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Mr. CEO Secretary

"Mr. Walter" I came back to my trance when sir called me, I just now noticed that they were all looking at me. "Huh?" I only said and put the ballpoint pen they were playing with on the table. "Any suggestions?" sir asked with raised eyebrows. "U-uh nothing" I sat down properly and adjusted myself. Gosh I'm spacing out. "Are you sure Mr.?" I turned to the speaker. I grinned when I saw who it was. "I'm sure Mr. Sunday" I said with a smile, as if our old man thought I didn't know him. He grinned at me and winked‚ meet Mr. Mon Sunday he is sir phayu's business partner and he is also one of the business tycoons‚ he is not just any business tycoon because he is one of the leaders of a gang called the DHS GANG‚ meaning. Dr*gs Hot S*x‚ this gang led by our old man is an illegal. you want to know why? they are the ones who transport the women, they kidnap the women and take them to other countries to be sold and made into wives by the mafia. And their gang is also the one that brings drugs into the Philippines. no one knows behind the mask that mr. Sunday‚ he has a good posture and he is also one of the people who look up to him as a good model‚ who knows? that all his stench is hidden behind that mask. "Goodbye‚ mr" said goodbye to mr. dominggo and patted my shoulder, our old grandson enjoyed hitting me..

Chapter 1 Shenel and Her Wild Brother

Chapter 1

This is only a fictional story. Don't take it seriously. Characters and places are fictional.*

Hi, I'm Shenel. I'm 19 years old, and I have a wild brother named Ace. He is 22 years old, so there's a 3-year gap between us.

S - Shenel A - Ac

Shenel's POV:

I woke up because of the noise from my alarm, so I immediately got up and did my morning routine. Later.

I'm done with my morning routine, so I decided to go downstairs. When I got down, I saw mom cooking, and she was almost finished, so she told me to call my brother and dad. I followed mom's orders.


We finished eating, and it seemed like mom was whispering something to dad. They told my brother and me that they were going to Japan for their business and would stay there for two months. They were leaving tonight, so my brother and I just nodded since there was nothing we could do about it.

Fast Forward.

It's time for mom and dad to leave, so my brother and I took them to the airport. After a while, we arrived and said goodbye to our parents, then went home. We were on our way home, but we stopped at the nearest restaurant near the airport because my brother and I hadn't had dinner yet.


We were done eating, and my brother paid the bill for our meal, then we went home.

We arrived home, and I went straight to my room to sleep,

Kluen Walter

It’s late, and I’ve been bored inside this meeting room for a while now, spinning my pen between my fingers.

“Mr. Walter,” I snapped back to reality as the boss called my name, and I realized everyone was looking at me.

“Huh?” I managed to say, placing the pen I had been playing with on the table.

“Any suggestions?” the boss asked with a raised eyebrow.

“U-uh, nothing,” I replied, sitting up straight and composing myself.

Gosh, I was spacing out.

“Are you sure, Mr.?” I turned to the speaker and smiled when I saw who it was.

“I’m sure, Mr. Dominggo,” I said with a grin. This old man probably thought I didn’t recognize him.

He smirked and winked at me. Meet Mr. Mon Dominggo, a business partner of Mr. Phayu and one of the business tycoons. But he’s not just any tycoon; he’s also a leader of a gang called DHS GANG, which stands for Drugs, Hot Sex. This gang he leads is involved in illegal activities. Do you want to know why? They traffic women, kidnapping them and selling them overseas to become mafia wives. They also smuggle drugs into the Philippines. No one knows about the dark side behind Mr. Dominggo’s respectable facade. He maintains a good public image and is looked up to as a role model. Who would have thought that behind that mask lies all his dirt?

“Goodbye, Mr.” Mr. Dominggo said as he patted my shoulder. This old man is tempting me to hit him.

I just looked at him emotionlessly and didn’t reply.

“You can go home now,” the boss said, and I turned to see we were the only ones left in the meeting room.

I just nodded and left the meeting room.

I stopped for a moment and sighed.

“At last! It’s over!” I said cheerfully, removing my ID. I was about to walk when my phone rang. I leaned against the wall and answered the call.


“Hi, Kluen, we’re all here at the bar.”

“I’m coming,” I said boredly and hung up. I would head home to my condo first to change.

I walked to the elevator. A few minutes later, the elevator opened, and I went straight to the parking lot, opened my car, and drove off.


I’m now at my condo. I washed my face and changed clothes. I took off the suit I was wearing and was now just in my briefs.

I put on a black tank top and paired it with black pants, grabbed the keys to my big bike, and took my black leather jacket hanging behind my door.

I quickly walked out of my condo and headed straight to where my big bike was parked.

“I missed you, baby,” I said to my big bike, as I hadn’t used it for quite a while. My big bike is black. I like black.

I revved my big bike quickly out of the parking lot


As soon as I stepped inside the bar, I was immediately greeted by the smoky and noisy corner.

"Welcome back, Mr. Kluen!" Ynzo greeted me. Meet Ynzo Haxcinto, 19 years old. He’s the bartender here at the bar.

"Where are they?" I asked him.

"Same spot," he replied with a smile. I nodded and took the drinks he had prepared.

I drank it first and then saw my friends waving at me.

"What's up, Kluen, we miss you!" Nawin said as I approached them. Nawin Katsumuto is the only child of the yakuza, Mr. Hashiro Katsumuto, 19 years old. He is one of my best friends.

I gave Nawin a cheek kiss and sat down next to him.

"Your bar has changed a lot, Kluen," Tinn remarked as I sat down. Tinn Rendall, 20 years old, is the second child of Mr. Arm Rendall. Arm Rendall is third in the mafia rankings.

"I had it renovated. I don't want my property to get dirty," I said and gulped down another glass of liquor.

I own this bar, only influential people know about this place. Kazuma bar is in a hidden location. From the outside, it looks like an old, ruined market stall.

Everyone who comes to Kazuma bar has their own secrets that have long been kept hidden. It just depends on who will reveal theirs first.

"I thought you were complete? Why are there only three of you here? Where are the other two?" I asked them curiously. They looked at each other and then back at me.

"Same old," they said in unison. I just nodded and refilled my glass because it was already empty.

I scanned the entire bar and noticed three men dragging a woman.

I shook my head, took another sip of my drink, and then stood up.

"Where are you going?" Ynzo asked curiously as he approached our spot with a tray of drinks.

"Did you change the rules?" I asked Ynzo while slowly taking off my leather jacket. I draped it over Ynzo's shoulder.

"No, but some people aren't following the rules," he replied.

"Who?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"Mr. Domingo's men," he said briefly. Ah, Mr. Domingo again.

To Be Continued...

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