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Awr Story


DHOKONA SCHOOL Description DhoKona School tells the story of school children consisting of several male students named Dhot, Kona, Robi, and Peot at Dhokona School. The four of them have been close friends since they started school, but so far there has been no name for their group or gang. However, now the four men have agreed to name their gang the 4G Fourji Gang, who got the idea when the MOS committee was formed at school. Previously, Kona had an acquaintance with a woman he liked named Rohim who was also the younger sister of his best friend Robi. Kona even expressed her feelings for Rohim, but Rohim stated that he was still in the 3rd year of junior high school and couldn't date yet. Until the time comes, Rohim has graduated from junior high school and will go to school in the same place as Kona, namely Dhokona School. This was the moment he had been waiting for, and exactly 1 day before the MOS implementation at Dhokona School, Kona reminded Rohim of the words he had previously said. Kona initially called Rohim but was unsuccessful because the phone was on another call, but not long after, Kona's phone rang. Will Rohim accept Kona as his girlfriend, continue to follow the Dhokona School storyline.


Mathematics lessons started Mr. Budi explained the lesson in front of the blackboard, all the students in the class listened to Mr. Budi's lessons.

"So X squared plus Y Squared is equal to four five, from which four five later we will discuss, yes, you also forgot," said Mr. Budi while joking.

"Now you ask Dido first!! do X Plus N Plus X squared equals how much do?? "Let's go," asked Mr

"Yes, sir," replied Dido.

"Stool!! out tablets standing flagpole until Eid " Mr. budi punish Dido while angry.

"This is an example of a child who does not want to learn," Mr. Budi said to the other students.

"Now you peyot!! imagine you are sent to the market with ibibu, you bring fifty thousand money to buy jengkol Twenty Thousand, how much change?? Ask Mr. Budi to Peot

"Eh...thirty thousand pack " replied Peot

"Good..... Who do you give the change to? Ask again to Peeta.

"To the counter Sir, top up the diamond" replied Peot.

"Son of asuuu" said Mr. Budi who was upset.

Then Peot was punished by Mr. budi was told to catch up with Dido, and climbed onto the flagpole above Dido.

When he didn't listen to the lesson, he fell asleep.

Because of the loud snoring Dhot until heard by Mr. Budi who was angry.

"Who is that snoring? Oh, that's right, if you sit in the back, " said Mr. Budi

Because upset to see Dhot sleeping during class hours, Mr. Budi then took the eraser on his desk.

Then Mr. Budi threw the blackboard eraser towards Dhot who was fast asleep behind.

When the blackboard eraser almost hit Dhot's face, suddenly Robi who was sitting next to Dhot caught the blackboard eraser with his hand.

Robi looked very cool when he managed to catch the eraser, then Robi stuck the eraser into Dhot's mouth.

Dhot can only shout small and resigned when his mouth gagged eraser by Robi, Dhot did not dare to fight Robi because Robi has a big tall body.

The bell rang for Mr. Budi to leave the classroom.

A few hours later.

"Well, Mother's lesson is enough to get here, yes. Do you have any questions? "Asked Mrs. Vina.

"I'm Ma'am," she raised her hand.

"What do you want to ask? "Asked Mrs. Vina.

"What'S your number, Ma'am? "Kona Asked.

"Hmm..... "how dare you," replied Mrs. Vin.

"You're so cute," said Mrs. D'agostino, who was sitting next to her.

"Yes.... "I want to be with my dad," Kona said with a smile.

"Already-already please go home each, do not stop by-mamir ya" message bu Vina to all students.

"Oh yeah.... I almost remember tomorrow Deuteronomy yes " said Mrs. Vina.

"Fuck," Kona said as he fell back.

Then all the students went home.

Kona and Dhot ride together on a motorcycle, in the middle of their journey while chatting.

"I'll be back tomorrow," Dillon said.

"Oh, Yeah, Dude.... Just think about Deuteronomy. Just read a book at night, " Kona said casually.

"Well, I guess you'll have to read a little bit of the Book," D'agostino replied.

"It's a little like my book," Kona said casually.

"Yeah, but you don't write often," he replied.

They both reached their homes.

Long story short, the next day, Dhot went to school on a motorcycle to Kona's House.

"Kona Na" Dhot called Kona in front of the gate of Kona's House.

"Oh, you're right," replied Kona's mother.

"Is there a mother?? "Asked Dhot.

"Last night, she was in a coma, so she couldn't go to school," her mother said.

"That's the way it is," Daphne said in her heart.

"I hope you get well soon, Mom," he said.

"You're not going to die," he whispered into her ear.

Then Dhot hurried off to school, in front of the House Kona Dhot motorcycle.

On the way, Dhot was very upset with Kona's words yesterday.

"Dude, dude, don't even think about it. Read the book of Mormon, and you'll see it tomorrow. Say a very upset Dhot to Kona.

A few moments later Dhot had arrived at school, and the bell had rung.

"Good Morning," said Mrs. Vin.

"Good morning," the students answered.

"Absent first yes.... Where's Kona?? "Asked Mrs. Vina.

"She's dying, she's sick. Answered Dhot nervously.

"Sick?? Yesterday baseball why-why tuh can still seduce, means healthy dong?? "Asked a girl friend.

"I don't know," replied Duff.

"Damn," said the girl's friend.

"Weve tuh habit of every child Deuteronomy must be sick, okay are you ready for Deuteronomy huh?? "Said Mrs. Vina.

A few hours later the return time had rung, and the replay had been completed.

Dhot own home using a motorcycle, Dhot streets relaxed while whistling ria, not accidental while being engrossed in whistling on a motorcycle.

Suddenly Dhot called someone who was none other than Kona, Dhot immediately stopped and approached Kona.

"That's what happened last night," said Daphne mockingly.

"Let's keep it a secret," Conan said

"Yes ready!! what the hell is not a friend?? Answer The DH.

"Tiiiiitttttttt... Tiiiittttt.... Tiiiitttttt " Dhot mobile phone sounds.

"Hello, Mrs. Vina, what is it?? What?? "I want to see you right now," Dillon said.

Kona who heard Mrs. Vina wanted to visit her now, she immediately rolled on the floor.

"Oh my God," said Daphne.

"Oh my God," said The Frightened Rabbit.

Dhot who saw Kona scared while rolling around, laughed heartily because he had managed to prank Kona.

"Take care of yourself," said Kona, who was angry with Dhot.

"It's your fault, every Deuteronomy pretends to be sick," Dhot told Kona.

"Don't even think about reading The Book of Mormon," he said.

"Hehehe.... Sorry Dhot, because I haven't learned at all, " said Kona shyly.

"Yaudah ayok gua anterin Lu Na home, than later you here caught bu Vina" said Dhot to Kona.

"You're right, let's go," he replied.

Then they both ride a motorcycle to Kona's House.

A moment later Dhot had arrived in front of Kona's House.

"Don't get me started on this," Mrs. D'agostino said.

"That's all right," I said, thanking Jaejoong.

"Let's go back to the cave," said Daphne.

"Okeee brother" Kona replied as he entered the House.

To be continued........

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