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A billion-dollar apha curse

A billion-dollar apha curse

Dan Ekos


An age-old curse upon the alpha clan strikes again. With only seven days on the clock, would the Mc Cullen Trio be able to provide the alternate sacrifice or would they become overwhelmed and crushed by their impending dooms day? Read how deception, romance, and love unfold in this story

Chapter 1 Prologue *Sunday*


Something within Stacy continuously bugged as she embarked on this journey with Rodney. Her gut feeling kept on blaring an alarm of something being wrong within her. But unfortunately, she just could no figure out what it was. As she stepped out of the car and saw the ragged looking nature of the abandoned building that Rodney had claimed that he wanted to show her something in, she began to suspect in an even greater measure that something was definitely off. Her suspicion began after she saw Rodney's reaction change and his face grow pale after he dropped the call that he was having before he asked to take her out. And since that moment, Rodney had not smiled any sincere smile. This was noticeable through his facial reactions that accompanied his smiles. Stacy had soon come to discover that Rodney was one who carried a warm bright and inviting face when he smiled. But the few times he managed to smile while they were enroute to this building, all his smiles looked odd in the eyes of Stacy.

“Come on in,” Rodney said to Stacy while stretching out his hand to hold hers. As he held her hands with one hand, he locked his car with his key with the other hand and hung the key holder on one of the belt holders of his jean trouser. Afterwards, he turned and they both began to walk towards the entrance of the building. His grip on Stacy's hand grew tighter by each step and second. Stacy tried to pretend like nothing was happening for a while, but the pain soon became unbearable.

“Ouch!” She screamed softly.

She also tried to pull her hand away from that of Rodney's as she screamed but his grip on her hand was too strong for her to contend with.

“I am super sorry” Rodney said to her. He may have sounded a bit remorseful, but he didn't look it. He still held Stacy by the hand as though she threatened him that she would run away the very second he lets go of her hand. He loosened his grip on her hand a bit as they continued walking.

Stacy felt suffocated. Judging from how Rodney pulled her from behind, it felt like she was being forced to keep walking with a gun pointed to her head.

“You know what, stop” she said as she pulled herself backwards.

“Why?” Rodney inquired.

“I am just not in the mood for any sight seeing right now” she replied. She was finally able to remove her hand from that of Rodney's.

“Please, can we just go?” She murmured in a childish manner.

“Come on girl, you would love it” Rodney said.

“Let's just go,” she said.

“Come on girl, stop being a child,” Rodney said.

“Look, it's very important that we both be here right now,” he added.

“And why's that?” Stacy asked.

“You will find out soon enough” he replied with a warm smile on his face.

This very smile looked sincere. And this gave Stacy a bit of boldness to continue on their quest.

He kept this smile on as he once again grabbed her hand while facing her. They both began walking towards the building again. Rodney was walking backwards while still facing Stacy. This was his own way of trying to convince her to continue with him on their quest. As they walk past the front door of the building, he turns and walks forward while still holding her hand behind him.

“Could you at least let go of my hand?” Stacy asked as his grip suddenly grew tighter.

As they entered the building, the whole place looked like what was once a bank. Pieces of paper littered the whole place. Her attention was drawn to a logo that was at one of the far ends of the hall. The logo looked like that of the Mc Cullen’s.

“Is this your dad's bank?” Stacy asked with a look of curiosity on her face.

“Yeah it is,”

“Or rather it was my dad's bank” Rodney said.

“Shit, I mean the bank is still my father's but the building is…”

“Relax, I totally get it,” Stacy said with a smile on her face.

“You do?” Rodney inquired.

“Yeah, sure”

“All you are trying to say is that you dad transferred this branch to a new building or area”

“Ain't that right?” She asked with a smile still on her face.

“Yeah,” Rodney replied.

“So is this what you drove me all the way down here to show me?” Stacy asked, still holding that smile on her face.

“Actually, no,” Rodney said.

“What was that?” Stacy asked in fear after she heard a loud creaking sound coming from somewhere within the bank.

“I think that's just the ceiling” Rodney said as he pointed towards the direction of some broken ceiling amongst which a few were dangling.

Stacy sighed of relief but was still not at ease even after Rodney's explanation.

“Can we get one with this surprise of yours and leave..” she attempted saying when she was interrupted by the sound of a loud thud from somewhere within the bank.

As she turns to look, she sees Ricky flying out of one of the interior rooms in the bank and impacting the counters there by breaking a part of it.

To Stacy's greatest surprise, he stood back up immediately and began to transform into a dark hairy looking creature. He was soon looking like a werewolf from his waist upwards as he transformed.

And following him came a creepy wood like looking creature having both hands and legs and carrying a shotgun. As he cocked the gun to shoot Ricky, Rodney who was already running towards Ricky picked up a chair from the bank's hallway and threw it towards the weird looking creature. While Ricky ran towards it and unleashed a few heavy punches on it. They both soon crashed into one of the walls of the bank and continued their battle in another room.

Suddenly, another weird greenish creature crashed on Rodney from within the ceiling of the bank. It looked like an octopus. It immediately wrapped itself around Rodney from behind him. It tied Rodney's hand and legs with its tentacles. And had its mouth around Rodney's head from behind him. It began to glow as it tried to chop off Rodney's head but found it difficult. As Rodney stretched his hands in an attempt to free itself, the creature also stretched alongside. This made it difficult for him to loosen the hold that it had on him. Rodney soon began to transform just like Ricky.

Stacy tried running but she stopped when she saw that the octopus looking creature had covered Rodney's face and there was no way for him to breath. She ran towards Rodney and hit the creature with a log of wood that she found on one of the counters. This did not have any effect on the creature but it at least distracted the creature and gave Rodney a window to free himself.

As Rodney freed himself, he squeezed and tore the creature into several pieces in anger afterwards. Stacy was shocked when she saw that the color of blood that came out of the creature was black. She continued panting heavily as she looked at Rodney in shock. Ricky soon walked out of the room that he had crashed into holding the shotgun in his hand. He was still looking like a werewolf from his waist upwards with his once gorgeous looking white denim shirt now looking like mere shreds of rags around his neck.

He and Rodney gradually began to transform back into their human selves.

“Are you ok?” Ricky asks Rodney.

“Yeah, I think so,” Rodney replied.

Ricky turned to look at Stacy and pulled the trigger on her at a really close range.

Stacy is pushed backwards after this shot. As she was gradually heading towards the ground, everything became quite slow in her mind. It was like her whole life flashed before her eyes. She could not help but wonder what it was that would cause Ricky to do such a thing to her. As she gradually moved backwards, she caught a glimpse of Rodney's face and he didn't seem shocked nor remorseful. Her mind immediately flashed back to how she gradually became close to this brothers over the past few days.


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