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The Little Wife Of The Cold CEO.

The Little Wife Of The Cold CEO.



Starting from the story of a teenage girl named Amayra Catra who fell in love with an adult man who was 10 years older than her. The man who was her father's business partner made her fall in love and was determined to win her heart. That man is Indra Mahendra. Then what about Inder's feelings for Amayra? Will Amayra's love be reciprocated?

Chapter 1 1. Handsome Angel

Such a sunny day, the weather in Jakarta seemed so favorable this morning. Although the air still feels cold, it cannot stop people who have started their morning activities.

A beautiful girl looks cool shooting surrounding objects with a camera in her hand. Every now and then his lips curl upwards looking at the shots he takes. The girl is Amayra Catra.

Amayra P.O.V.

Hello! Introduce me Amayra Catra. I am the girl of a famous businessman named Baron Catra, CEO of Catra's Group. I'm 18 years old. I'm in senior high school at the current senior year. I really like the world of photography, for that I never let go with my camera that I always carry everywhere. And there's one hobby I can't avoid: eating! Hehe. I can't control my portions if I'm hungry, but luckily I am, because no matter how much I eat my body is never fat.

It was Sunday, I was in a park not far from my house. Today was really boring I had nothing to do at all other than taking pictures, but this successfully relieved my boredom. Ah, yes, I'm waiting for someone too. He's my best friend Kevin Gunanda.

"Dorrrrr!" Someone suddenly startled me from behind, tskck who else if not Kevin.

"Aaaaa I'm surprised!" I said in a contrived tone. Although I was actually surprised.

"Tskck! Your expression is so ugly!" snorted Kevin.

"Hey! You almost dropped my camera stupid! Why do you like to make people's children hearty, huh?" I annoyed.

"Heartwork? Then why aren't you dead now?" replied Kevin originally. I automatically twelted his head quite hard, "You want me to die?"

"Damn it! I regret telling you to come here." Kevin grimaced, feel you!

Tskck the boy was really annoying, I decided to sit on one of the park benches, my gaze straight ahead watching the little guys who were playing with his family.

It felt good, my heart calmed down looking at them. Seeing the harmony of their family, I miss my mother, she passed away 8 years ago due to an accident.

"Hey, are you daydreaming?"


I blinked at Kevin's scream. Sometimes I often ignore him if I meet like this.

"Tsk, you told me to come here just to see you daydreaming so?"

"Hehe, sorry," I replied with my innocent smile.

"Tsk, you!" Kevin ruffled my hair just to make my hairdo a little messy.

"Kevin, let's have some ice cream," I asked.

"You're crazy, this kind of cold weather you want ice cream?" asked Kevin incredulously.

"Have you forgotten I'm an ice cream enthusiast, Kevin?"

"It's useless for me to persuade you, just buy it yourself," Kevin replied ignorantly.

"Accompany me..." I whined spoiled while tugging at the hem of his t-shirt. Trust me, that man could never refuse my request.

"Ishh is good good spoiled princess, this time I am kind to you. Come on!"

Amayra P.O.V End

The young couple was seen walking side by side, maybe those who saw them were lovers. But in reality they are just friends.

Amayra is busy with the camera in her hand, occasionally licking the blueberry ice cream in her left hand. As for Kevin, the man just snorted resentfully because again the girl ignored him.

"Aren't you tired of that ugly camera of yours?" Kevin plucked his lips.

"Once again you say that, I'll tear your mouth off!" threatened Amayra.

"Waah, you're so scary!"

"Want me to take a picture?" offered Amayra.

"No thanks, it must be a very ugly result later."

Amayra ignored Kevin's words, the girl had pointed her lens at her best friend, but suddenly her focus shifted to the object behind the man.

His eyes blinked, until he didn't realize it was Kevin who he managed to photograph, but a man who was sitting on one of the park benches right behind his best friend.

His eyes blinked, until he didn't realize it was Kevin who he managed to photograph, but a man who was sitting on one of the park benches right behind his best friend.

The man he didn't know was so handsome in a light brown suit that looked cool. His eyes closed with his head looking up, making the sunlight illuminate his face to emit an extraordinarily handsome aura.

"Kevin, I saw an angel," Amayra said with bright eyes, her gaze still locked towards the enchanting man. For some reason, his heart suddenly pounded as his iris looked at God's near-perfect creation. Ah no, for Amayra that man was perfect.

"What? So you just realized that I'm as handsome as an angel? Haha," Kevin said confidently.

"No... no, not you... but that man," Amayra muttered softly but could still be heard by Kevin.

Kevin's laughter stopped, the man frowned in confusion, out of curiosity he turned his head to see what his best friend saw.

"Tskck, fascinated, huh?" mocked Kevin, there was a tone of dislike tucked there.

"He's so handsome, I have to get acquainted with him Kevin!" exclaimed Amayra excitedly, just now the girl wanted to step on her feet. Kevin hurriedly pulled the girl's hand away.

"Stupid! You're a woman, how could you do that?" Kevin is angry at what Amayra is about to do.

Amayra pouted her lips in annoyance, is it wrong for her to want to get acquainted? No, right.

Amayra again pointed her camera at the strange man. Unexpectedly, the man stood up from where he was, and just right now the man glanced in his direction. It seemed that the man was aware that someone was watching him.

"Gosh!" Amayra's heart went crazy even more when she saw clearly how the handsome angel looked like. Although he looks cold and ignorant, the man's charm has actually increased many times.

Unfortunately Amayra could only see for a few seconds, because after that the man just left.

"Well well, he is leaving!" Amayra looked panicked, she was not satisfied to see the man.

"Hey sir! Waittttt"

Kevin hurriedly smothered Amayra's mouth, and dragged her away from the place. People looked at their behavior with strange eyes.

"Hey! What are you doing!" shouted Amayra irritably as Kevin had released his hand on her sweet lips.

But Kevin ignored Amayra's shout.

"You just embarrass me!" Amayra snorted resentfully, her best friend is really annoying.

"We're home!" asked Kevin, he had lost patience at Amayra's behavior.

"I'm sure I can definitely meet that man again. I will make him my lover," Amayra enthused. He firmly believed that he would meet the handsome man with an angel face just now.

"Tsk, with that old uncle?" Kevin asked incredulously.

"hey! Don't just talk! He looks young and handsome, ah I guess it doesn't matter if he's an uncle," Amayra replied with an indistinct smile.

"You crazy!" chirped Kevin.

Eventually they went home feeling different. Amayra with a flowery heart, while Kevin with a feeling of jackup.

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