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Dumped By My Boyfriend Claimed By His Stepbrother

Dumped By My Boyfriend Claimed By His Stepbrother

Author James


Elena Parker went to nobody after her family went bankrupt and her boyfriend dumped him. She had a one night stand after a drunk night with a stranger and the stranger happens to be his ex boyfriend step brother. Do you think Elena will find love in the same family she was dumped from or will they use her like Peter use other girls around him ?. They had a spark after the night .

Chapter 1 Episode 1

Chapter 1

Elena's POV

I packed my dad's food in the flask and I put it in the polythene bag. Just as I was about to leave, I heard a knock at the door. My heart jumped. I thought it might be the police or one of those people looking for my mom.

When I opened the door, I saw Bryon, my boyfriend. I was so surprised. After Mom's burial, he had been avoiding me. I hadn't seen him in a long time.

"Hey, Bryon," I said, trying to smile. "How are you?"

I went to hug him, but he stopped me. "I didn't come here for that, Elena."

He came inside and closed the door. His face was serious. "We need to talk."

"What's wrong?" I asked, feeling worried.

"Elena, we have to end this. Us. It's over."

His words hit me like a punch. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "What? Why?"

"My mother, she... she said I can't be with you anymore. Not after what your mother did."

Tears started falling from my eyes. "But why now, Bryon? I need you more than ever. Why are you doing this now?"

He looked away, not meeting my gaze. "It's not my fault, Elena. Your mother did what she did. I can't be seen with you. I'm sorry."

With that, he turned and left, slamming the door behind him. I collapsed to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. My eyes were red and puffy. I felt like my heart had been ripped out.

How could he do this to me? Why now, when I needed him the most? My mind raced with questions, but I had no answers.

I sat there on the cold floor, crying until I had no tears left. The food for my father was long forgotten. All I could think about was Bryon and how he had abandoned me.

As the sun began to set, casting shadows across the room, I finally picked myself up. I had to be strong, for my dad. He needed me now more than ever.

I grabbed the polythene bag with the flask and headed out the door. The streets were empty, and an eerie silence hung in the air. It felt like the calm before a storm.

I walked quickly, my head down, trying not to draw attention to myself. I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me, following me.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. My heart raced as I quickened my pace. The footsteps grew louder, closer. I was too afraid to look back.

As I walked through the empty streets, fear gripped me. The silence was deafening, and every shadow seemed to hide a threat. I quickened my pace, my heart pounding in my chest. I felt like someone was following me, watching my every move.

I wanted to look back, to see if anyone was there, but I was too afraid. My legs carried me as fast as they could, but it wasn't fast enough. I could hear footsteps behind me, getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I screamed, spinning around, ready to face my pursuer. But there was no one there. It was just my imagination playing tricks on me. I was alone on the street, with nothing but the sound of my own ragged breathing.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. The hospital was close now, and I focused on getting there. As I walked through the doors, the familiar smell of antiseptic filled my nose. I made my way to my father's room, my mind finally at ease.

"Hey, sweetheart," my father said, leaning up to hug me. "You made it here by this time of the night."

As he hugged me, I heard him wince in pain. I pulled back, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to hurt you."

He shook his head, smiling weakly. "Don't worry about me, Elena. You didn't need to bother yourself coming here so late."

I sat down beside his bed, taking his hand in mine. "It's the least I can do, Dad. I want to take care of you."

His eyes met mine, and I could see the sadness in them. "Elena, are we really your parents? We've ruined your childhood, haven't we?"

I squeezed his hand, fighting back tears. "You haven't ruined anything, Dad. You're my world. I just want you to get well, for me."

He sighed, looking away. "You know what it means to be our daughter, don't you? Your friends must be mocking you, after what your mother did. The fraud, the suicide..."

I cut him off, not wanting to hear anymore. "That's all in the past, Dad. Just focus on getting better, okay?"

Just then, the doctor walked in. "Elena, can I have a moment with you?"

I nodded, following him out into the hallway. My mind raced, trying to figure out what he wanted to talk about.

"Elena," he said, his voice serious. "I've been covering your bills, but my colleagues are starting to notice. You need to pay off what you owe before we can continue treatment."

His words hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt like the world was crashing down around me. How was I going to pay the bills? I had no money, no job, nothing.

I left the hospital in a daze, wandering the empty streets. I didn't know where to go or what to do. I was lost, both physically and emotionally.

As I walked, I couldn't stop thinking about my father, lying in that hospital bed. He needed me, but I had let him down. I had failed him, just like I had failed everyone else in my life.

I found myself in a part of town I didn't recognize. The buildings were run-down, the streets littered with trash. I knew I shouldn't be here, but I didn't care anymore.

Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

I turned around, my heart racing. Three men stood there, leering at me. I could smell the alcohol on their breath.

"You lost, little girl?" one of them said, stepping closer.

I backed away, trying to find an escape route. But there was nowhere to go. They had me cornered.

"Please," I said, my voice shaking. "I don't want any trouble."

They laughed, a cruel sound that sent shivers down my spine. "Oh, you've found trouble, sweetheart. And we're going to have some fun with you."

One of them tried to grab my hand as a flash of light came from the empty streets.

' Hey what's going on there'

It's one of the security men as I take the chance to run into the dark streets. I never looked back again till I made it to the street where I can still see people.

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