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My One Night Stand

My One Night Stand



Heather was tricked by her sister. She ended up in the room of the biggest boss in her country. The man thought she was just someone sent to his room as he was drugged also. They slept together, had fun and it resulted into a pregnancy. Five years later, Heather is back and she's back for revenge. She just didn't expect to meet her baby's father, one who she had an unimaginable crush on.

Chapter 1 One

"Why did you ask me to meet you here?" Heather asked Helena as she stared at the figure in her sight.

"Lovely sister,you just arrived and you are going straight to the point. Be calm and let's have some fun." Helena said to her as she drank from her cup.

"Cut the crap. I know you didn't call me out just to have fun." Heather said while rolling her eyes.

She really didn't want to be here. She was meant to be out there trying to raise money for her sick mom.

"I know your mother is sick and you need money. In fact,you are desperate for money and I have just the right job for you." Helena said twirling her glass in her hands.

Heather eyes lit up hearing her but it soon went back to normal. The Helena she knows would never help her.

"Why do you want to help me and why do I have to trust you?" Heather asked obviously wary about such an enticing offer.

"I knew you would ask me but it's really not me who wants to help you but my mom. She took pity on you and asked me to help you. She knows you won't accept her money." Helena said as she glanced at her with a mischievous smile.

"Why does she wants to help me? I know she detests me and my mom." Heather said while folding her arms.

"I don't know why but I guess this is the least my mom and I could do after taking Herr husband and your dad." Helena said innocently.

Heather almost flipped listening to her self-righteous statement. She took a deep breath before asking,

"What do you want me to do?"

"I only need you to attend a banquet with me. The pay is quite high and it would be more than enough to pay your mother's treatment." Helena said knowing fully well that Heather would accept.

Her mother was her weakness.Heather accepted it without giving it a thought.

"That's awesome. You made the right choice but please you won't be able to attend the banquet dressed like that." Helena said with slight disdain and mockery.

Heather frowned hearing what she said. She actually felt that what Helena said was right. She agreed to Helena for the first time in their lives.

"Thankfully,I knew you would come dressed like a countryside bumpkin so I prepared a dress for you. You can change in the bathroom." Helena said passing a bag to her.

Heather walked in the direction of the bathroom and failed to see the sinister smile on Helena's lips. Helena smirked as she watched her entering the bathroom.

"Soon,you will be destroyed Heather." Helena chuckled darkly.

Heather came out a few minutes all dressed up and Helena's eyes showed jealousy which she didn't bother to hide.

Heather was to beautiful to ignore. In spite of all the times Helena had gone under the knife,she still couldn't be compared to Heather. Heather was really beautiful.

Normally, Helena is a beautiful lady but once Heather is placed in the room,she outshines her.

Helena gritted her teeth before saying,

"Let me do your makeup and your hair."

Heather sat down and in no time,they were done and prepared to leave for the party which was holding in the hotel they were both at.

"The banquet is taking place at this hotel and I would implore you to behave yourself." Helena warned. Heather rolled her eyes at her.

"Do I look like a child to you?" Heather asked sarcastically.

They both walked into the large hall and all eyes turned to them but the eyes were mostly focused on Heather.

On seeing that, Helena folded her fists tightly. She took a deep breath so as not to foil her plans.

"Let's go to the bar." Helena said dragging Heather along. Heather allowed herself to be dragged because she really felt uncomfortable being stared at by the sleazy old men.

"Just follow my lead and remember, I'm paying you. Your mother needs it." Helena reminded her.

The party went on smoothly and many young men had come to make small talks with Helena and at the same time leered at Heather.

Heather took a glass of wine to calm her anxious mind when a server approached them. Helena let out a smirk seeing her take the wine.

Heather felt weird immediately but it was only for a short time. They continued entertaining people.

Thirty minutes later, Heather felt hot. She was really uncomfortable.

"I need to use the restroom. Where's it?" She asked Helena and Helena gave her directions back into the room,not the restroom.

On entering the room, she tried looking for the closet but couldn't find it. She only met a bed but she felt it was better.

She still had her reason and she found her way into the bathroom. She stripped and went under the cold shower. She heard noises from the room but didn't give it any thought.

"Wow,you are sexy." She heard a voice and swiftly turned around. She was stunned not because of someone was present but because of how handsome the stranger was.

Weirdly, staring at him,she felt a sensation in her stomach. She felt a pool of water in her legs. Without thinking,she slammed her lips on his and they engaged in a very wild kiss.

"Easy, kitten. We have all night to ourselves." The stranger said.

He laid her on the bed as he climbed atop her. He planted kisses from her forehead and at the same time, fondled her boobs.

He sucked on it as though his whole life depended on it. Heather didn't know how but he was already standing naked. He positioned himself before thrusting deep into her middle.

They went at it for a long time and slept off with his rod still buried in her.


Next day

Heather woke up and she was the only one present in the room. Yesterday's events came to her and she was left devastated. She couldn't believe that trusting Helena resulted into her losing her dignity.

She glanced around and found a cheque with a name card showing , 'Kilian'

She didn't know what to do and why the man left a cheque but she took it anyways. Her mother needed it.

On getting to the hospital, Heather was met with the shock of her life.

"What do you mean by she's dead. I had told you that I would get the money then why did she die? Why didn't you start treatment on her? See I have the money." Heather questioned the doctors in tears.

It took a long time before they were able to stabilize Heather. She buried her mother three days later secretly. No one knew her mom was dead.

For the next two weeks, she lived her life in solitude and way from the world. She then made up her mind to leave the country that caused her nothing but sorrows.

As if life couldn't have enough of her,she found out she was pregnant a day to her flight. She laughed out loud seeing the pregnancy test.


Five Years Later

A slender and graceful figure could be seen walking out of the airport terminal holding the hands of a very cute five year old.

"Spain, I'm back. Come on baby, let's go pay our respects to your grandma." The figure who turned out to be Heather said to her son.

"Mom, I'm back to the place which caused me nothing but sorrows but I didn't come weak. I'm a successful fashion designer. That's all you ever wanted right but it's a pity you are not alive. Meet my son,Damien." Heather said as she dropped flowers on her mother's grave.

"Say hello to Grandma." Heather said to her son.

"Thank you for giving birth to such an amazing woman, grandma." Damien said fluently while also dropping flowers.

"We will be back mom but there's something we have to do. Bye mom." Heather said and walked out with Damien.

"Damien, mommy would be going to have a business talk with the company tomorrow. Can you stay home alone?" Heather asked as she glanced at her son worriedly.

"Yes of course. Go do your thing. I'm not a child,am I?" Damien replied. He was really tired of his mom treating him like a child.

"Alright,I would go change." Heather said heading to her own room. She dressed up professionally and brought out the company's card. She looked shocked seeing the card.

It read Killian,CEO of Scott's Clothing. Could it be the same person? She asked herself as she wished it wasn't. She would have compared the cards but she had misplaced the one she had with her but she could never forget the person she spent the night with five years ago.

What would she do if they were the same? She hoped it was a coincidence as she drove towards the company.

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