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To Have Her

To Have Her



Walking into the wrong room and stumbling upon one of her childhood nightmares in the shower was a mistake that could ruin everything. Especially since it was her best friend's wedding, and she was the maid of honor. She should have walked away-friends don't sleep with their friends' brothers. But instead, Carden ignited a passion in her that she had never felt before. Soon, his brothers joined, turning the moment into an unforgettable experience. Growing up, the triplets had always tormented her. She wasn't exactly a nerd, but she was awkward enough to be their favorite target. They were arrogant jerks who made her life miserable. Naturally, she wanted nothing to do with them. But when they touched her, her skin burned with desire. Every word they whispered in her ear was both repulsive and irresistible. She craved them, despite fearing the consequences, and knew it wasn't the best choice. The Blackwood Brothers may hold her heart, but do they love her enough to mend its broken pieces?

Chapter 1 ONE

It was Lily's senior year graduation, she was relieved, she'd finally be done with this city and her best friend's big bad triplet brothers.

They always picked on her and made her high school a living hell.

They were unmistakably good looking but hell will let loose that she saw them in any way than her tormentors.

Either way, she couldn't think of them in any kind of way as she couldn't hurt her best friend.

It had been their pact for a decade.

They stepped out of the auditorium in their graduation gowns and mortar board, as Harper's classy parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blackwood approached both girls.

Lily always saw Harper's parents as a hers as she had been abandoned by her father after the death of her mother.

She loved and admired the couple.

"Congratulations, girls! We're so proud of you both," Mrs. Blackwood exclaimed, giving them each a tight hug.

"Thanks, Mrs. Blackwood," Lily said with a smile.

Mr. Blackwood clapped Harper on the shoulder. "You two have come a long way. Now, onto the after party!"

Harper's eyes lit up. "Oh yeah, Mom has been talking about this for weeks!"

Mrs. Blackwood beamed.

"Yes, indeed! I've got everything planned out. It's going to be a blast."

Lily's stomach tightened as Mrs. Blackwood mentioned the party. She had been dreading this moment, knowing that the triplets would be returning home from their basketball game. She exchanged a nervous glance with Harper.

"And guess what, girls?" Mrs. Blackwood continued. "The triplets will be back just in time for the party!"

Harper's face lit up even more, but Lily's heart sank. She forced a smile.

"That's great," she said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

The thought of facing Harper's triplet brothers made Lily's palms sweat.

They had been tormenting her since freshman year, and the idea of spending another evening with them was far from appealing.

She just wanted to get to college as soon as possible.

They were making their way to the car but Lily stood still.

"I won't be coming." Lily managed to say, causing Harper to frown.

Harper tugged at Lily's arm, her eyes pleading.

"Come on, Lily, you have to come to the party. It won't be the same without you."

Lily hesitated, glancing at Mrs. Blackwood for support. "I don't know, Harper. I'm just not in the mood for a party tonight."

Mrs. Blackwood stepped in.

"Oh, sweetie, please come. It's a special night, and we want you to be part of the celebration."

Lily felt torn. On one hand, she wanted to support and be with Harper and her family.

On the other hand, the thought of facing Harper's brothers filled her with dread.

Harper squeezed Lily's hand.

"Please, Lily. I promise it won't be so bad. And besides, Mom has been looking forward to this party for ages."

Lily sighed.

She knew Harper meant well, and Mrs. Blackwood's encouragement was hard to resist.

"Okay, fine. I'll come."

Harper's face lit up with relief.

"Yes! You won't regret it, I promise."

They finally made their way to Blackwood mansion after a few stops at the store and an ice cream shop.

Darkness covered the sky, and friends from high school were already there.

Harper had convinced Lily to change into one of her white party dresses as she informed her that Harvey McClooney was present at the pool area.

Lily harbored a massive crush on Harvey since freshman year and maybe tonight she hoped he'd notice her.

The girls made it to the pool area, music blaring through the speakers and newly graduates dancing around, some lurking at the bar area.

She could tell that someone would definitely spike the drinks.

But then again it was a party, so who cares?

"Let's get some drinks." Harper suggested, pulling her towards the bar.

They took a few shots and Lily knew she was in for it.

"Hey, Harvey's over there." Harper leaned and whispered, causing Lily's eyes to roam the pool area until her eyes landed on the brightest pair of deep brown eyes.

She was mesmerized, sometimes she wondered what his dark curly hair smelt like, but once she caught a whiff of clary sage, she wondered a lot about it.

"Go over to him." Harper nudged her shoulder.

"Say hi or congratulations." She convinced her.

Lily was shy , but with the effect of the alcohol taking its toll on her, she moved.

Rubbing her wet palms on either side of her dress, she moved to him.

They began to talk, and during the whole time, Harvey had his eyes on her, she felt noticed and this crazy fluttering feeling had her.

There was a loud commotion at the other side of the pool, causing Harvey's gaze to avert from Lily.

She silently cursed under her breath, she knew who it was.

It always had to be them.

Looking over to the other side, they dumped someone into the pool, causing a loud splash as the triplets laughed along with their friends.

Lily rolled her eyes.

She looked up at Harvey, with a sudden courage, taking his hand in hers.

Her actions even shocked her.

"Wanna to go somewhere more private?" She asked.


Lily couldn't hide her smile as she led the way, but not before her eyes met the Eldest of the three, Andrew, his lips forming a thin line.

She scoffed.

Lily led him to the balcony, when Harvey pressed her against the wall.

She could see the desire in his eyes, probably the effect of the alcohol but she didn't mind.

He kissed her lips, and she found herself kissing him back, when he was suddenly pulled from her.

Andrew, Carden and Rune stood before her, Harvey held by Rune's arms over his shoulders.

She narrowed her eyes at the Triplets.

Carden sneered at Lily.

"Well, well, well, look who's getting cozy with a random guy. Is this what you call making a move, Cookie?"

Lily's face flushed with anger, she hated when they called her that.

Andrew and Rune joined in,

"Seriously, Harvey, you could do so much better," Andrew said with a scoff.

"Cookie's not exactly known for her skills in the bedroom."

"My name is Lily." She frowned.

Rune chuckled.

"Yeah, she's about as exciting as a wet towel. You deserve someone hotter, Harvey. Someone who actually knows what they're doing."

Harvey's face contorted with disappointment and fear of the triplets, he had heard stories of their reckless behavior and skull crushing escapades.

He didn't want to be a victim.

At least, he didn't need a black eye.

"I'll get going." Harvey said.

The triplets led Harvey away, Carden threw a smirk over his shoulder at Lily.

"Don't worry, Lily. We'll take care of Harvey for you. Get him a drink and maybe introduce him to a girl who actually knows what she's doing."

Lily's hands clenched into fists at her sides as she watched them lead him away.

How dare they insult her and belittle her in front of him?

Lily stormed back to the pool area, She spotted the triplets across the pool, laughing and joking as if nothing had happened.

Without a second thought, she charged towards them.

"YOU!" Lily screamed as she lunged towards Carden.

But before she could reach him, Andrew and Rune grabbed her from behind, their grip around her arms. Lily thrashed and kicked, but it was a futile attempt.

"Let me go, you bastards!" Lily screamed,

But the triplets only laughed.

And then, in one swift motion, Andrew and Rune lifted Lily off her feet and hurled her into the pool with a cruel laugh.

Lily hit the water with a splash, the shock of the cold hitting her.

Lily managed to reach the side of the pool, and she saw everyone looking down at her.

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