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The Billionaire’s Revenge

The Billionaire’s Revenge



They said love conquers all. But what if love leaves you broken and betrayed? Ethan, a dedicated software engineer with dreams of a bright future, believes he’s found his soulmate in Claire. Until a fateful night shattered his world. Claire, blinded by a life of luxury far beyond Ethan’s means, betrayed him for a wealthy man. Heartbroken and betrayed. Ethan vanishes. Years later, a ruthless billionaire emerges, his eyes icy with the glint of bitter vengeance. But fate has a cruel sense of humor, and Ethan soon discovers that Claire is now a struggling receptionist, and far from the luxurious life she once craved. As Ethan begins to systematically dismantle Claire’s new reality, he uncovers a secret that will challenge everything he thought he knew about their past - a secret that binds them together in a way he never could have imagined. Torn between his thirst for revenge and the echoes of the love they once shared, Ethan must confront the consequences of his actions and the depths of his own desires. Can love really survive the brutal rules of revenge?

Chapter 1 The Betrayal

I still remember the night my world came crashing down.

As I drove my scooter to the club, my heart raced with every passing second. My friend's words echoed in my mind: "Claire is at the club with another guy." I had to see it for myself. The possibility of her betraying me was unthinkable, yet I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

I spotted my friend at the bar and made my way towards him, my eyes scanning the crowded room frantically. "Where is she?" I demanded, trying to keep my voice steady. He pointed towards the VIP section, his expression sympathetic. I knew I had to act fast.

I tried to bluff my way past the bouncer, but he wasn't having it. "This section's for members only, pal," he said, his massive frame blocking my path. I felt a surge of anger and humiliation. That's when I spotted a discarded waiter's jacket on a nearby coat rack. I put it on, hoping to blend in. My heart was pounding as I made my way into the VIP section.

The music was deafening, and the crowd was dense, but I finally spotted Claire. She was sitting on some guy's lap, laughing and flirting like I didn't exist. I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. My mind raced with questions: Who was this guy? How could she do this to me?

I approached them, my heart heavy with emotion. When she saw me, her face went white, but she didn't get up. "Ethan, please leave," she said, her voice trembling. I was too stunned to speak. I felt like I was watching a nightmare unfold before my eyes.

The guy she was with looked up at me with a smirk, his eyes gleaming with triumph. I wanted to punch him, but I restrained myself. I didn't want to make a scene, not yet. I needed answers first.

Suddenly, the bouncer appeared out of nowhere, his hand clamped on my shoulder. "You have to leave," he growled, steering me towards the exit. I didn't resist. I was too numb, too shocked.

As the heavy club doors swung shut behind me, I stole one last glance at Claire. A flicker of guilt crossed her face before a smug smile settled on her lips. I felt like I'd been slapped. How could she do this to me?

The ride back home was a blur. Tears streamed down my face as I replayed our three years together in my mind. I remembered our first meeting like it was yesterday. It was a rainy afternoon, and we collided on the sidewalk. Our eyes met, and I was smitten.

We talked for hours, sharing our dreams and aspirations. I knew then that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. She was my everything - my partner, my best friend, my soulmate.

But now, it seemed like it was all a lie. I felt like my whole world was falling apart. I couldn't understand how she could do this to me. Wasn't our love special? Hadn't we made promises to each other?

I thought back to all the memories we shared - our first date, our first kiss, our first vacation together. Were they all just a facade? Did she ever truly love me, or was I just a convenient distraction?

The questions swirled in my mind like a vortex, sucking me down into a dark abyss of despair. I felt like I was drowning, suffocating under the weight of her betrayal.

As I pulled into my driveway, I realized that I had no idea what the future held. Could I ever forgive her? Could we ever go back to the way things were? I didn't know, but I knew one thing - I couldn't stay in this toxic relationship anymore.

With a heavy heart, I stepped off my scooter and walked into my empty apartment, the silence echoing through the halls like a scream.

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