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Intertwined Destinies: Fated To A Werewolf Alpha

Intertwined Destinies: Fated To A Werewolf Alpha

Julia W


When Saraphina, a powerful vampire, escapes her clan, she finds herself at the mercy of Ethan, a fierce alpha werewolf who happens to be her mate. He is ruthless and mean to her at first but soon begins to fall in love with her. When deceit and betrayal strike, Saraphina must choose between her loyalty to her sister and her love for Ethan. Will their bond be strong enough to overcome the shadows of their past, or will their love fall prey to the very darkness that surrounds them?

Chapter 1 1

Her once-tamed locks cascaded in disarray as she knelt upon the soiled dungeon floor,

hands tightly ensnared by unforgiving chains that inflicted searing discomfort. The

metallic clasp not only confined her physically, but resonated with audible sizzles, a

symphony of torment echoing in the dim-lit confines.

Biting down on her lower lip, her eyes transformed into a deep crimson hue. With each

passing moment, her strength waned, yet she exercised restraint, knowing that

struggling would only worsen her pain. The creaking resonance of the metal bar’s

movement forced her to lift her head, fixing her gaze on the source of her pains.

“Seraphina Ravenhood,” a woman called, a smile playing on her lips as she entered

the cellar, holding a whip.

“Vivienne Blackthorn,” Seraphina replied, accompanied by a muttered curse.

Vivienne, with her light skin and curls of fiery red hair, boasted succulent lips. “Light

skinned” barely captured the paleness of their kind, but Vivienne surpassed even

Seraphina in that regard.

Despite Vivienne’s beauty, which could enchant men and bring kingdoms to their

knees, she paled in comparison to her captive. A mischievous gleam adorned her eyes

as she approached, both engaging in an unspoken contest of stares. Vivienne’s gaze

lingered on Seraphina’s slender form and parched lips.

“I bet you are feeling weak right now… do you want me to fetch you a drink?” She

asked, and although she had phrased it like that, Seraphina knew she didn’t mean


The 'drink' was human blood, and as vampires, they preferred it fresh. They would

rather savor their meals, enjoying the hunt, than simply taking what they wanted

without a fight.

Unlike them, Seraphina was different. She resisted bloodlust, controlling her urges to

only accept animal blood, despite its lesser sweetness and energy.

She glared at her adversary, and suddenly, a swift kick to her jaw sent her head

swaying, chains rattling. Blood and saliva dripped from the sides of her mouth as she

struggled to look up.

“That was a warning.” Vivienne said, and a smile plastered on her face. “I promise to

go easy on you. After all, you are getting married to Lord Zachary Wright.” She

reminded while Seraphina scoffed.

She understood her value, solely sought for the unique ability she possessed. The

Obsidian Order, her clan, clashed with the Blood Moon Syndicate, a werewolf pack, in

an ongoing war. In the midst of an enduring conflict, the Obsidian Order and the Blood Moon

Syndicate, representing vampires and werewolves respectively, engaged in a relentless

war. Despite numerous peace attempts, all efforts proved futile. The Blood Moon

Syndicate, driven by their nature and bloodlust, had initiated an attack on the


Despite the vampires’ superior strength and speed, their primary adversary within the

werewolf pack was their Alpha leader, Ethan Clark. In the midst of another assault,

werewolves breached the vampire territory, wreaking havoc until two crossed paths

with Seraphina.

As soon as they were a few feet from her, they fell down and began to whimper. She

had no idea what was happening and why, but soon, more of the werewolves were

coming for her, and the same fate befell them.

They were killed, and two were kept alive and used for experiment. It was there, it was

confirmed that she served as a living wolfs bane for the werewolves.

As soon as word got out, Lord Zachary Wright, the new vampire leader, decided to take

her as his. Knowing the kind of man he was, she had refused and was brought down

to the dungeon.

“I’d rather mate a werewolf or go out to…” Before she could complete her statement,

Vivienne kicked her by the side, and just like before, she spat out fresh blood.

“You insolent child!” Vivienne yelled as she proceeded to continue kicking her.

Eventually, she stopped, and Seraphina began to cough. She was a bloody mess, and

her ribs were hurting quite badly from the continuous kicks, though they had begun

to heal.

“Lord Zachary Wright will claim you on the night of the full moon tomorrow. I can’t

wait to see the look of despair on your face, then.” Vivienne said and walked out of the


The sounds of metal getting jammed echoed in the silence, and Seraphina began to

panic. Though she had been feigning ignorance, she was still frightened at the thought

of marrying Zachary Wright.

He was a terrible man who never cared about others. He had once killed his own sister

for making a joke about him. Though he was handsome, he was the devil himself.

“No! I can’t get married to him.” She said in desperation and began to look around the

cellar for anything she could find.

After realizing that there truly was no way of escaping for her, her shoulders slumped,

and tears began to fall down her eyes as she imagined the smile on Zach’s face on

their wedding night.

A loud crashing sound disrupted her thoughts, and soon, she could hear the sounds

of skulls cracking against the wall on impact. She could also hear the Vampire guards

attacking, and it made her wonder what was going on.

She could only pick up the scent of vampires in the air and knew it wasn’t another

werewolf attack. Not wanting to take any chances, she hid within the shadows at the

corner of her cellar and could hear the other imprisoned Vampires begging to be


The two guards outside her cellar dropped to the ground, with their heads twisted to

the sides. She was shocked and could feel her heart racing as she finally picked the

sounds of heels going ‘Click’ ‘Clack’ on the ground. A lady walked in, her eyes filled

with worry as she hurried into the cellar. Tears slipped from both women’s eyes as

they stared at each other while the stranger cupped Seraphina’s cheeks.

“What have they done to you?” The stranger cried out as she examined her.

Due to their heightened eyesight, they were able to see really well in the dark.

Seraphina broke down in tears as soon as she recognized the familiar voice.

“Lisa.” Seraphina called while her sister cupped her face with a smile.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry,” Lisa began to apologize while Seraphina shook her head. “I

should have known, but don’t worry, I’m bursting you out of here and we will leave.”

“Where shall we go?”

“The human world.” Her sister replied and proceeded to free Seraphina. As the chains

fell to the ground, both sisters fell into a tight embrace. “Let’s leave before the

others find out.” She said as she handed her sister a bag of animal blood.

Both sisters began to leave after Seraphina had drunk the blood, and despite the cries

and pleas from other imprisoned Vampires, they didn’t stop. Soon, they were out in

the open. The moon shone brightly in the dark, and the feel of the wind on her skin

once again felt energizing.

Seraphina had been locked up for a long time, to the point she no longer knew what

the outside felt like. Now that they were in the open, she couldn’t help but embrace

the feeling.

“And where do you think you are going?”

Turning around, both sisters were staring at a pair of red glowing eyes with red hair.

Vivienne stood before them, her whip out and her left hand behind her back.

“Vivienne Blackthorn.” Lisa acknowledged with a frown on her face as she proceeded

to stand before Seraphina.

“Why don’t you both be a darling and head back inside the cellar to save my time?”

Vivienne asked, tilting her head to make eye contact with Seraphina. “Trust me, I

will pretend none of this even happened.” She assured, her lips curling up into a


“Seraphina, leave! There are more of them!" Lisa cried out, and true to her words,

Seraphina could scent the vampires coming. "I will hold them off!” With that, Lisa had

dashed off in a blur and began to battle against Vivienne.

Seraphina wanted to help as she could see her sister was already struggling, but she

didn’t want her sister’s sacrifices to be in vain. She had decided to heed her word and

escape, because she knew her sister was strong enough to escape as well.

Immediately, she took to her heels and began to run. She could hear the sounds

of the vampires chasing after her and also a piercing scream from her sister. She knew

something had happened to Lisa, but she couldn’t afford to turn and find out what.

Soon, she could no longer hear the vampires, and after a few sprints to be sure, she

finally collapsed to the ground, feeling exhausted.

She had no idea where she was. Her body was bruised, and she was bleeding as tears

slipped from her eyes at the loss of her sister.

The sounds of leaves rustling caught her attention, and soon, she could perceive a scent. A scent she had always dreaded, and she could feel her hair stand on end.

“Werewolves.” She whispered, and almost immediately, sounds of growls emitted from

within the woods. A pack of eight giant wolves made their way out with their eyes

locked on her.

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