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Owned By The Duke Literatures

Owned By The Duke Literatures

Catherine Oriel


Everyone thought he was just a spoiled brat who flirted with anyone because he had a powerful father who could give him all the luxuries in life. Contrary to what most people know, Acadia was just a lost soul eager to find love and peace within her. He is a flying eagle, complete with wings and at the peak but he does not know what for and what is the reason of his life. She thought she could tame him, but the guy has it's own principles in life. A man hard to reach and unworthy of his kind. Meeting Seigneur was one of her plans but falling in love with him isn't. She thought that her love for him would save her from her grief but the man only doubled her suffering.

Chapter 1 preparing dinner

Chapter 1

I was burning up while preparing dinner, I want the best for him. The best thing i could ever give as his wife even if there is nothing left of me.

Even in the chaotic world I came from, I still learned to love more than I could give.

More than myself.

I heard his car parked in the garage so I quickly went to the living room to greet him with a kiss.

"Seigneur.." I greeted my husband with a smile.

"Babe!" The woman shouted while carrying the expensive paper bags.

It was obviously from the mall and my husband took it for a walk.

"Yes, hurry up." He ignored me and helped the woman carry her things.

I just bowed and went to the kitchen while talking.

"Dinner is ready." I contained my tears, no I shouldn't cry here.

Not in front of him.

He just looked at me coldly and asked Lian to sit down. He still supported it and peeled the meat.

He takes good care of her, something he never did to me.

"Babe, I want juice." Lian asked and my husband quickly took a pitcher and poured it into a glass.

I was about to turn away, I can't contain my tears anymore. The scene is breaking my heart.

"Stay here Cecelia! Suffer! Does it feel good?!" My scornful husband hums like he's overjoyed to see me struggling.

I held tightly to my hand that was burning because of cooking.

I'm used to this, it shouldn't hurt like this anymore. But it seems like every day it gets worse and worse as if I will be swallowed by so much sadness.

I even heard the two of them laughing while happily eating.

I haven't eaten yet.

My stomach hurt but I just endured it. I'll eat bread later.

"Fix our room, you and Lian can sleep there, sleep on the sofa first." He even held Lian's hand while saying this.

I just bowed and went to my husband's room.

As soon as I was at the door, I started to cry but I just wiped it away and started to move away.

"Cecelia, it's me..." I looked at Nana Loling.

He suddenly hugged me and caressed my back so I couldn't control my emotions anymore.

"Stop..." He comforted me so I felt a little better.

"Thank you..." I told him and we started to make arrangements.

She witnessed everything, everything that happened in this house, my husband's belittling and hurting me.

Well, I deserve this. I guess this is the result of all the sacrifices I made.

You can't really cover a mistake with another mistake, the payoff is greater.

Nanny went out and I was the only one left, I was about to walk out when Seigneur and Lian arrived.

I just bowed and was about to leave when Seigneur stopped me.

"Watch." He grabbed my hair and threw me on the floor. I groaned at the pain of my scalp but I don't think anything would hurt more than the soft and fragile diamond scene if Seigneur treated his partner more than my wife.

He's making love with her and he never made love with me. If there is, it is only because of lust.

"She's a virgin unlike you! Any man who hits on you has already been used!" The husband's speech while inserting his penis into the woman.

Lian was moan!ng and it ripped my heart into pieces. Gathering all my might, I ran out of the house while crying and crushed.

Despite the fact that he repeatedly bullied me, I still love him. Despite all the pain, I still can't leave him.

I went to the garden and lay down on the grass. My heart sank and I just wanted to cry. It's like this, I'm not used to it.

"Yes, I'm no longer v!rg!n when we first..." I whispered to myself while sobbing.

You don't know anything...you don't know everything..

I thought my life would change when you came, I thought the weight I was carrying would be reduced, I thought you would save me from the nightmare I was trying to escape from.

I bit my lower lip, I feel like I'm going to run out of breath because of that.

It's here again...

My anxiety...

All the memories, all the piggish and hurtful words come back to my mind. I held my chest because of the intense pain I felt, I can no longer take it.

"My God! Cecelia, you're bleeding!" I just heard Nana Loling scream before I passed out.


I feel that I have been deprived of happiness in this world. Bitterness and pain always, how long will I be like this.

"D-dad!" Only my moans and cries can be heard in the four corners of the room.

"Ghhmm..." My own father is moaning as he reached his cl!max, maybe he's already satisfied with his anmila to me.

My heart almost broke, I was crushed and disgusted with myself. My tears fell one after the other as I looked at the ceiling of my own room. A place that was supposed to be my refuge and resting place but I can't see any good memories but pain, brokenness and hatred.

He slapped my cheek and I could feel the pain.

Full of hatred I looked at my acknowledged father, the first man who would have protected me and be my support but he was the first to destroy my entire humanity.

He grabbed me by the hair and dragged me so I fell onto my own bed, feeling like my back was broken because of that.

He slapped me again so that the corner of my lips bled.

"I told you, didn't I? Fix it if you don't want your mother to kill you." I closed my eyes when I heard, my tears flowed again. My body is numb because of what he did.

I looked at him, pleading. I don't know if he loved Mommy or me or even considered us family.

"I'm s-sorry D-dad.." He tightened his grip on my hair and choked me.

"You don't have a s!lb¡ ! You're inul! What I'm asking you to do is so easy, just get better at that Leicestershire but you haven't done it yet!" His voice echoed in the four corners of the room and he strangled me even more. I feel like I'm going to suffocate because of that.

Mommy attended me while whimpering and trying to stop Daddy's hands that were choking me.

Daddy elbowed Mommy so she was holding her stomach because of the pain. I got out of Daddy's stranglehold using my remaining strength and I succeeded and attended to Mommy right away, I feel my body is numb but I can't bear to see my mother in pain.

"You're fat! It's useless to be sloppy! Fix it, seduce Seigneur Abreo Leicestershire! Do anything and everything, even if you sell your soul and body to him, I don't care. If I lose the election I'll kill you both! You understand!" His eyes were glazed over, he even stomped on me so that I moaned.

My vision is blurry, my whole body is hurting, but the pain caused by hating the man is more dominant, which is why my mother and I are suffering.

I just felt Mommy caressing my face and the successive drops of her tears accompanied by soft sobs.

"Stay, Mommy, I promise you...I promise that we will also be free from him...that day will come...I promise.." I was crying and hugging Mommy, it seems that there is no more it will hurt even more to see him struggling.

She's been through a lot, the scene has been like this since I was a child.

When I turned 7 years old, I was raped by my own father, repeatedly hurt when I made a mistake. He controls my life, I can't do anything, he is powerful and looked up to so I have nothing against him.

I wiped the tears that rolled down my cheeks. Putting concealers to hide everything, to hide those bruises especially the marks of his kiss.

I was disgusted with myself, I just wanted to take a knife and if possible, cut the parts that his lips touched.

I was dressed again as if nothing lewd and nothing profanity had happened.

Mommy quietly helped me put on the gown that Daddy was making me wear. I don't know if he still deserves to be called father despite all the things he did to me and Mommy.

My mommy was quiet as if she was deep in thought, but when she looked at me, she tried to smile.

"Everything will be fine Mommy, I promise." I don't know where I got the courage to be positive even though I know there is no hope for our life to be okay.

Mommy just nodded and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

I fixed it quickly because I don't want Daddy to get angry again and he can blame us again. I accept that I am the one he will pity but I can't bear to see my mother in pain.

She's to precious to me, the only person who made me feel loved and accepted in spite of everything and because of so much insult and trauma, mommy could no longer speak and became mute.

She can no longer handle it emotionally and if it wasn't for me, she might have ended her life a long time ago or might not have escaped from my father's mess.

I got into the car and found my personal driver there. Yes, I look very stylish and very rich from the outside. Everyone looks up to me because I was the only daughter of Mayor Amolo Leona and not because I am Cecelia.

Because of my father's name that is attached to me, many respect and have sympathy.

We quickly left the mansion, I was silent and depressed. I don't know how I manage to be so good despite everything, I'm already very good at this field.

Hypocrisy in front of the majority.

When I got there, I went down, I was wearing a black dress that was almost close to my body. It's a tube and my rich breasts are very visible, when I bend down I can see that I'm too short. It exposes my curves, especially my plump butt and my beautiful curves. I'm shrinking myself but there's nothing I can do, I'd rather be like this than get beaten up by Mommy.

I uncomfortably entered. All the cameras were focused on me, the others were there and you could see the obscenity in your eyes. I just sped up to walk even though I almost tripped because my shoes had very high heels.

When I got inside, my eyes looked for Daddy, he was talking to his fellow politicians and others who were famous and big businessmen.

To Be Continued...

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