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Her Shattered Trust

Her Shattered Trust



Aiden, a handsome and wealthy man, has always struggled for power with his brothers, encouraged by their father who believed such conflict was natural. As an illegitimate child, Aiden was constantly targeted by his brothers, enduring bullying, destruction of his possessions, and even multiple attempts on his life.Anna, an ordinary woman, was hired as Aiden's personal secretary. Despite finding her attractive at first sight, Aiden treated her coldly to suppress his feelings. However, when others around him began showing interest in Anna, Aiden could no longer hide his emotions and asked her out, leading to a budding romance. Upon learning of their relationship, Aiden’s brother revealed a dark secret: years ago, Aiden accidentally caused the death of Anna's father. Horrified and heartbroken, Anna left Aiden, vowing never to forgive him.As the truth emerges, can their love overcome the past and heal the wounds it has inflicted?


Ahhhh! Anna yawned as she stretched lazily.

It was past six in the evening, and the only thing she had accomplished today was eat a bowl of noodles and sleep. She sighed as she glanced at the empty calendar pinned to the wall.

“What more could I do?” She muttered.

It was the twenty-eighth day of the month, and she still had not gotten a job. The companies she had sent her résumé to the previous month had promised to get back to her but never did.

Her phone beeped and she reached out for it on the dresser. It was a notification about her house rent due.

She shared a two-bedroom apartment with her friend, Avery, who works as a hotel manager.

Ever since Anna lost her last job, Avery had been the only one footing the bills, paying the house rent, and buying foodstuffs in the house.

“Hey! Anna” Avery said as she pushed the door open.

“Avery!” Anna greeted with a smile on her face.

“Guess what?” Avery teased as she made her way into the room.

“Hmm…” Anna thought for a while as she ran her fingers through her hair. “You know I am not good at guessing. Just tell me, what is it?” Anna replied pulling, Avery to sit on the bed.

“Okay. Check this out first.” Avery said, presenting a bag to Anna.

“What is in there?” Anna asked curiously as she collected the bag from Avery.

“See for yourself.” Avery replied, giggling.

“Avery, not again. I already told you I am not interested in blind dates. Why do you keep doing this?” Anna questioned as she brought out a dress from the bag.

“Will you not check what kind of dress it is before complaining?” Avery pouted. “There's a job interview I want you to attend tomorrow, I figured you do not have any new office dresses, so I got you one.” She said joyfully.

“A job interview? I did not submit my résumé to any new company.” Anna retorted.

“I know. Someone recommended the job to me, but I know you need it more than I do. That is why I am telling you.” Avery explained. “I hope you get the job this time, it must be tiring staying home all day, doing nothing.” Avery said.

Pulling Avery into a tight hug, Anna said, “thank you very much Avery, I am very grateful for everything.”

“Stop thanking me, Anna. It's the least I can do. Besides, you've done so much for me already.” Avery said hugging her back.

“Not every friend can… do this.” Anna broke down in tears.

“It's okay Anna.” Avery consoled as she patted her back lightly. “You know what, let's go celebrate in advance. Two bottles each!” Avery said as she pulled Anna out of the room.

“Four bottles of beer please,” Avery said, raising her right hand above her head to get the attendant's attention.

“Coming!” The attendant yelled from the distance.

“Avery, we should not be doing this. I have an interview tomorrow, and you also have to go to work.” Anna complained.

“Two bottles each would not cause us any harm.” Avery said pouting.

“Least I forget, what time is the interview tomorrow?” Anna asked.

“Eight a.m. I will forward the email to you right now.” Avery said, grabbing her phone.

Anna picked up her phone after receiving a notification “I have seen it.” Anna said.

As Anna read Avery’s forwarded email, a mix of excitement and anxiety swirled inside her. This could be it, she thought. But what if I mess it up again? The fear of failure gnawed at her, but she pushed it aside, determined to make this opportunity count. Thank you very much, Avery.” Anna said, reaching out to hold Avery’s hand.

“It's okay Anna. I am sure you will do the same for me if I was in your position.” Avery said

As soon as the attendant brought the beer, Avery’s phone rang.

“Dickson is calling, let me take this outside.” Avery said to Anna as she went outside the bar to receive the call.

“Here are the four bottles of beer you requested, “the attendant said, placing the bottles on the table.

“I am sorry, but one bottle will be okay for now,” Anna said.

“Okay then, I will return the three bottles of beer then. Do let me know when you need them.” The attendant said as she left with them.

Avery rushed back into the bar, “Anna, take my card and pay for the beer. You know the PIN, right? I need to meet up with Dickson right now. I will see you at home.” She said as she pulled out her ATM card from her purse and rushed out.

“Glad I got one bottle.” Anna said as she poured the beer into the glass.

The low hum of conversation and clinking bottles formed a backdrop to Anna’s thought as she took a tentative sip of her bitter liquid, the cold liquid, sending a shiver down her spine. Aish! It's so bitter!” she exclaimed, shaking her head vigorously as if to dispel the taste.

Hours later, Anna staggered out of the dimly lit bar whose air was thick with the scent of stale beer and fried food. A little tipsy after drinking five bottles of beer. Despite complaining about the bitterness, she couldn't resist ordering more than one bottle until the bar ran out of her favourite brand.

On wobbly legs, she walked home as confidently as she could, trying not to cause a scene.

“Damn!” she belched, collapsing onto her bed.

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