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The Vampire's Assassin

The Vampire's Assassin




Chapter 1 1

I don't know much about mortals, especially other races from other worlds.

"Magnus Lewis Walker, king from the Verdania Kingdom. Are you ready to go to the Fourth Gate? You can go out the door right now. You need to be out of the room within five minutes before this room disappears again ."

I immediately stood up when I heard that announcement. No rest and food? And now they are going to release us immediately? That means the previous floors are easy. In this fourth and subsequent ones, it will surely be torture after torture.

I opened the small door where the food came out. It's empty, looks like I shouldn't have said it was easy.

Each floor will be different. It's just the beginning, I'm not even halfway through the 12 gates.

I went out the door and as soon as I went out I ended up in an old hallway. When I looked back, the door had disappeared. Is it just an illusion? Probably yes, because a door can't disappear.

I walked the length of this old hallway. I also sharpened my nails. I have to be alert for anything that might pop up. I can't just stare even though I'm strong. I did not know what danger awaited me.

When I reached the end it was a door. A door like the one on a ship, with a turning circle to open it instead of a lock.

When I opened the door, I immediately went inside. Huge and towering walls are here. Heaven is above. It's an illusion, I'm sure. I can't be outside.

I walked further and when I looked back, the door was gone. I explored the place. It's dark, and quiet, and I'm the only one here. Later I will have someone with me. If they don't chase me, they want to kill me. The area looks like a maze.

I touched the wall and felt it was made of stone. There are also vines around that have climbed up the wall. I tried to climb it but my eyes widened when all the vines were cut from this part and fell.

I immediately dodged so as not to be misunderstood. It created a very loud sound. I heard the beast growling in the distance. That said, there are monsters here. It immediately jumped from above and fell on my side. I stepped back while staring at the monster. It looks disgusting.

It has a body like a snake, tentacles like a squid and its head is a mouth. Its eyes are on the chest. I will never allow myself to be touched by this monster, it will kill each other.

"Congratulations on reaching the fourth floor, King Magnus. The Fourth Gate of this tower. Now you must find the way to the Fifth Gate connected to this floor. We will give you one hour to find the way but every hour the structure of the maze will change. Also, use your senses and mind as a king. You also don't want to hurt the first monster you see because his voice is deafening and every time he screams more and more monsters will come after you. Come on, King Magnus. The Fourth Gate is about to begin," the voice announced.

That's when the beast moved and planned to hit me with its tail. I immediately dodged and ran quickly.

I used my natural speed as a vampire to outrun the monster and calmly find my way to the Fifth Gate. That means straight away, the rest they give is gone. Especially on the approaching floors, everything will be more difficult.

While I was looking for the way, I thought of climbing the vine again. I climbed slowly so as not to make any noise.

When I reached the top I immediately fell asleep. Take it easy because that monster can track me down. Too bad I can't kill it. They don't make things easy for us.

When I saw and saw the whole maze, the blood almost ran out of my body. It almost grew into a city. I can't see the land in the distance. How can I see the way to the Fifth Gate if this place is so big? I know they won't make it easy but I don't expect them to want me out of here. I couldn't find the way even if it took me four hours.

I stood up and looked around. Suddenly there was a strong wind at my back. When I turned around, my eyes widened.


It was too late before I could even run or jump. A giant bird with feet like a dog captivated me. With his big hand, he covered me. I tried to wiggle to let him go.

"Let go of me!" I shouted.

I elbowed this bird's stomach so hard that it expanded and I was released. I fell on top of a high wall. I couldn't hold on immediately so I fell to the ground. I winced because of the pain when my back fell to the ground.

Another monster appeared and when I looked up, there were three monsters similar to the ones I saw earlier. It has eyes on the chest and a snake body. They look disgusting.

When I turned around there was also someone approaching me. I cursed and climbed the vine on the side. I moved around the walls until I got past the monsters. There I got down on the ground again and ran away from them.

I ran fast but they ran faster. I noticed that they go faster when there are more. They are getting stronger. I don't know what kind of monsters these are but I have to run away from them. What should I do? I have to think. I'm sure I'm wasting too many minutes.

"15 minutes left."

I was even more insulted when it was announced. I used all my speed and searched every wall for a possible way. I don't even know where I'm going. I just need to see the way.

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