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The Billionaire's Cruise

The Billionaire's Cruise



"I don't date, Elena. I hate women, I just need a fake date for my family's Thanksgiving night." "Ohhh, and?" I couldn't hold back my curiosity. "And, you could be one." His voice was raw. ****** Love is a billion-dollar gamble. Trust is a priceless treasure. Elena, a rising fashion star, needs a fake fiancé to inherit her family's fortune. Christian, a cynical billionaire, needs a girlfriend to appease his grandmother. Their solution: a convenient contract. But as their fake relationship deepens into genuine passion, dark family secrets and betrayals threaten to unravel their fragile bond. Would their love survive a betrayal that cuts deeper than money?

Chapter 1 Gone wrong

Elena's POV

"Elena, you have to settle down with someone. Don't forget what is at stake dear. Just try to make it work." Mum's sad voice enveloped me at the dining table.

"This again?" I glanced up from my food nearly choking on my croissant.

"Yes, sweetheart." Mum continued "It's easy you're a good looking woman and settling down won't be so hard you know."

She dropped her fork.

"Mum, trust me, I'm trying. I don't know why it's not coming soon." I tried but failed to convince my Mum for the umpteenth time.

"Then I think I'm going to set you up on a blind date. That should solve the problem." She said folding her arms on her chest, the many bracelets lining her hands jinxed as she moved.

"Mum, please can I just have breakfast? I'll miss my flight." I tried to change the topic.

Scratch that. I already lost my appetite and leaving home was the best thing now.

"It would be better if you sat your ass down here and thought of a better thing rather than jump about to New York. I mean your Granny is in his sick bed." Her voice increased a pitch.

"What?!" I exclaimed. "It's my life and I'll run off anywhere."

"Max, get the bags and car ready." I shot at Max, my driver.

"Elena, you haven't finished eating." My Mum tried to protest, but I was already up and out of the table avoiding anymore banter.

I hurried up the stairs glancing at the living room wall clock as I climbed. My flight to New York leaves in exactly 2 hrs. I need to be in my best mood today.

I was on a one-month business trip for an audition with one of New York's most prominent Fashion brands- Verdant Vogue. As a young upcoming model and fashion blogger, I needed every recognition I could get and being selected as a brand ambassador with the biggest brand in New York would definitely skyrocket my career and give me the fame that I had been dying so far to get. Even though I had a great amount of followers and small business brands were dying to make me do an ad for them or appear on their photo shoot. I needed something big, yeah. Something worth of a Cartwright.

Last week I was among the few Fashion models that were selected for the fashion show; Show it & Live it Fashion Week hosted by Verdant Vogue- the world's best Fashion blog and biggest brand in New York. It was a dream come true for me and a bigger stepping stone for my career as a fashion blogger. I needed to fly to New York to complete the last audition and get to the Finalists. They need just three models to make it to the Finalists and sign one as a Brand ambassador, I had prayed for this opportunity a thousand times, to make it to the finals at the last audition.

It's not just the fame but the benefits involved too. It was a six-figure deal, summed up with the fact that brands would swim to partner with me. It was a life changing opportunity for me and I couldn't screw it for anything in the world not even for my sick family's inheritance.

Grandpa had collapsed at the doorway 2 weeks ago and was diagnosed with Lymphoma cancer. From the doctor's prescription, my Granny was a thread away from death and to think that the only thing Grandpa wants is for me to claim the Cartwright's wealth. I get it, Money. And it means that my financial problems are over but the condition attached to it is the only impossibility. I need to get a fiancee, not just a BF, someone I could be walking down the aisle with after Grandpa's death. As the next in line, I won't be able to claim our family's inheritance without a companion and being the only child it goes back to my extended family- Dante. My reckless cousin.

My family's fear of letting Dante take the family's wealth and extort it like some reckless Mogul is even more than their fear of me walking down the aisle with a stranger. I mean Mum just said at the dinner table that she was willing to set me up on a blind date. The Cartwright might be the richest here in Mexico but being an independent woman won't hurt right? I never knew there could be a problem with being born with a silver spoon. I might be willing to take the inheritance but it wasn't my fault that the guys I met weren't ready to take things further with me. Play boys.

When will I ever take charge of my life and futu-

"Holla Elena." Patricia words cut through my thoughts.

She dropped the bag of Klein & Bee she came with on the bedside table and ran to give me a hug.

"You look stunning girl." Pat praised me.

I gave her a light smile.

"What's wrong? You don't look happy. Aren't you flying to New York again?" Her face etched with worry.

"I'm fine Pat. Just some marriage phobia." I rolled my eyes.

"Com'on girl, all you have to focus on now is your flight and nothing else. You can sort that later." Pat tried to lighten me up.

I nodded.

"So babe I want you to take every photograph you could get and-" I shot Pat a hot glare.

"Elly, it's not so bad. I just need some pictures." She extended the camera she came with to me.

Patricia my best friend is a passionate photographer and taking pictures was definitely a wild hobby for her. I wasn't surprised she brought up this topic and even came with a camera. I just wasn't expecting her to entrust her favorite camera to me for a whole month. I mean the last time I took it to New Zealand for a 2-day trip. I had tons of missed calls and 100+ unread messages.

"Swear, you won't bother me if I take the camera. I wouldn't want any form of disturbance Pat." I said.

"I swear. Besides Mark bought me a new one yesterday." She said.

No wonder. Mark her boyfriend was amongst the few good men on Earth and Patricia was definitely a lucky woman.

"Hurry babes. You can't miss your one time opportunity." Pat shot me an innocent smile.

"I'll Miss you Pat." We exchanged a hug.

An hour later, I was in front of the checking officer. I was successfully checked in and given my ticket ID and seat number to go find my seat.

I settled into my seat and prayed silently for Good luck. I needed every good thing at least, just for today. I was damn ready, ready for the one month that could change my life for the good or worse.

I had barely put on my headset when a hand gently tapped my shoulder. I looked up to see who it was and my eyes met him.

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