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Cock Princess

The novel says that she is a princess but has male genitals. She is a hermaphrodite. She has both male and female sexual organs, and each has its own extraordinary strength. Therefore, she can not only complete the entire process of sexual intercourse by herself, but also can separate them. Having sex with both men and women to the point that her biological parents talk about it with her. Probably these are all the characteristics of the Cock Princess! So her story also contains the best characteristics of intersex people...

Chapter 1 The King is Coming 1

A loud "bang" sounded in the dark cloudy night sky; followed by dazzling lightning and pouring rain. The rain fell from the sky and fell on the muddy ground, causing large and small water waves all over the place. It would not be surprising if this kind of weather appeared in midsummer; however, it was late autumn at this time.

  A carriage passed by at high speed, splashing water mixed with mud and sand, and fell to the ground; the carriage was not big, and the carriage was only pure black, with no other carvings or decorations, and no traces of water at all. It doesn't look like a carriage belonging to a wealthy family. But the strange thing is that there are two cavalrymen on horses and armors in front and behind the carriage, clearing the way for the carriage and escorting it to an unknown place.

  The carriage passed through the streets of the city; there were not many shops on both sides of the road, and the flow of people was sparse. The houses built of stone were not only old, but most of them looked a bit dilapidated; even those who stood under the eaves to take shelter from the rain looked very happy. He also seemed to have a sad face. Clearly, the city's economy doesn't seem to be doing too well.

  The carriage kept moving forward and did not stop until the end of the road. There is a gate in front of the end of the road. Both sides of the gate are made of bricks and stone walls about two meters high. A watchtower has been built nearby and is heavily guarded. Several guards came down from the observation deck, opened the gate, and let the carriage drive in; after passing a muddy road less than ten yards long, they saw an open space full of flowers and grass, with a small fountain in the center of the open space. .

The carriage bypassed the fountain and came to a large house in the back; this was the royal palace in the city. However, even if it is not compared with the Forbidden City or the Palace of Versailles, the area is smaller than an ordinary palace. It is no different from an ordinary rich man's mansion, and it is even shabbier. There are five levels of stairs in front of the mansion. At the end of the stairs is a narrow platform, and then there is a door.

  There are two marble pillars on the left and right sides of the gate, with some carved patterns; the door is made of cedar wood, and there are some carvings on it; other than that, the outer wall of the palace is only white, with no other decoration.

  A woman wearing a black robe hurriedly got out of the carriage and hurried up the stairs; from the white priest collar on her collar, you could tell that this person must be a priest. However, it seems a bit strange for a female priest to appear in this time and space where the level of civilization is similar to that of the Middle Ages.

  Because she is Caucasian, she has a high nose and white skin; her straight hair is brown, her bright eyes are green, and her small lips are pink. Although the breasts are not very big, compared with the thin waist and hips, they show a special kind of curvy beauty.

  Just before she knocked on the door, the wooden door had already opened, and a female servant hurriedly walked up to her and said to her: "Please come in quickly, Reverend! Her Majesty the Queen has begun to give birth!"

  "What?" the female priest said in surprise. "So, is everything going well?"

"Not too optimistic. Her Majesty the Queen will never be able to give birth to a baby..." The maid lowered her head and said sadly.

  "Then let's go quickly!" Then, the female priest entered the door and headed towards the room. Under the guidance of the female servant, she hurriedly walked through the spacious banquet hall, walked up the stairs, and turned into the long and narrow corridor. , keep walking forward, passing the doorways of one room after another, until you reach the end of the corridor, and reach the door of the Queen's room. The guard standing guard outside the door immediately opened the door for the female priest so that she could walk in immediately.

  The room was about twenty feet by twenty-five feet, and the ceiling was about four yards from the ground, so it was quite spacious. On the walls of the room, except for the windows, wherever there is a little space, there are all kinds of oil paintings of different sizes hung on them; strangely, many of them depict naked men and women, and even people of the opposite sex. Pictures of same-sex, bi-sex intercourse, interbreeding and group sex.

  There are coffee tables and sofas placed next to the balcony to entertain guests, but now they are empty. Although this is not a study room, there are two large bookcases placed in the corner. Both bookcases are filled with books and rolls of drawing paper; from this, it can be judged that the queen of this country seems to be a learned and refined scholar.

In addition, there are two large wooden wardrobes, a small desk, chairs, and of course a seven-foot-tall mirror and dressing table in the room; however, the most important thing in the room is that A large bed eight feet long and six feet wide.

  In all directions of the big bed, there was no cover except for one silhouette after another; the queen was exposed in full view of her vagina, which was bleeding continuously, and she moaned loudly.

  At the end of the bed, several doctors, nurses, and several maids and male servants were busy; as for the left and right sides of the bed, there were several young men sitting on the bed, holding the Queen's hand tightly. Hands, with worried expressions; their bodies exude a scent, their lips are painted with bright red lipstick, and their clothes are scantily clad. It is obvious that they are the favored male prostitutes around the queen.

  Next to the Queen, there is an Asian man, sitting on the right side of the Queen's pillow, holding her shoulder with his tender left hand. Unlike other male prostitutes, this man is wearing a set of powder blue long-sleeved clothes. , the sleeves and breast pockets are embroidered with gold thread, indicating that he is the queen's "main wife".

  Because he is of Mongolian race, his pupils are brown; he has a pair of charming almond eyes, short black hair that reflects soft light, light red lips, and smooth skin. With such a handsome appearance, it is no wonder that he can become the most favored man around the Queen.

  "See Her Majesty Queen Alexandra, Your Majesty King Martin." The female priest hurriedly walked to the bedside, squatted on the left side of the Queen, and spoke softly into her ear. The female priest stared at the Queen's face and found that her long and straight golden hair had become messy; her white cheeks looked whiter than usual, her originally bright red lips also looked dull, and her blue almond eyes Not listless either.

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