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Kim Aera, living her best and loving her life. She had everything and more. Well, that was until her family lost everything they had. Devastated but still managed to get things going, her family was able to survive. But, what happens when she is forced to get married?


I never should have trusted my parents, although there was any room for doubt. I always grew up a princess, butlers and maids at my demand, guards every nook and corner and money flowing like water. To say I had an amazing childhood was an understatement. I was living every kid's dream and more. Some would rather say I was born with a gold spoon rather than silver. Everything was perfect, perfect until that night. My father ruined everything. Taking a bet with the enemy, leading to a bloodthirsty war and loosing his entire fortune.

I felt my entire life flashing before my eyes; quite literally because I was told I ended up in a coma for 2 months after hearing the news.

I wasn't spoiled, I always treated everyone with respect and donated generously to charity and more, but why did life take a turn?

Seven years later, and I kind of got used to my new life. My family went back to Busan, Korea, from the US, after my dad inherited a small apartment from my grandmother. Though I didn't have butlers, maids or fancy things, I had friends, amazing neighbors and my dog, Betty. My dad got a job as a secretary for LIME ENTERPRISES and my mum got a job as a language teacher at a local high school. They were doing well, not as good as before, but at least we had a roof over our heads, clothes to wear and food on the table. I guess you could say my life was okay. My life as going on smoothly. I finished middle school, graduated high school and got a scholarship to study accounting at Seoul University. Until my parents dropped the news.

"What do you mean I'm getting married?" I said. I couldn't believe that. After everything we've been through as a family. Talking about supporting each other dreams, trusting each other, no secrets, and my parents just threw those memories in the trash like it was nothing.

"I'm sorry Aera, but we had no other choice" my dad said.

"Is this about money? I thought we were doing fine appa?" I said.

"This isn't about money Aera, we agreed that you would get married even before you could walk", my dad said.

To say I was shocked was an understatement." Wait, what? So you knew about this all this time and you couldn't tell me? What happened to trust? I can't believe you could do this to me". I said as tears precked my eyes. I couldn't believe what he just said.

"We're sorry sweetie." my mum said.

"Eomma, you knew about this too". I said.

"I did and we're sorry we didn't tell you earlier, we just thought…" "I don't want to hear it." I cut her off with venom laced in my words. I couldn't believe what was happening, why it was happening and the most important question, when it was going to happen. I immediately ran to my room and shut the door behind me. I really needed to think about my life and the consequences this was going to bring in my life if this marriage happened. Would I be able to go to university? Would I become a full house instead? Heck, I had never even been in a relationship and the slightest thing I had to romance was just a few crushes, if that could even be considered a slight thing to a relationship. I sat down on my bed feeling betrayed, feeling weak.

"Aera, please let's just talk about this please." my mum said from outside my bedroom door.

I scoffed. What else could we discuss that would make this "great" idea better? I plugged in my earpieces and started listening to some music. I could not believe I was getting married. I didn't know who I could talk to. What was going to happen to me?

"I think I feel asleep." I said with a groggy voice and, slight headache which was probably due to falling asleep with my earpiece with music blasting through it. I thought about going downstairs to the kitchen, but then I would probably just get bombarded with my parents trying to tell me there was a positive side behind this whole idea. Although, I had thought about running away and moving to another city but i didn't have enough resources to do that. After a few minutes I was really thirsty and decided to lower my pride and go and get a bottle of water.

As I was heading downstairs, I saw my parents. I internally groaned because I had hoped for them to have gone out and be doing something, anything. Nope, they were there; their eyes looking into mine, which made me slightly uneasy. Were they trying to make me feel guilty? If they weren't my parents, I probably would've thrown my shoe in their face because of the stupid stare.

Eventually, I decided to ignore them and go into the kitchen to grab some water and make some ramen to take to my room, since I don't think I would want to be in the same room with them for now. As I was walking along, my mum was coming towards me.

"Sweetie, please just listen to what we have to say," she pleaded.

"Eomma, please, I'm sorry but, I'm not in the mood right now." I said hopefully she would, get from my tone of voice that I was not ready to have this conversation right now.

"Just listen to us please, sweetheart." my dad said. Was he joking?

"Dad, really I don't want to hear anything from either of you. You guys betrayed me. All the years of building up trust, family values, and you both just threw it away and stabbed me in the back. Heck, what was I even saying? We never had any trust or family values, because while I was there not keeping secrets from both of you and trying to have hope amidst of everything we went through, you both since the beginning have just been toying with my hope, and now you just finally had the courage to admit it. So, I beg your pardon if I don't want to hear anything you guys have to say." I said almost out of breath due to so much frustration and anger.

"Just forget it." I said as I grabbed some water and substituted for some cookies in order to avoid having this conversation again.

"Please just listen to us." my mum said, tugging my hand to prevent me from going back to my room.

"Please," she begged. I sighed and eventually gave in.

"Fine, but be quick. I don't really want to see you guys at the moment." I said, already wanting to be done with this conversation before it had already started.

"Just listen to us. To be honest, I was excited. My friend suggested you get married to their son." my dad started.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, because I felt that since you both will take over the future companies getting married will merge the companies into a big one, a stronger one. But the real reason was because it Thought you would be happy with him Aera. I know he can treat you well because he was such a good boy." My dad said.

"Appa, this isn't convincing me the slightest." I said unamused.

"Please just let me finish. I eventually started reasoning it and because of the big age gap..." "Wait, what age gap?" I cut him off.

"The age gap between you and Mr Park's son," my dad said.

"Wait, do you mean Park Joon as in PARK JOON? He's 29, currently has a girlfriend and is not interested in me. Please just call it off," I said.

"I'm sorry we can't," my dad said.

"Why not?" I said.

"We can't call off the wedding because we signed the papers on your eighteenth birthday," my dad said.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME," I yelled, although not intending, but due to the pent-up frustration I had. If it was just a normal guy it might, ,maybe would have been a bit fine but Park Joon? a man 11 years older than me and with a girlfriend? yeah I was going to be treated like shit. I snapped out of my thoughts looking at my dad who was clearly unamused.


I don't think i've ever seen him this mad in my entire life. What the hell just happened?

Wow, just wow.

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