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The Professor Roommate

The Professor Roommate

Catherine Oriel


What the heck! This famous apartment doesn't have an elevator? They said the elevator is broken, like I care. My day was already bad, and now my move-in day is ruined too! Life is just so unfair. I immediately looked for my assigned room so I could start arranging my things. I found it quickly and slid my card before turning the handle. But as soon as I started opening the door, I smelled something burning. I realized it was coming from my new place. I hurriedly opened the door fully and looked around to see where the smell was coming from. A man in the kitchen cursed. I couldn't see his face because he was facing away, busy with something. My eyes landed on what he was doing. It was burning! I quickly dropped my suitcase and rushed over to him, covering my nose from the smoke. "W-what's happening here?" I asked in a panic, still covering my nose. He turned to look at me, also covering his nose. "Who are you?" He asked in confusion, but we both stepped back as the flames grew. "Fuck! Fuck*ng fire! I hate cooking with this!" he yelled angrily, fighting the fire. I looked around for something to extinguish the fire and quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher. I used it to put out the flames. The fire was out in no time. I smiled and smirked at the sight of his burnt eggs. Seriously, he couldn't even cook eggs! He gave me a dirty look, and I tried to hold back my laughter because of his appearance, covered in the fire extinguisher foam. "Funny?" "Is everything okay in there?" "Is anyone hurt?" "We're coming in." Voices from outside shouted. I watched as my companion went to the door and opened it. "No one was hurt, everything is fine, thank you," he said quickly before closing the door. He paused and looked at my suitcase. "Ah, that's mine," I said. "No one asked." He replied coldly, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking away. He entered a room and slammed the door. I grabbed a towel from my suitcase and started wiping my face from the extinguisher foam. I couldn't help but laugh at myself and at him. Deep down, I wanted to burst out laughing at his appearance, but still, he was kind of cool, especially with his aura. I turned around when I heard someone cough behind me. It was the guy from earlier. Yeah, maybe he's my roommate. He looked down, making me curious. I glanced down to see what he was looking at. Wait, what? He's looking at my br*ast? No, maybe I'm just imagining things. "You study at H.U?" Reality hit me when I realized he was looking at my ID. I assumed too much, Farah Joy. "Yes," I replied shortly and continued wiping my face as he walked over to the fridge. I put my towel back and turned to see him standing in front of me, drinking a beer. Does he have powers? He appeared out of nowhere! "You forgot to use 'sir' when addressing me, Lady Farah." Wait, how does he know my name? I haven't even told him! And why should I call him 'sir'? Who is he? "I saw your name on your ID, woman. Don't overthink it," he said seriously before finishing his drink. I was wrong again, Farah Joy! I wanted to slap myself. "Oh, haha... haha! Right!" I said awkwardly, scratching my head. "B-but why do I need to call you 'sir'? Who are you?" I asked boldly. He frowned and suddenly laughed. Gosh, his laugh drives me crazy! I snapped back to reality when he leaned close to my ear and whispered something that made my eyes widen and almost drop my p*nty. "Well, I'm Kevin Tran." I felt his soft lips on my ear, gently biting it. He stepped back and left. "K-Kevin T-Tran? The famous professor? Gosh, my crush!" I whispered as he walked away. What kind of apartment is this? I met my crush—I mean, the most famous professor I've ever known. Sir Kevin. I have a crush on him too!! Ghoddd!!

Chapter 1 famous professor

Chapter 1

Farah's POV

I still can’t get over what happened today. Can you believe it? My roommate is a famous professor! I didn’t recognize him at first… but wow, it's him! Unbelievable!

I was jolted back to reality by a knock at the door. Who could it be? There are only two of us here, and it’s a man knocking.

I walked slowly, took a deep breath, and opened the door. There he was, standing outside, hands in his pockets, looking my way.

"Someone’s knocking."

I raised my eyebrows at his comment. Why is he out here but not opening the door himself?

"I said, someone’s knocking."

He repeated, and I quickly nodded, stepping outside to open the door.

"Your order, ma’am," said the delivery man.

Oh right, I ordered this. It's the purple stuff, but a light shade. Yeah, I like purple.

"How much?"

"1,500 pesos."

Only 1,500 pesos? Ugh, my wallet hurts!

"Thank you, kuya. Please just put it there," I instructed as I returned the change to my bag. I gave him 2,000 pesos and didn’t want to keep the change. Times are tough.

He nodded and left. I scratched my head before starting to carry my things inside. I stopped when I saw 'sir' on the sofa, reading with his legs crossed.

"What is that?" he asked seriously, not looking my way. I immediately answered.

"My stuff, sir."

He nodded at my response while I continued. I put down what I brought and started opening it. The rest will have to wait; they’re too heavy.

I smiled when I saw my light purple bedsheets and pillowcases. I hugged them like they were my favorite.

After a moment, I set them aside to get the rest. But before I could go back out, the others were already in front of the door. I stepped outside to check on 'sir,' but he was still sitting in the same position.

Wait, I didn’t place these here!

I organized my stuff quickly so I could take a shower. I didn't want to smell bad around my crush. Although, to be honest, he’s not really my crush—just a temporary one.

After organizing everything, I lay on my bed and took off my bag before grabbing my phone.

I saw a lot of messages from Wendy, my friend!

"[Hey girl, have you moved in yet?]"

"[Girl, let’s go together tomorrow!!]"

"[Send me your apartment’s location so I can adjust!!]"

"[I’m so excited for tomorrow, and I heard the professors at H.U. are so handsome, ackk]"

"[I’m excited!!]"

I shook my head at her messages, reacting with laughs and hearts, and then sent my location.

I put down my phone and started picking out clothes for today.

It’s quiet outside, so I felt at ease. Maybe my crush is busy—teachers, you know.

But as I was about to enter the bathroom, I heard the shower. W-wait, sir is showering?

I panicked and sat on the sink, pretending to do something else.

I heard the door open and looked up, shocked to see him topless. I swallowed hard and looked away. He was drying his hair.

"What are you doing?" he asked, and I quickly glanced away.

I fiddled with the toothbrushes on the table.

"Don't play with that! It’s not a toy," he said. I immediately stopped. "...pick one."

"E-excuse me?"

"I said, pick one."

"N-no thanks, I already have one," I declined. He nodded and took the toothbrushes. "Sir, just curious, where do you teach?" I asked, confused.

"H.U... so don't be late, Ms. Farah. You'll face consequences if I’m your professor," he warned with a grin.

W-what? Sir is also at my university?? Unbelievable!

I woke up early because of the alarm I set last night. Today is the first day of classes… and I’m already annoyed! I had to move out of my old place because the landlord is so stingy and doesn’t give chances. Luckily, this place is affordable, and I saved enough to pay for it. And the cherry on top? Mr. C is here, hahaha!

I got up and rubbed my eyes before tidying up my bed. Then I grabbed my shower stuff and uniform, planning to dress in the bathroom.

Our uniform is red, with a skirt that’s just below the knee. The top is a button-down jacket-like piece. And the socks need to be long. Thankfully, I have those.

I immediately left my room to take a shower but stopped when I noticed something from the corner of my eye. I saw Mr. Kevin dressing and putting on his coat. I quickly moved before he could see me and dashed into the bathroom.

"That was close," I whispered to myself.

"I'm leaving, Ms. Farah. Don’t be late!"

He shouted from outside. I pressed my ear to the door to make sure he was gone, sighed, and sat on the toilet, thinking. It’s still early.

"Farah Joy, you’re so slow. I’ve been waiting out here forever," Wendy complained.

"Sorry, you know how slow I am. Look, I haven’t even brushed my hair yet. You’re in a rush too," I retorted, pointing at my uncombed hair.

"Oh, don’t worry about your hair. Let’s focus on the hot professors at the University. Let’s go!" She pulled me to find a jeepney. I don’t know about her—does she even study? She’s always looking for handsome guys!

When we arrived at the University, we joined the crowd of students entering. I rolled my eyes at my annoying friend, who waved at every guy she found attractive.

I grabbed her arm to make her stop because couples were getting annoyed. "Wendy, enough! People are staring at us!"

"What’s their problem? Want a fight?" she snapped, glaring at them.

"Alright, alright, let’s go," I said, letting go of her arm and giving her a stern look. She rolled her eyes.

"Okay, fine. Let’s go!" and she pulled me again.

We finally reached our classroom, which was really noisy. We ignored it and sat where there were no students, right in front of the electric fan. Who cares?

"Good morning."

A male voice spoke at the front. I heard the girls squeal, including Wendy, who practically screamed in my ear.

But all that faded when—oh my god! It’s Sir Kevin.

Don’t tell me he’s my teacher too? But I hope... he’s not!!!

Mr. Kevin scanned each one of us until his gaze landed on me. I quickly looked away. Oh lord, he’s really testing me!

"Good morning to all of you! I just want to let you know that I will be your math teacher," he announced seriously, looking around to ensure we were all paying attention.

I won’t lie, he's handsome with that jawline, what the hell!

'Mr. Kevin is really handsome!'

'Yeah, sis, I won’t skip class anymore!'

I glanced at the two girls in front of us chatting.

"Girls at the back, are you listening to me?" Mr. Kevin asked.

The two girls turned and bowed in respect, while I just smirked.


"I'm not referring to you two... I mean you, Ms.!"

Everyone turned to look at me. Mr. Kevin pointed at me and stared. Wendy, too, was frowning at me.

"Sir? B-but—" I started, but he cut me off.

"Stand up."

He spoke seriously. I looked around before standing up slowly.

Why am I getting involved in this unlucky mess!

"Introduce yourself."

I was startled by his sudden command. What? Doesn't he already know me? Do I really have to introduce myself?


"I said, introduce yourself."

He insisted, crossing his arms. Wendy nudged me with her elbow. I sighed before speaking.

"Hi everyone, I'm Farah Joy... pleased to meet you all," I said, forcing a smile. Then I quickly sat down.

I didn’t hear any comment from Mr. Kevin or my classmates, so I glanced at Mr. Kevin who was already writing on the blackboard as if nothing had happened.

Wow, really!

"Wow sis, it's impressive that you can talk to Mr. Kevin. If I were in your place, I might have fainted from the pressure—" Wendy whispered before I elbowed her because Mr. Kevin glanced in our direction.

'Kevin Tran.'

That's what was written on the blackboard.

"Maybe you all know me, right?" he asked seriously, heading to his desk.

We all looked at a student who raised their hand. "..Sir, aren’t we going to introduce ourselves too? Why only Ms. Farah?"

'Yeah, sir, why not us?'

'Exactly, sir!'

'True that!'

Noise and cheering erupted, with Wendy joining in, so I pinched her side. Everything stopped when Mr. Kevin slammed his book on his desk.

"Shut up! I don’t care about your names anymore. I want silence, so I didn’t ask you one by one!"

He said angrily. I heard Wendy huff along with the other girls.

"Okay, I just said that I am a math teacher. So listen to me carefully... this was just an introduction, but next time I will be teaching, so everyone should be serious, okay?"

Everyone quickly replied, "Yes, sir," and started packing up as Mr. Kevin did.

"See you tomorrow everyone, goodbye!"

"Goodbye, Professor Tran!" everyone shouted. The girls quickly followed Mr. Kevin as he left. I grabbed Wendy as she was about to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"I’m tagging along... hehe!" I frowned at her.

"Where to?"

"To find some cute guys!" she squealed, causing me to let go of her.

I just shook my head and sighed.

That girl!!

To Be Continued..

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