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Two Alphas

Saint and Monsanto lived in two different worlds. Saint grew up pampered by the wealthy Garcia clan while Monsanto was raised by his alcoholic single mother. A twist of fate would bring the two boys together. Falling in love with the same girl, they will soon realize that aside from their mutual hate for each other, they shared one thing in common. They both have the same birth name. Santiago Garcia Jr. The death of their father would force Monsanto to search for his real identity, and for the Garcia family to accept their lost family member, who unfortunately also carries the wolf blood of the Garcia wolf pack. Will the rivalry between the two estranged brothers finally end? Or is it just the beginning? For there can be two Santiago Garcia Jr. but there can only be one Alpha. Jewel had always known she was different from her peers. On her 12th birthday, her real nature was revealed. When she saw her mate in her dreams, she knew she only wanted nothing but to be loved by him and luckily, Saint returned her affection without knowing the truth. For a short while. She did not expect that loving him will give her pain and heart break.

Chapter 1 Saint

"Are those flowers?"

Ramona asked the lady wearing a blue and white checkered maid's uniform as they heard the doorbell ring. She was pacing back and forth, checking every delivery arriving, looking agitated.

The maid opened the door, and indeed, a delivery guy wearing a uniform with a logo of Fleurs Decor was standing outside.

"Delivery to Mrs. Garcia," he announced.

"Yes, come in," Ramona replied as she heard the voice of the delivery man.

After making a casual wave to his team, four guys entered the mansion carrying exquisite blue and pink flower arrangements in delicate ivory vases.

"Are these carnations?" Ramona inquired, her eyebrows raised as she checked the flowers.

"Yes, ma'am," one guy replied.

She shook her head, obviously not pleased, "I told them to use something rare."

She sighed in exasperation after, "Never mind. Just bring them to the venue."

"Elena, show them the way," she asked the maid, who quickly did as she was told.

Catherine, Ramona's daughter-in-law, was doing her final gown adjustment. Ramona made a face, before nonchalantly stared at her from head to toe.

"You should have finalized your dress last week," she complained. "I told you to get the same designer then you wouldn't have any trouble but you were hard headed as always."

Catherine sighed, "It's just a tiny adjustment, mama. Besides, it's Saint's big day. I don't want to buy anything extravagant."

"It's the convenience and quality that should be our priority. You're not the one paying for it anyway, so why bother?" Ramona's tone was sarcastic. "And you're right, it's Saint's big day. So you're supposed to be looking after him and making sure that everything goes well instead of wasting your time on your own outfit, don't you think?"

Catherine decided to remain silent. She knew better than to argue with her overbearing mother-in-law. The conversation wouldn't stop unless she did.

"Where's Saint, by the way?" Ramona asked.

But Catherine ignored her and focused on her fitting. She sighed with relief when Ramona left without even saying goodbye.

"Saint, it's already ten," Jewel reminded Saint, who was lying on all fours in the carpet, busy playing a basketball game in his Xbox. He was so engrossed that he didn't hear his girlfriend speak.

Jewel impatiently took the controller away from him.

"W-wait," Saint tried to get it back but Jewel threw it on top of the bed. "Honey, come on!"

"You have to go home," she reminded him. "I just received a message from your mom and everyone's frantically looking for you. It's your big day, remember?"

Saint sighed, "Yes, it's my big day. Can't you all leave me be and let me spend one day of my life the way I please?"

Jewel raised her eyebrows, "I don't think so. You need to leave and get ready for the party."

"I'm too old for that," Saint snorted before diving into bed.

"But apparently not too old for a night party," Jewel teased.

Saint chuckled before looking at Jewel with a mischievous smile, "Last night was a blast. You have to admit it."

"It is," Jewel nodded in agreement. "A great party to start your coming of age."

Their conversation was cut off when the telephone rang.

Saint went over to check who the caller was.

"Don't answer!" he commanded, to Jewel's surprise. "The call is from my house."

"Saint, come on. Please leave," Jewel pleaded as she pulled him out of bed. "I need to prepare for the party too."

"The party's not starting till eight in the night," Saint laughed.

"Well, I need time. I want to be the prettiest girl at your party."

"You are already the prettiest to me."

Jewel stared at him, "Get out."

Saint sighed, "You haven't even given me a gift."

"I'll give you your gift later."

"Fine. I'm going. See you later," Saint kissed her before putting on his shoes. After getting ready, he gave Jewel a playful smirk, "You had better impress me."

Jewel smiled, "Oh, you will be impressed."

"I can't wait."

He kissed her once more before heading to the mahogany door.

"I love you," Jewel said before Saint shut the door.

"Love you too," she heard him yell from the corridor.

Left alone, Jewel couldn't help smiling. They've been dating for four years now and she was waiting for the right time for Saint to propose to her. She could not imagine life without him.

In the library of Garcia's ancestral home, Jimena was staring at the window, watching everyone busy preparing the mansion's ground for the celebration.

She was trying to think but her mind betrayed her. She had to do something to stop the announcement later.

She and her husband Denver have been working in the company before Saint was even born, making him the CEO of the family business is so unfair. Her children were more capable than him. If only her parents could see that.

She never wanted the Alpha position for her son, Tyler. But the CEO position is something else. However, her father's decision, the founder of the company, matters the most. And he was clear from the start that he wanted Saint to be the head of the company.

Santiago, Saint's father, has been the CEO of the company for quite a long time. He already has his share of glory. He should not be selfish and pass the position to someone else in the family, in her opinion. He can't have it all.

Saint has been so lucky and he doesn't deserve all of that. Worse, he seems to be the chosen Alpha. They were just waiting for the signal from the moon and his status would be confirmed.

If that happens, then he will be too powerful to take him down.

Jimena's thoughts were interrupted by someone entering the room.

"It's done," Enrico told her calmly. "There's nothing we can do about father's decision."

"It's unfair, Enrico!" Jimena told her younger brother. "We've been working so hard our whole lives but all father and mother cared about was Santiago and his oh-so perfect son."

"Relax," Enrico said. "We'll just need to wait for the right time to attack. Saint is young and inexperienced. It won't be too long before he makes a mistake."

"I can't wait," Jimena's voice was determined. "I'm going to do everything to drag that devil down. Even if it means killing him."

"You're going to kill your own nephew?" Enrico didn't look shocked. He was amused.

"Maybe not me," there was a tiny smile in Jimena's lips. "I'm not stupid to ruin my reputation. But someone will."

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