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Opposite Attract

Opposite Attract

John Chan


Zara, a studious scholarship student from a poor family, begins her first year at the renowned Bexley University. Noah is an affluent, carefree senior and great athlete who relies on family connections to get by in life. When a fortuitous meeting brings them together, sparks fly as their widely different personalities and perspectives clash. As they are compelled to collaborate on a class assignment, their heated discussions quickly blossom into seductive banter. Despite their opposing viewpoints, they create a strong connection, prompting them to reconsider all they thought they desired. However, social expectations, familial commitments, and their own deep fears threaten to split them apart. They must overcome status, reputation, and self-doubt to make a once-in-a-lifetime relationship.

Chapter 1 Zara's Arrival

Zara's POV

The sight of ivy growing up those ancient brick walls turned my stomach once again. I took a deep breath while gripping the strap of my duffel bag. Bexley Academy loomed before of me, with its massive stone buildings, manicured gardens, and students who likely had relatives on the Mayflower.

What was I, a Bronx scholarship student who had never left the city, doing in a luxury boarding school for wealthy children in New Hampshire? As I climbed the stone stairs to the administration building, I realized that I didn't belong here.

Back home, I shared a modest apartment with my mother and younger brother. We survived paycheck to paycheck. But here? These children had trust monies and vacation properties. They'd consider me trash.

As I entered the historic building, I reminded myself of why I was there. The hardwood flooring seemed expensive—shiny and unscuffed. I strolled down the corridor, looking for the office number indicated in my orientation package. Bexley has the greatest pre-med program in the northeast, at least for undergraduate students. If I kept up my grades, I'd be an excellent medical school candidate in a few years. Then, instead of barely making ends meet, I may be able to aid my family.

The office door was ajar. A pleasant-looking lady with gray hair sat typing behind a huge oak desk. Diplomas and images of happy pupils adorned the walls.

"Um, excuse me?" My voice came out really squeaky.

The lady looked up and smiled. You must be Zara! I am Mrs. Howard, one of the administrative deans.

Mrs. Howard moved to the front of the desk. She donned a neat pant suit and a strand of genuine pearls. I tried not to look as she slid my hand into her smooth, manicured one.

"Dear, welcome to Bexley! Have you already found your dormitory and room?

"No. Not yet. "I've just arrived." I bit my lip and held out my orientation packet. Mrs. Howard didn't seem to care that I obviously didn't belong here. Perhaps I was overthinking it?

"Wonderful! Why don't I accompany you over to your dorm and help you get settled?"

Mrs. Howard kept up a pleasant small conversation as we walked down a cobblestone path to the dormitory. The campus looked like a picture, with ivy and beautiful flowers. We ascended a few stone stairs to a beautiful brick structure with white columns framing the entryway.

"Here we are!" "This is our freshman honors dormitory." Mrs. Howard smiled kindly over her shoulder at me. "You scored remarkably well on our entrance exams."

My cheeks became flushed at the unexpected compliment. I'd studied hard for the last year, aiming to ace the exam. Hard effort was the only way for a youngster like me to get into a school like this.

We entered the hostel, our footsteps booming over the gleaming flooring. Mrs. Howard brought me upstairs to Room 214. "This is going to be your room for the year. "Your roommate has not arrived yet." She motioned to one side, which was barren save for minimal furnishings. "Why don't you go ahead and settle in while I grab your orientation schedule?"

"Thank you," I said as she took off down the corridor. I laid my stuff on the bare mattress, my heart thumping. This was really occurring. I am now a Bexley Academy student.

I ran my palm over the smooth wooden desk, picturing myself studying here every night to keep my grades up. No more street noise or sirens to disrupt my concentration. I could make this work. I had to do this for my family.

Voices reverberated along the hallway. I looked out the window with anxiety. Mrs. Howard went alongside a tall girl with beautiful, golden waves in her hair. Her flowered sundress and jeweled sandals shouted cash. She laughed heartily at something the dean said. Was this Glamazon my new roommate? My hands became clammy. What will she think of me?

When the girl saw me standing uncomfortably at the entrance, her jaw dropped wide. Her gorgeous face hardened as she glanced me over, from my thrift shop trousers to my worn-out shoes. I tried not to cringe.

"Um, you must be my roommate?" I finally succeeded.

"Unfortunately," she said bitterly, moving past me.

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