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Title: Secret Babies for my billionaire ex-husband. Genre: Billionaire Romance Trope: Arranged marriage/Contract marriage & Secret babies. Theme: Love, Cheating, Betrayal/Revenge, Secret babies, second chance, enemies to lovers. Setting: Modern Day, United States, 21st Century (Chicago & Detroit) CHARACTERIZATION: Name: Stephanie Norman (Female Lead) Age: 23 Physical appearance: Stephanie is a white woman of average height. She is slim and has long, straight hair. She is a brunette with black eyes. She has an innocent face and has a button nose. Personality: Stephanie is a humble lady of a humble background. She is an innocent woman who respects everyone. She is timid and shy at first. Role: Stephanie is the only daughter of Grey Norman, a driver who works for a wealthy family. Her mother, Martha Norman, gets seriously sick and her father has to receive a years advanced salary in order to pay for his wife's medical bills. Stephanie's father later dies leaving her alone with her sick mother who is in the hospital. Reluctantly, Stephanie stays in the arranged marriage but later falls into the sea and floats out of state where Marcus Thompson saves her life and helps her. After recovery, she finds out that she's pregnant with twins for her arranged husband, Donald. Name: Donald Harrison (Male Lead) Age: 33 Physical appearance: Donald is a tall man with an imposing structure. He is muscular and has a strong demeanor. He has black hair and a sculpted face. Personality: Donald is a cold and arrogant man who wishes to get his way in everything. His power and wealth seems to douch for him as he thinks he can do whatever he wants. Role: Donald is the son of the wealthy family that Stephanie gets into an arranged marriage with. He agrees to the marriage but does not pay any heed to Stephanie who is very unhappy in it. When Stephanie falls into the sea and is nowhere to be found, a mistake leads to another and he sleeps with his secretary who later, surprises him with the news that she is pregnant. Name: Tracy Paul (Villain) Age: 30 Physical appearance: Tracy is a tall woman with pale skin. She is very slim(in a model way) and could be mistaken as skinny. Personality: Tracy is a resilient woman who is not afraid of anything nor anyone. She is scheming and can manipulate anyone in order to get what she wants. Role: Tracy is Donald's secretary who he later decides to marry after she breaks the news to him that she is pregnant after a mistake. She only wanted Donald for his money and plotted the incident that led to Stephanie falling into the sea. She plans with her half-brother, Marcus to keep Stephanie captive and notet her return to Donald. PLOT OUTLINE: Stephanie Norman is given to Donald Harrison in an arranged marriage when her father dies leaving the loan he took from Donald unpaid. The loan was meant to serve as a hospital bill payment for Martha Norman, Stephanie's mother who was sick and needed immediate medical care. Stephanie serves as the repayment and has to endure an arranged marriage with Donald, a cold and arrogant jerk whose power and wealth is all he cares about. After a year of marriage, Stephanie decides that she can no longer stay In the arranged marriage and presents a divorce document to Donald who refuses to sign it and forcefully sleeps with her in order to remind her that she is married to him. He leaves her a note stating that sleeping with her meant nothing to him. Stephanie goes to the hospital to meet with her sick mother who is still in a coma. Her mother starts waking up but Stephanie is not allowed to stay longer at the hospital. She gets angry and decides to go to Donald's company and express her displeasure especially about the fact that he has appointed bodyguards to follow her wherever she goes to. On reaching the company, she goes to his office and catches Donald kissing his secretary. Stephanie leaves angrily and plans to go home when she gets a call from the hospital that her mother woke up but fainted again because they told her about the death of her husband. Stephanie yells angrily and asks why they told her mother about her father's death. More frustration sets in as the car stops on the way and needs immediate repair. Stephanie gets out of the car and goes to the bridge rail to answer a phone call but unfortunately, one thing leads to another and she falls inside the sea. Donald hears of the news and gets angry. He drinks to stupor and wakes up in bed with his secretary, Tracy Paul who has a huge crush on him and wants to extort all his money from him. Tracy breaks the news to him that she is pregnant after a few weeks. Five years and a few months have passed and Stephanie has two children, Mara and Thevid. She is now a different woman after the incident that happened years ago. She was saved by Marcus Thompson, the owner of Omicron Corporations. Marcus saved her when she was drowning and he gave her a place to stay. Stephanie starts working at Marcus's company a

Chapter 1 One year ago. xxx

Stephanie's POV

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I walked down with the aisle alone. I gripped the bouquet tightly with both hands as I struggled to stay composed.

“Save me”. I muttered internally to no one in particular. Walking down this aisle to the man who was standing there was like a straight forward road to a life of misery…to hell.

I didn't want this. This wasn't what I planned for myself, this wasn't the life I intended.

“Why did you have to leave father?”. I whispered trying to control the flow of tears from my eyes. If father were alive, this wouldn't have happened. This wouldn't even be happening.

Now that he was gone, I was now supposed to pay back his loan on his behalf, but since I couldn't, I was bought off by the man he was owing. I was hurt but anger was slowly eating me up.

But then again, I thought back to my mother. If it wasn't for the money father had borrowed, mother's surgery wouldn't have taken place. I was glad the surgery was successful but now, the real problem came.

There was absolutely no money to pay back the loan father got from his boss so I had to marry him as a repayment.

This marriage was against me totally but good could still come out of it because mother's hospital bills would be paid by my supposed husband. Donald Harrison.

As I stood infront of the huge Harrison mansion after the wedding, I felt numb. I had been in a daze from the wedding ceremony up to this point.

“Ma lady?”.

The voice of the butler brought me back to reality. I instantly turned to look at him and he had a small smile as he looked back at me.

“Right this way ma’am, I'll take you to your room”.

He picked up my luggage and entered into the mansion with me trailing behind.

The mansion was enormous. It kind of looked similar to the palace back in the Victorian era. Not that I was born during that time but I saw pictures in books that I read.

Everything looked rather exquisite and expensive. There was even a lovely chandelier that hung at the center of the living room right before the stair case.

I marched up the stairs following the butler behind and we soon arrived in front of a door which I supposed was my room.

The butler put the key in place and opened the lock. He rolled my bags inside and came back out.

“Here is the key, ma’am”. He said handing over a single key to me.

“My name is Sancho, and I will be at your beck and call”.

“Umm, thank you, Sancho”. I replied dryly after clearing my throat just a little.

He nodded his head just once and walked away, leaving me alone. I sighed and peered inside the room first before I stepped inside.

It was beautiful. I never had a room of my own because I was stayed with mum and dad in a single apartment.

I closed the door behind me and everything came downing on me.

“I have to be strong”. I muttered, walking further into the room. “I have to be a strong girl for father and most especially mother”.

I stopped abruptly and swallowed as tears welled up in my eyes.

I couldn't hold them back anymore as I fell to the tiled floor at once. I let the tears fall profusely and I didn't care. I cried away my sorrows, pain and hurt.

I shed tears because I was lonely, I shed tears because I was married against my will, I shed tears because father left mother and I alone in this world and lastly, because mother was still hospitalised.

I stopped crying after a while but still remained on the floor, allowing myself to wallow in the stream of my tears beneath me. I wanted to drown in the pain I was going through.

I thought about dying. At least I would be with father, but I thought against it because mother still needed me. I needed to be strong for her.

*Knock, knock*

The knock on the door brought me back to the sad reality I wanted to so badly escape from.

“Ma lady? It is Sancho”.

“Oh!”. I said getting up from the floor and wiping my tears. “I'll be right there”. I tried to sound okay, I hoped my voice didn't give away anything.

I wiped my tears again but decided against going to the door. I simply zipped open my bag and started withdrawing my clothes from it.

“Come in, I'm a bit busy here”. I said casually, dumping the clothes on the bed.

The door opened and Sancho walked in. He stood a few feet away from me.

“The boss sends a dinner invitation to you, he requests your presence”.

“Hmm”. I nodded slowly and kept on with what I was doing. After a few minutes, I heard the door open and close again.

I immediately turned and fell to the ground placing my back on the bed. I brought my knees and hugged them as I buried my head down. That began another round of tears.

*Knock, knock*

“Hmm…”. I hummed low as I opened my eyes and took my head up. I didn't even realise I had slept off as I was.

The door flung open and Donald walked in. I quickly jolted up from the floor where I was seated.


He started and closed the door pointing a finger at me.

I shook my head slowly and stepped back.

“Do-Donald”. I stuttered. My heart was pounding profusely in my chest.

I heard him put the lock in place and I knew I was done for. As he strode across the room towards me, I kept on stepping backwards.

“So, a wife who refuses to honour her husband's dinner invitation”.

“No,no, I…I forgot. I…I was just…”

“Don't you think it's rude? Wife?”. He interrupted.

I swallowed and quickly nodded.

“It, it is”. I agreed. That was the best option I had.

I saw a smirk appear at the corners of his lips as I reached a no-escape zone. The wall.

He immediately trapped me with both his hands beside me. At that point, my heart was almost breaking out of the rib cage. I made sure to look everywhere else but at him.

“Look at me”. He instructed and I met his eyes. The were intimidating and so piercing. I looked away instantly but he held my chin and made me look back at him.

His eyes left mine and it trailed down my neck to my collar. I shrinked under his gaze and swallowed as my breath grew hotter.

“You rejected my dinner invitation”. He muttered in a really husky voice. “You look so thin and no wife of mine should look this way”.

I still kept my eyes on him and I soon felt his hand tracing down my neck and my collar bone. I swallowed again and closed my eyes. I soon felt his face close to mine and my eyes shot open.

They were wide in horror.

“I'd like to take what's rightly mine, if you know what I mean?”.

My breathing grew intense as his hand held my dress and started tugging it up. The other hand found its way to the back of my dress.

I closed my eyes and swallowed.

“Please”. I found myself muttering and tears dropped from my eyes.

I soon felt him drop my dress and step away. I felt relieved and opened my eyes.

“You didn't think I'd let you go, did you?”.

Suddenly, he grabbed me and captured my lips in a kiss. There was nothing calm or decent about it. He was rough and my lips started hurting as I tried to push him away.

I was at the verge of screaming.

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