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Plagued by unforeseen circumstances surrounding her, Amanda got into a mess that could send her to jail for eternity. The only way out is bending to her Boss's will. How would she overcome this temptation? Find out more in this intriguing story!

Chapter 1 The intruder

The intruder.

It's a New day conveying hopes and aspirations. Dark clouds enclosed the sky to detect a potential heavy downpour in the city.

“Gosh! I just hope she's home. I can't wait to share this exciting news with her. I bet she'll be thrilled, too,” Kingsley said in excitement as he did a cross sign and sighed a thousand times to erase any fear or fright from his mind.

It was 7:30 AM and Kingsley knew the massive risk he was engaging in just to speak with Amanda. Knowing that Amanda's Father doesn't like him a bit, Kingsley rehearsed his lines worthy enough to convince Amanda's Father why he wants to speak with Amanda this early when most people are getting ready for work.

Dressed in his Rastafarian attire with a guitar on the other hand, Kingsley motioned to Amanda's doorstep. He got tired of waiting for Amanda to show up outside and decided to take the bull by the horns.

On the verge of knocking on the metallic door, Kingsley halted to evaluate his decision if it was

“Am I making the right decision? I just hope this is worth it. I would rather not jeopardize my relationship with Amanda,” he muttered succinctly to himself.

After pondering, he finally decided to take a considerable risk. He loved Amanda so much and felt this was the least of what people do for love.

“Anyone home?” He landed a knock on the door, which sounded a bit like a distance to the whole neighborhood. Despite how loud the knock sounded, no one answered and showed up to attend to Kingsley. Glancing at his wristwatch, Kingsley could confirm it was 7:45 AM. He couldn't understand why they were taking too much time to come get the door. He was this close to knocking again when Amanda's parents showed up at the doorstep with blurry eyes. They had been watching him from the window even before he landed the knock. While Chris was considering getting Kingsley arrested for invasion of privacy, his wife, Maria, pleaded with him to listen to what Kingsley had to say.

“What do you want?

Is this how you go about disturbing the peace of every neighborhood? Go get a Job, dude. Your Life is so boring,” Chris snapped at Kingsley and condemned even before his explanation.

Seeing Chris at the doorstep instead of Amanda sent tiny shivers down Kingsley's spine and nearly made him pee in his panties. Chris was the last person he expected to see.

It wasn't a good day in the office for Kingsley.

It would have been a bit better if it was Maria who showed up alone and not with her husband. Now his chances of dispersing the good news to Amanda is risking.

One minute Kingsley seemed so excited and this minute he couldn't understand his mood any more. He seemed dumbfounded, as though he suddenly misplaced his tongue or something.

“I'm not talking to the walls, am I?” Chris yelled at Kingsley and made everything worse.

“I came to see Amanda,” Kingsley hurriedly said with a skipped voice. He suddenly became a chronicler who found it difficult to convey his words.

Narrowing his gaze at Maria, Chris said to her, “Give me one reason I shouldn't get this loser arrested?”

“Let's listen to what he has to say. Getting him arrested makes no sense. What offense has he committed?” Maria beseeched her husband and stood in Kingsley's defense. She seems to be the only one who supports Amanda's relationship with Kingsley.

Shortly after, Amanda joined them. She was already dressed and ready for work.

“What's going on here? I could hear Dad's voice from inside,” she asked them. She wasn't even aware of Kingsley's presence because she wasn't expecting him at such an hour.

“Get this son of a bitch out of here, or I won't be sorry for what will happen to him,” Chris warned and walked back inside. It was currently Amanda who wholly acknowledged Kingsley's presence.

“King?” She exclaimed in shock.

“What the heck are you doing here?”

“What sort of question is that? Isn't it obvious? Of course, I'm here to see you. Why is everyone treating me like a plague? You all should have listened to me before the condemnation. It's not just fair at all,” he lamented and faced the ground in disappointment. He wasn't expecting such a reaction from Amanda. He thought she'd embrace him out of excitement, but sadly, she did the opposite.

“Amanda, take King away from here. I don't want your Dad to come here and find you both here. You know what he will do to you, don't you?” Maria advised and went back inside to calm her husband's nerves. She alone knows the nasty things Chris is capable of when he's angry.

“Please let's leave now,” Amanda pleaded.


“No but,” she cuts in and drags Kingsley outside.

“Ouch! You're hurting me,” he protested and caressed his arm.

“Why are you here? Please make it brief. I would rather not show up late to work,” Amanda demanded while staring at her wristwatch.

“How do I even tell you in this mood? You don't seem happy. Anyway, I'm just going to spill it already.” Kingsley sighed and proceeded.

“I just got an appointment with a Grant record label. They want me to come play my Demo and if they like it, I'll sign a multimillion deal with them. Isn't that great?” Kingsley embraced Amanda firmly after divulging the News. Surprisingly, she wasn't moved or showed any remorse.

“Really? Well, that's great,” she reluctantly said while itching her head.

“Is that all? Look, we will discuss this some other time. I need to get to work,” Amanda planted a peck on Kingsley's cheek and walked away as though it were nobody's business. Kingsley watched helplessly as Amanda boarded a cab down the road.

“What's wrong with her? I thought she'd be excited for me. Is Amanda cheating on me? What am I even thinking? That's not possible,” Kingsley refuted the possibility of Amanda cheating on her.

A thousand times, she has proved her undying love for him despite his financial crisis. Amanda left him in a state of confusion as he pondered why she behaved that way.

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