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Behind The Façade

Behind The Façade

Eliza Beth E.


Behind the mask of a perfect marriage, Alex Flynn hides her unhappiness. But when she meets Williams Brown, a charismatic and ruthless fashion tycoon, her life is turned upside down. As they embark on a passionate affair, Alex must confront the consequences of her choices and the secrets that have held her back. With her family and community against her, she must find the strength to break free and follow her heart. Will she risk everything for a chance at true love, or will the pressures of her past tear them apart?

Chapter 1 A facade of happiness

Alex sighed for the fifth time and it was barely 6AM.

Scott her husband was at it again. He wanted to make love, by this time, on a Monday morning, when he should be getting up to prepare for his day.

“You know I have an interview today, Scott” she whined trying to wriggle free from his grip. He had wrapped his arms around her waist,dropping wet kisses on her shoulder and moaning.

Alex shivered with disgust. She hated the sound of his moans,she hated the way he kissed her,she hated when he touched her, she hated the way he made love to her.

It didn’t use to be so,honestly,it didn’t.

Once upon a time,he was her favorite person.

They had started dating in her junior year in high school while he was a senior.

She remembered the first time he spoke to her, at a house party that she wasn’t even invited to - it was cliche really.

she had been sitting alone on the sofa after Sophie,her friend,ditched her to go hook up with her new boyfriend,Ben. So she was all by herself, in a party she didn’t even want to go to in the first place.

“Can I get you anything?” He had asked his voice loud because of the blaring music

She had looked up surprised. She knew who he was, Scott Flynn, he was one of the hottest seniors, and he was on her and friends’ list of ‘hot guys to date’.

Maybe that’s why she didn’t stop to think of why when he first kissed her at that party she didn’t feel any fireworks,she had thought may be it was because of the alcohol she consumed,she was a bit tipsy,plus she remembered feeling butterflies in her stomach when he first spoke to her. So it didn’t really matter.

This hot senior,of everyone in that party -which she had later realized was his - had chosen to talk to her. Her. Shy,chubby,short Alex. Really it was everything she could and had only dreamed of.

She wasn’t that Alex anymore though,she had changed a great deal and not just physically.

Once she got to college she had started working out,she was surprised at what a little exercise could do to her body. She was still thick, but in the right places. Her voluptuous physique was reminiscent of a figure eight, with a full bust and hips that curved inward, creating a beautiful, feminine silhouette.

She made heads turn now,both men and women, which added to her confidence. If only they knew she wasn’t so confident and it was just a façade.

He pulled the sheets over his head and went under her. As he went to work,she faked a moan making him go deeper.

Now she wondered when last she moaned and actually meant it. She had gotten used to faking it she couldn’t tell the difference anymore.

Now she wondered if she had ever orgasmed before,if what she thought was orgasm was just a convincing performance. She felt like an actress,in a role she couldn’t escape,playing the the part of a happy wife, a satisfied lover. She used be before,satisfied and contented, she got a man who loved and stuck to her from day one, when her friends were breaking up with their boyfriends, she and Scott had only gotten stronger. They envied her and what she had,she couldn’t complain. Even her sister, Ava, who was perfect,had a perfect life,wished to be her. How dare she complain.

Her parents were proud of her, she was living the kind of life they had envisioned for her and Ava.

She had made the community proud, the church proud.

She faked another moan and arched her hips forward to give him a reaction.

He was her first everything. First kiss, first love, first heartbreak, first husband.She thought she had loved him once, but now she wasn't so sure. The memories of their high school romance seemed distant, and the only thing that remained was a sense of obligation and a fear of being alone.

As he continued to pleasure her, Alex's mind wandered to the interview she had today, the one that could change her life. She thought about the job description, the one that said “Confidence and a strong sense of self required.” She wondered if they would see through her facade, or if she could keep up the charade long enough to make a difference.

He stopped and made move to go inside her but she stopped him.

“I really need to go jog now if I want to make it in time for my interview.” She said pulling away before he could stop her.

“You should get up too, if you don’t want to be late for work.”

Scott groaned and dropped his head on the pillow ignoring her, he was really hard and his wife was refusing to make love to him.Again. He wondered how long he could endure it. He decided to push the thoughts aside, she was just stressed, today was a big deal for her, she really wanted to work at the L’Atelier de Brown,it was her dream and she was tensed.

He watched her as she changed to her jogging pants. Even after 9 years of marriage, he still couldn’t believe this beautiful woman was his.

He loved everything about her,her body most especially,they way she talked animatedly when she saw excited about something,the way she laughed a second after everyone had laughed when a joke is been cracked because she only got it a second after,making everyone laugh all over again,her loved how she loved her job,how she talked about it when asked what she did for a living,she was obsessed with fashion.

He watched her tie up her auburn red curly hair up in a messy bun,just the way he liked it.

He loved her so much, he wasn’t sure he could ever stop. Everything about her fascinated him.

“Can I have avocado toast for breakfast, it’s been a while,” he asked now. He loved that she was an excellent cook.

“Sure,” she responded not looking at him. “I’ll be back shortly” she says coming over to give him a kiss.

He held on to her, “Scott,” she groaned.

“Okay,okay. Remember I have a surprise for you later today?” He reminded her for the fifth time.

“How can I forgot? You remind me every second of the day” she replied setting herself free.

“So you don’t forgot” he laughed.

“I won’t”

She said and left the room. Wondering what plans he had up his sleeves now.

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