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Anna’s life changed for the worst after becoming a surrogate for Rowland Brown a rude and ruthless billionaire and his Girlfriend Rachel in order to save her father’s company. Even with his wicked and ruthless character she fell in love with him when she came to live in his house after she was rescued from her kidnappers. The baby died few months after she was thrown out of Rowland mansion but her mother’s greed made her go back to the Vicious Billionaire for another contract for her to be a surrogate for the second time. She was betrayed, kidnapped and almost kill on several occasions. Which led to the lose of the second pregnancy. She locked her to love, even family love but she found love again with her Doctor, who help her in getting revenge. What will happen when she finds out her eggs were fertilized instead of Rachel’s? Will she finds out that she is the heiress to the empire because she was swapped by Rachel’s father with Rowland on the day of her delivery? Will she fight to get all that belongs to her and take revenge on the culprit for her parents death or just take the money offered to her and leave?

Chapter 1 Nightmare Begins

Rachel: Hey pretty Anna long time no sees, looks like you are not so pretty now ehhh. Rachel mockingly said to Anna

Anna: hey Rachel you look beautiful. Seems life has turn it good fortune on you

Rachel: you can say that again but pray you don’t match what Rowland wants cause if you do, I will make your life a living hell surrogate? Hahahhhahahahaha Rachel said laughing slightly loud like a witch.

Anna: what have I gotten myself into? She hasn’t change till now, still the same old bitter soul, oh God help me I don’t want to be a match for the baby.

Raymond: Babies aren’t you coming anymore. He said snapping her out of her thoughts.

Anna: am coming dad, right behind you she said while hurrying to meet her dad.

Can you imagine this girl? How did you become my daughter? Ohh I wish I had other daughters. You better hope that you are a match if not you will pray for death but it will not come. Martha said within herself as she gives Anna a deadly glare.

Rowland: this lady is not fit to carry my baby. I pray she is not a match urgh!! he said disgustedly to his assistant who was on the phone.

Raymond: Lord please let my daughter be a match I can’t afford to go back to the gutters; he prayed quietly within him.


Doctor: Miss Anna please come with me, Mr. Raymond sign here while Mr. Rowland you sign there.

Doctor William leading Anna away from the waiting room into the lab.

Stretch your arm let me check for your blood pressure before we start the test.

Anna: doctor I scared of being a surrogate, what if the fertilization process is painful? what if I die while giving birth? She said with fear and tears in her eye her arms still stretched towards the doctor.

Doctor: Don’t worry none of that will happen I promise you. Lie down please, let me examine you.

Anna heart pound hard against her chest as if she was about to be slain for a sacrifice, and tears rolling down her eyes.

The doctor wipes her tears, he tries to console her and while telling her she has to be positive and cheerful if not the fertilization will not work.

Anna looks at the sincerity in the doctor’s eyes and said you are the first person who has spoken to me with true love since my grandma passed.

My parent’s selfishness has brought me to a point of no return. I wish I could run away she continued still lying down with her legs slightly apart.

Doctor: don’t worry you will get over it soon, ok? The doctor who was already feeling pity for her but couldn’t do much to rescue her from her parent’s and Rowland’s decision.

You can stand up now said the doctor while assisting her to her feet, when he was done examining her.

Nurse Ashley Nurse Ashley come and help me lift her, the doctor shouting from his office because she slumped.

What happened to her? What happened to my daughter?


What happened to her? What happened to my daughter Raymond shouted as he ran towards his daughter who was lying motionless on the floor.

Doctor: please help me lift her to the bed, leave here immediately she needs space.

Rowland: can you imagine that ugly, grumpy, filthy looking girl fainting on the day of the examination. I don’t think I want to go on with this, what if she is sick? She will then transfer her illness to my baby? No way!

Rachel: with a sting like smile on her face I told her not to go ahead with it she didn’t listen now she will pay with her life.

Martha: that girl is possessed how can she bring her drama here? I will kill her myself if this deal doesn’t go through. I promise her.

Anna who seemed like she was in a trance asking what happened to me? Am I dead? I hope am not oh on I hope am dead, so I won’t have to be a surrogate to that annoying, harsh, grumpy, and despicable Rowland and also seeing that irritating Rachel again.

Raymond’s voice seemed like in a distance calling out for Anna. Anna darling can you please wake up, forgive me and come back to me my love.

Dad am here stop crying please, Anna said as she slowly open her eyes with great discomfort and pain. Oush my head hurts what happened she asked her father.

You slumped when you were about leaving the doctor’s office my love, am sorry for putting you through all of this, forgive me. The doctor said you are fine that you are just emotional and psychologically stressed.

Martha watching from the door saying to herself thank goodness she survived atleast our deal is still intact. She smiled to herself

The doctor walks into the waiting room to meet Mr. Rowland and the others

Doctor: Well according to the results, her genes are perfects, no illnesses, no defects, no health conditions, her eggs are in good conditions, and she is perfect.

Yes yes yes Martha shouted like someone who has won a lottery.

I am not doing this said a voice.


I am not doing this said Raymond from behind the doctor, my daughter is suffering because of my greed, I can’t watch my daughter suffer because I was unable to sustain my company Raymond said with valour and certainty in his voice like a super hero.

No no no you can’t do this to me; what are you saying Martha said holding her husband hand like a thief.

Raymond: you heard me I am not going through with the deal; Anna has suffered enough for this family. It is not her fault that the company folded. Then why sacrifice her tomorrow for it.

Rachel: good thinking man don’t go through with it please, I can’t allow that girl come close to my man not again; she thought to herself with mixed feeling on her face as she is angry that Anna woke up and happy at Anna’s misfortune.

Rowland: that’s fine but you this stupid man you wasted my whole day with your family drama. If you haven’t decided why did you call me?

Raymond: am so sorry sir, I was being foolish I wasn’t thinking of my daughter’s well being.

Rowland: Rachel let’s get out of here. This family disgusts me.

Martha: no please stop don’t go Mr. Rowland I will talk to him please give him another chance, please sir, forgive himmmmmm she kept shouting and wailing like a mother whose child is missing as Rowland left the hospital with Rachel.

My baby we won’t go through with this I can’t jeopardize your future because of my failure, forgive me dear Raymond said holding Anna’s hand as she sleeps.


Thank you dad Anna said weakly on the bed as she held her pillow tightly to her chest and exhaling heavily as a sign of relief. I love you so much dad.

I love you too my princess Raymond said kissing her on the head.

Martha: I don’t understand you, one minute you are in another minute you are out. Why are you so inconsistent? Why are you inconsiderate? She started shouting and asking questions like a mad woman.

Raymond: please let Anna be, we have stressed her mentally and emotionally, so like I said in the hospital she is not the reason this company became bankrupt for that she is not to suffer or be sacrificed for the same company.

Martha: I know she is not the cause but she is the only one who can savage the situation. I wish I was not married I would gladly do it she murmured under her breathe.

Raymond: I heard that, you can go ahead and do it on behalf of your daughter and save your family? He said shaking his head in disbelief.

Anna: dad please I want to sleep, can you please stop arguing? but if you must can you do it without been loud?. She said yarning loudly with sleepy eyes and stretching her arms in the air.

Martha: we are being loud? I can’t believe this, you are not only grumpy and ugly, you are now disrespectful.

Anna: mum? What have I done? With teary eyes and her arms stretched forth in absolute shock.

Raymond: my love don’t listen to your mum she is just bitter that she is not as beautiful as you are. He said taking her to her room and patting her on the shoulder lightly.

I don’t wish to discuss this topic again. The sooner you come to terms with the fact that we are going to be poor the better for you. Raymond continue?

Martha: really is that what you are going to say don’t you worry? Watch and see the devil you got married to. She said angrily as she stamps her feet firmly to the ground and leave in frustration.

I will deal with the both of you, except you go back and accept Mr. Rowland’s offer and give me the life I deserve. Martha Murmur under her breathe and vibrating violently as she walk towards the door to Anna’s room.

You have killed your own daughter.

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