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The Demon Innocent Wife

The Demon Innocent Wife

Monalisa Andres


"Ahhh! No! Don't kill me! Don't..." Sweat poured and Shu trembled due to the multitude of imaginations swirling in his mind at that moment. They had just finished the betrothal wedding and were currently gathered for dinner. While eating, he couldn't help but think of various things, especially knowing that he would be joining his husband after they finished eating. "Hays, erase! Erase! What am I thinking! He probably isn't that aggressive. Besides, I'm still a minor and this is just a pre-wedding. He probably won't force me to do anything with him tonight!" With that thought, his hands shook as he clutched his dress under the table, which was noticed by the man beside him who then smirked. He flinched slightly when the man suddenly leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Relax, I'm not your groom, Miss. Your groom couldn't attend today's wedding." Confusion replaced the fear and anxiety that had enveloped her when she heard what the man, who had exchanged rings with her earlier, said. "A-aren't you Mr. Griffin?" "No, Ma'am. I'm Lieutenant Carber, the General's right-hand man. I was instructed to represent him." "W-what?!" "You heard right, Ma'am. He was busy and couldn't attend. However, he did leave instructions regarding what you should do now that the wedding is over." "Huh! I can't believe it, he really might be the demon they say he is! I was wondering why this man seems kind and doesn't look like a demon, turns out he's not really the infamous demon general who will be my husband!" she blurted out in frustration. "Did you say something?" Lieutenant Carber asked as he finished talking to other people at the table. Shu smiled falsely and shook her head at the still serious lieutenant. "Hays, if my twin wasn't sick, I wouldn't have agreed to marry that general! So mysterious, he might be ugly and old like they say, and on top of that, he's supposedly Lucifer's nephew who lost two wives already! Omg wait! What if he's the reason for their deaths like they say? Grr, scary!" She hugged herself and whispered with her eyes closed in fear. "I-if that's the case, when will I ever see and meet him. Hays, that demon General!" Background of the Story Shu had been married for four years to a man she had never seen or heard speak. She wasn't supposed to be the one to marry him, but rather the only daughter of a wealthy family where her mother worked. It's a complicated story; all she knew was that she woke up married to a man she didn't know. All she knew was that he had a high status and was a General, protector of the only child of the country's first family. From what she heard, he was cruel, strict, and had a terrifying aura. Despite the fear she felt, she still awaited the day she would finally see and meet him.

Chapter 1 the First Lady

Chapter 1

"I'm not going to meet her, not today," General Griffin stated seriously to the Lieutenant.

"But it's your betrothal wedding today, General. Shouldn't you be there?"

"It doesn't matter. I was just dragged into this sh!t. You can go instead of me."

"B-But General, the First Lady has already prepared your outfit. Surely some VIPs attending the betrothal wedding will be looking for you."

"Security threats are more important than that. There's no need for this to reach the First Lady. Do your part. No information on that wedding should be leaked or else..."

"I- I understand, General. I will do what needs to be done," the Lieutenant quickly responded, knowing the implications of failing this task.


"Ah, General,"


"H-how about your wif--"

"Miss Torres! That's how you should address her. She's too young to be called my wife. It takes time!" he remarked.

"O-okay. I-If that's the case, what should we do with her after dinner tonight?"

"Take her with you to Manila. My house is ready. Nanay Tacy is there, waiting for her. She knows what to do with Miss Torres, so you can just leave her at my house."

"Copy that, General!"

"She's just in 11th grade. She needs more time to build herself and mature. I don't want to be a babysitter! I'm not a babysitter after all!" he said in a mocking tone before loosening his necktie with a grin.

Shu Torres often wondered when or where she would meet the man she had married.

For two years since their wedding, she had neither seen him nor heard his voice.

Yes, she had moved in and lived for two years in the house owned by General Griffin, but she had not even glimpsed his shadow.

"Mother, I really don’t know anything about marriage. Besides, I’m only fifteen years old."

"Shu, my child, we understand that. But you agreed, didn’t you? Besides, this isn’t final; it’s just a preliminary arrangement to fulfill the agreement between Señora's family and the first family of the country, the Villarialles."

"Your mother is right, Shu. Don’t worry, this is just a pre-wedding. The proper wedding will be held when you’re of the right age."

"But why do we have these kinds of agreements?" she complained, causing Señora to smile.

"Hmm, we may have many questions about these things, but we have no choice but to follow. It’s important to honor the words and wishes of our family’s ancestors for a peaceful and harmonious life. Otherwise, the consequences will be severe. We will be cursed forever, and I don’t want that to happen."

She could only tremble at Señora Agnes’s words.

"Shu, I know this is not easy for you either, but you understand the situation, right?"

"Y-yes, Señora," she replied timidly as something crossed her mind.

"W-wait, Señora, isn’t the young master of the first family supposed to marry my twin? I mean, marry me? And my twin mentioned that the young master is reluctant to follow the agreement because he’s already in love with someone else."

Señora smiled at her words before turning serious.

"The young master will not be the token offered by the first family in this agreement, Shu."

"W-what? B-but why? Who?" she asked, eyes widening at what she heard.

"The first-ranked General of the palace, Shu."

"G-general? W-which one?" she asked nervously as thoughts raced through her mind upon hearing the word "General."

"No one else but the general you’re thinking of right now, Shu. He is the only general in the palace."

"GENERAL DEMON?!" she exclaimed in fear, her eyes widening. "No, Señora. I didn’t want to marry that playboy and jerk of a young master, let alone that ruthless, terrifying General Demon!" she protested, scooting back in her seat.

Señora sighed and nodded before speaking again.

"That’s why I’m more determined not to offer my daughter Cera in this marriage, Shu. She has had a heart condition since she was a child. She cannot handle being the wife of a general like General Griffin. No one knows him except the first family, but his reputation throughout the country is notorious. Moreover, he has lost two wives less than a year after marrying them. I’m afraid my daughter will suffer the same fate," she said with concern in her voice.

"S-so it’s true that General Griffin has already had two wives and they both died a few months after marrying him?"

"Yes. That’s not just a rumor."

"S-so it’s also true that h-he is the reason for their deaths--"

"Shhh... that’s enough, Shu. You’re just scaring yourself. While there are many negative rumors about him, as I said, no one knows General Griffin except the first family and... and soon, you, once you marry him."

Shu's face was a picture of unease as her mind raced with thoughts about the general.

Although no one outside the first family and palace staff had seen or met him, negative rumors about him still spread among the public. If General Griffin were to be compared to someone with a bad reputation, the president of North Korea would be a perfect match.

She was busy overthinking and fretting when Señora suddenly approached her and took her hands, prompting her to stand and face her.

"Shu," she began, her eyes filled with emotion. "Since you were a child, your mother brought you to this mansion, so you grew up with my daughter. Whatever she has, you have too. Whatever her interests are, yours are the same. You are identical in every aspect, even physically, which is why you call each other twins. This is why you are the only one who can help us in this situation. You will be the daughter we offer to the first family as General Griffin’s wife. They won’t suspect anything because you and Cera are identical. The only difference is that you are stronger and more cheerful. So, I know you can handle being the wife of someone like General Griffi--"

"D-Demon," she interrupted, causing Señora to smile bitterly.

"Shu, I know this is a huge and lifelong sacrifice for you, which is why we will compensate you handsomely. We will take care of your family. Your mother will no longer need to work here in the mansion. But if she still wants to be a supervisor, she can continue. But we will cover all your expenses, including your siblings’ education."

Shu wiped away her tears after recalling the agreements she made with Cera's family two years ago. These agreements were why she was now living alone in Griffin mansion, far from her family, with only the guard and Nanay Tacy to talk to every day, especially when she was at home.

At school, apart from her friends Ivon and Pao, she didn't have anyone else to talk to, especially since she was a transferee.

Since the pre-wedding with General Griffin, she had been taken to Manila to live the rest of her life there. She had to stay in the Griffin household and study at a premier school for all the rich kids in the country. Of course, there were also poor kids, but they were the town's scholars, descendants of Einstein, if that makes sense.

The highlight was that the young master of the palace, Khallib Spencer Villarialle, attended the school, along with his cousin Dhark Han Villarialle, who had no other intention but to bully her.

For some reason, since their paths crossed, Dhark had never left her alone.

In fact, Dhark had become the center of her daily life at school and, unexpectedly, the person who completed her days.

To Be Continued...

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