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Bride Without A Groom; An Affair For My Sinful Desires.

Bride Without A Groom; An Affair For My Sinful Desires.



Abandoned at the altar, heartbroken and alone, Abby thought her happily-ever-after was shattered. But when a chance encounter with a charming stranger leads to a passionate, sinful affair, she discovers a new kind of love. As she goes through the thrill of her sinful relationship, a surprise pregnancy reveals a shocking twist - the baby's father is her former fiancƩ! Torn between her past and present, Abby must confront her feelings and make a choice. Will she embrace her new love or revisit the past? Find out as you read more on 'Bride without a Groom: An Affair For My Sinful Desires'

Chapter 1 Prologue

Author's POV.

"What the hell do you think you just did, Jack? That's my wife you just killed!" Alex bellowed, his eyes turning red as his heart raced as if he had seen a deadly animal before him.

"I...I am sorry. I didn't mean to shoot her...I am not a killer," Jack stuttered, looking at his blood-covered hands, the very blood he had been scared of dipping his hands into all these years.

His lover's blood.

"Fuck! What have I done?" He fell to his knees, beginning to regret his actions, his silly actions.

He crawled closer to where she was, and the moment he placed his hand on her, he felt dander but apologetic.

"I am sorry I did this to you," he said voicelessly as a torrent of tears rolled down his eyes in pain....

Abby's POV.

"Where is he, Cherry?" I asked, looking confused, standing at the front door waiting for the priest to welcome me into the hall.

I was already dressed in my white flowing gown, which had expensive stones surrounding it.

My dad had his black suit on and was standing by my left hand side as he awaited the moment he was going to walk me into the church.

"Abby, I think we should go back to the room now!" Cherry suddenly suggested, grabbing my hand and dragging me back into my room.

"Wait here a bit, I am coming, ok?" she assured with a worrisome expression.

What's wrong with Alex? I thought to myself as I stood up and walked closer to the curtains.

I peeped through it, and the view of the wedding venue made me dumb.

Everyone was waiting in bated breaths, my heart pounding like I was about to have high blood pressure.

This isn't what I planned for; this was not what Alex and I had planned to do. The hall was becoming filled up every minute.

The rich came in to sit down, joking and chatting with themselves.

The poor families from my hometown were all seated too, with their fingers crossed that they were going to see me smile so hard today.

What have I done to myself? What have I done to deserve all these shits? I thought to myself for a while as I looked through the curtains.

"He still isn't here yet, Abby," my best friend Cherry announced, looking pale as she walked into my room with her dress dirty.

"I don't get it, what do you mean?" I asked, looking at Cherry for a long period.

"That's it, Abby, he isn't here," she stated again clearly.

Hearing her make such a statement only meant one thing. One thing was for sure...

"Alex isn't coming!" I muttered as the flower which I held in my hand fell to the ground.

My legs were already weak at that moment, my eyes had tried to hold in the tears which had threatened to fall off a long time ago.

"Come on, Abby, don't do this," Cherry quickly stood up from her seat to stop me from staining my white.

"Tell me it's not true, Cherry?" I raised my head to look at her. Her eyes were already scared of what I might do to myself.

"Alex left me standing," I mumbled to myself again as tears flowed flawlessly from my eyes down to my white long wedding gown.

I guess this is it; this is where my life starts from, this is how my life gets ruined by the one I love. I thought to myself.

As the saying goes, the one you love the most kills you better than the one you barely know.

Knowing that my wedding wasn't going to hold anymore was already like a sharp knife cutting through my throat.

I am Abby, and this is my story!!!

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