet Lily. She is just a newly transferred student." Emma said with a smile. " And you brought her home?" Martha asked looking at her daughter who was hiding under the duvet.

" And why are you both at home?" Martha asked

Martha was a nurse and a single mother. She had single handedly raised Emma on her own after Stephan denied being the father of Emma. she had jus gotten back from her afternoon shift and found a strange girl in bed wth her daughter. Martha had always known Emma was different but she refused to believe she was a gay.

" I think I will be in my way now." Lily said gently taking her back pack. Martha looked at her and noticed she was having Emma's dress on. " Goodbye Martha." Lily looked at Emma as she walked out shutting the door behind her. Emma knew she was going to get an handful from her mother and tried to pretend she was asleep. " Don't try it young lady. Wha was that about? And who the hell is she? You even gave her your cloth, Emma!" Martha shouted at her

" First of all, you need to calm down, mom. You know I am always having issues with making friends and Lily will be the first friend that I would be making since i got into the school. I don't want to ruin that for anything." Emma snapped facing her mother

" And why are you in bed? Are you sick?" Martha walked closer to her daughter to place her palm on her fore head. Walking closer to her, Ema grabbed the bedsheet tightly hopping her mother won't see the blood stained bed sheet. Martha's phone rang as she got closer to Emma. She placed her phone to her ears and looked at her, " I need to go princess. Duty calls." She replied " Let's talk when I get home and why don't you tell me about your new friend too." she shut the door behind her as she walked out of the room.

Emma got out of bed waking towards the mirror in front of her. She felt her body on fire and ran into the bathroom room sink to have water poured on her body. She remembered she was bitten by the wolf that attacked her but when she checked, the bite was not there.

Emma felt a little scared and didn't understand what was going on. She gently scrubbed the mirror and stared at her self. She shrieked as she saw a side of her she had never seen before.

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