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The Mafia Lord Lost Love

The Mafia Lord Lost Love

Authoress Best


⚠️WARNING⚠️ THIS BOOK CONTAINS STEAMY MATURED CONTENTS, NOT SUITABLE FOR UNDER 18+ Ariana Valdez meets the last person she expected to see in her life, her boyfriend, Enzo Lombardi, a vicious Italian Mafia leader, after a sequence of terrible events. However, their rendezvous did not go as planned. As Ariana delves further into her background, shocking revelations emerge, causing chaos in her surroundings. Ariana and Enzo needed time to recover and learn heartbreaking facts. However, a sequence of bad occurrences puts everything at risk. Is Ariana's fate determined when her history finally catches up with her?

Chapter 1 Prologue

Ariana's POV

(Approximately five years ago)


My tired eyes began to awaken as I heard his mesmerizing rich voice echoing in the distance. It brought a grin to my face as my tummy was filled with butterflies; he had finally arrived.

My pulse raced as I heard his voice again, and I opened my eyes expecting to see him instantly. I wanted to get up and tell him how much I loved him because I didn't feel like I had said it enough.


His voice was like a melody to my ears, and I would never get tired of it because I adored it. The way he calls me melts my heart because it makes me feel lovely. How can someone like him be so devoted and loving to me when he has a darker side that everyone fears except me?


My heart skips a beat again as my name slips off his tongue; it kills me.


My body tensed up when his voice didn't sound the same as before; in fact, his frustrated voice bounced between the walls, which puzzled me. He was nowhere to be seen, and I wrinkled my brow, wondering why he was calling me like that. His voice sounded so forceful and furious that it haunted me since I'd never heard him this desperate.

"Ariana? Stop playing games with me!"


When I looked around, my brow furrowed again since I had no idea where I was.

How did I get here?

As I questioned where I was, I began to investigate my surrounds with only my vision, and I noticed that the windows were sealed with metal, so there was no life in the room; it also made the place windowless, allowing the bundle of nerves to simply kick in in my stomach and consume my insides. I disliked how dark the room was. The moist scent of the chamber was awful; it reeked of fresh blood, which made my body freeze in fear.

"Ariana? Where the fùck are you? Stop playing with me and come out!"

All of my fears and nerves vanished as soon as I felt the sensations my surroundings were giving me, yet I was still completely perplexed. I could sense the chilly, unclean air. He yelled out again, and as he did, I couldn't help but note how anxious and upset he appeared, which reinforced my intuition that none of this was going to end well. However, I told myself that everything would be fine since he was around and I felt protected.

"Ariana quit playing games with me. I am being serious. Please come out! Please.."

His deep hysterical voice became closer to me as it got louder, and my head turned to see where it was coming from, which was the steel door. I sprang up when I heard his voice, only to fall back down when my back was in excruciating pain. As I attempted to stand up, the pain ran up my back, so I crawled to the door. As I approached the door, I noticed a little window that displayed what was on the other side. I dragged myself up and looked through it, only to be met with the most excruciating image I'd ever seen.

Enzo entered my frame of vision when I noticed him on the floor on his knees, his shoulders sagged down in defeat as he cried into his hands and simply shook his head. My mouth hung wide because I didn't know what to say; I couldn't understand anything. The last time I looked, Enzo was the strongest guy I knew on Earth, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This was the first time I'd seen him cry like that.

This had to be a nightmare, one that I loathed. I had to wake up because I felt so helpless seeing him cry his eyes out as if he had just lost something. Even in my fantasies, I couldn't stomach seeing him injured; it made my heart throb. Right now, he appeared to be in anguish, and when I awoke from this agonizing dream, I would be the one to relieve all of his suffering.

My body tensed as I felt a chilly, unpleasant air brush over my flesh. Goosebumps began to appear, and nothing felt good about this, and I was afraid. Enzo sobbing in front of me predicted everything, and I was unprepared for what was to follow. My body felt like it had gone through hell since all I could feel was agony and burns, and the tightness in my muscles made me unable to move. I was so stiff from simply resting in one position that I couldn't move away from the door; nevertheless, when I did, I landed on my back again. I eventually moved my body, only to be touched by another, causing me to quiver in response. I was shivering as my sight moved to my left, and fear overwhelmed me to the point that my breath froze for a second. My gaze moved swiftly from one to the next.

A few cold-blooded corpses.

My eyes left their sockets as I counted five lifeless bodies sprawled about me, and to say I was terrified would be an understatement. I was terrified; I was so ashamed that I thought I would pass out. When I regained my voice, I attempted to yell for aid, but nothing was heard.

As I studied the bodies with my limited power, I saw that they were all coated in fresh blood. I glanced down at myself and began to quiver with fear as I realized I was too covered in blood; I was going to get sick. I worried as I began to wonder whose blood it was: was it mine? I shook the notion out of my brain since I couldn't be my. I was in a lot of pain, but I knew I wasn't going to die.

As I made an attempt to sit erect, I was able to do so and only let out a small sigh as I felt agony all over my body, particularly my arms and ankles.

"Enzo... Enzo! I'm here!" I screamed as I crept closer the door, peering through the frame again to capture his attention. My echoes simply bounced between the four walls of this chamber, unable to reach beyond. My hands coiled up into a ball and pounded against the steel door, but it did nothing, nor did my shouts for him, since despite my best efforts, I failed to get his attention when he went straight by me.

I tried to get up on my feet, only to discover that it was restricted by chunks of thick metal. I looked at my ankles for a second and realized I was shackled and absolutely confined. I was perplexed as I wondered what this was; I'd never been shackled or kept in this manner. My anxiousness surged when I realized I couldn't do anything to improve my chances of liberty since, with these chains, I was going nowhere.

I faintly remembered what had happened as I tried to recollect the events of the past, so I began to scan my surroundings again in an attempt to recall anything, but as I did so, my headache worsened and I moaned in agony.

I fixed my gaze on one of the dead and tried again to recall what I could, but I couldn't think of anything. I continued to gaze at one, realizing that I didn't identify any of them. I also noticed that these deceased people wore a uniform that looked very familiar, but I can't recall where I saw it.

"Enzo!" I yelled again, reaching for the door. I sighed and collapsed to the ground in despair; it was the thousandth time I had called him.


My head quickly swung back to the shut door, and my stomach fell as I observed that his voice had gotten closer than before. Though he wasn't immediately in front of me, I had a sense of calm come over me since I knew he was in the correct spot to look for me, which meant he would find me soon.

I kept calling for Enzo, praying that he would listen, but my body felt like it was gradually shutting down.

"Enzo!" I managed to say through something covering my lips. My call was faint, though, and I don't think he heard me. I could still hear him furiously shouting out for me, and each time he did, it got closer to the door. I screamed out for him again as I saw his big, towering figure approaching the door.


When I cried out his name again, my mouth was brutally covered, and I was dragged violently away from the entrance to a dark room that was linked to the one I was in before.

I was dragged inside the room like an animal, and I heard the chain that was attached to my ankles slide down the floor, making a commotion that only added to my misery, prompting me to cry out. When I reached the other room, I was pressed against the wall. My back banged into the wall, and I could hear everything that was going on in the room immediately beyond it. I heard fists beating on the door, followed by another tremendous thud that rocked the room; Enzo must have broken in.



I opened my eyes and examined my surroundings to see where that voice was coming from. Plain blackness surrounding us, so I furrowed my brow when I observed a shadow moving around in the dark, but as I lifted my head to get a better look, I was stunned, to say the least.

"D-Dad?" I breath.

He emerged from the darkness, and I was instantly inundated with questions that I asked myself. He stared at me at first while I sought for his eyes; his loose strands of hair had gotten in the middle of his sweaty face, and his suit was a mess. I looked at him again and wondered what on earth he was doing here. As I did so, I couldn't help but feel my body relax in relief, knowing that if Enzo couldn't locate me, Daddy could.

"Yes, dearie, it's me." He hummed with a nice grin, but I was just somewhat concerned because this was odd. When my eyes met my father's brown eyes, I smiled; they soothed me.

I haven't seen Dad since last week since he had an important trip that necessitated him to go to America. I didn't anticipate Fim to return anytime soon, and certainly not in this manner.

"Dad, w-what's going on? Why are we hiding?" I squirmed against the wall, bombarding him with questions. I really wanted to get out of here and get home.

"Not now, I will answer your questions later." He hissed in frustration.

"But dad-"

"Shut the fuck up!" He muttered in a choleric tone before covering my lips with his rough hands. My body was tight against the wall as I looked to my left; a tear slipped from my eye as I heard footsteps approaching the door next to me. I turn my gaze to my father, who watches the surroundings with caution before returning to me. "Ariana, you know that I will not tolerate childish behavior or any kind of misbehavior; I am your father, and you respect me as I have always taught you." He growled, tightening his grip around my mouth. I only nodded up at him as I felt myself crumble into pieces. "You will never see Enzo ever again, you will stay away from him. Is that understood?"

I stopped writhing against the wall and looked deeply into my father's steely eyes; he wasn't kidding. When his words passed through one ear and nestled in my thoughts, my heart splintered into millions of pieces as I contemplated what this truly meant. I let go of his hand and stand against the wall, losing myself in his harsh stare.

Tears began to fall from my eyes as I heard my father scream those things at me. I knew this day would come, but I did not anticipate it to be like this. My father opposes my connection with Enzo since he has other ideas. He does not want us to be together and once attempted to talk me out of our relationship, but I didn't believe he was serious. I never imagined that my father would go to such lengths to prevent me from seeing Enzo.

When he grabbed my face, I began to feel severe agony. I felt his thumb push so firmly into my jaws that I couldn't extricate myself from his tight grip. All I could do was murmur, which wasn't enough for Enzo to hear.

I wanted him to hear me because I had realized that my father was not here to help me, and that if I leave here with dad, I would never see Enzo again.

"I said shut the fuck up, Ariana!" he said before slapping me. I fell to the ground, feeling a searing sensation on my right cheek. I coughed into the floor and began clawing it to get away from him.

He was clearly not come to save me.

As I started to get away from him, agony shot through my lower stomach and face. When I couldn't endure the stinging feeling any longer, I sobbed on the ground and begged my father for aid.

My head sprang up and my crying was muffled when a loud gunshot echoed through the air from the opposite side of the wall. My heart pounded against my chest as I stared at the door before crawling to it. I open the door and lay on my stomach, witnessing the most terrible scene I've ever seen. I proceeded to investigate the incident, as all I saw was a body thumping on the floor and then blood.

Is this Enzo?

I placed my plans on the floor to help myself up but stopped as I heard my father's wicked chuckle reverberate across the room. My stomach clenched in fear because none of this felt good; my heart told me that the body that lay there was Enzo's, but my conscience told me otherwise.

I shift my sight to the motionless body on the floor before returning to my father, whose countenance was filled with laughter and delight.

"Sweetheart," he murmured with such fondness that I despised it. I ignored his cry and stared at the body on the floor, gulping as I slowly rose to my feet and approached it. Just as I was going to reach for it, dad grabbed my arm and pulled me around. "This bàstard is gone. I've finished him." My heart shattered over and over as my father continued, "You won't see him ever again, not in a million years because he's fùcking dead, do you hear me?" A tear slid out of my eye as I began to register his words in my brain, but I still didn't want to believe it.

"No... dad I.." I stuttered as I looked over my shoulder to see his body on the floor, "He is not dead... dad... he is strong, stronger than anything. You're just... ly-lying. I-I don't believe you."

Just stating that got me another painful yet forceful slap on the same cheek. My father's hands must have left a mark on my face, which was now numb to the touch. I glance at my father again, tears streaming down my cheeks, and began to search his gaze for anything other than bitterness and anger, but there was none.

"If the motherfùcker is strong, then why is he over there laying in his own pool of blood? Huh? Answer me, you foolish little girl!" He yelled before gripping my shoulders and forcibly turning me around so I could face this and have a clear look of the body on the floor. "Look! Just look for yourself at this dead thing. Look at this fūcking bàstard!" He yelled as he pointed to the body on the floor, his words reaching my ears and hurting so much.

I didn't look since I was afraid it was just Enzo. I sobbed against my father as I attempted to take a step back, but he only pushed me forward, pushing me to gaze. "I fùcking warned you that something like this may occur if you both just stop this nonsense! Never underestimate me Ariana because look what I have just done. He put himself in this position today for being involved in your damn life. Look Ariana!" He repeated his screams.

He clawed my jaws and twisted them in the direction of the body lying on the floor, my eyes securely shut. I wasn't prepared to view the dead body for fear that it was Enzo.

When I refused to give up, Dad simply shoved me towards the body. I lost my equilibrium and fell on the body, crying and flinching away. I walk away from it only to confirm what I suspected: this was Enzo, since his wrists were occupied by the watch that I had given him.

My brain was whirling as I felt like my entire universe had crashed down on my feet. My temples ached as I rolled over to him and held him in my arms. My lips broke as I adjusted his body to turn him around. It was Enzo, indeed. I trembled and laid his head in my lap, only to discover that he was cold and bluish.

"D-Enzo, wake up. It's me. Wake up." I cried as I touched his smooth cheeks with my shaking fingers, but he didn't move at all, so I began shaking him. I searched his body more and discovered a new cut on his stomach, copious blood seeping from it, and as time passed, his face went pale as grey, his lips dry and blue. "Enzo, come on baby. Wake up!" I yelled hoarsely into his ears while shaking his body again, but he still didn't answer.

"Enzo..." My voice shook as my chin wobbled, and my heart shattered when my flesh touched Enzo's warm blood. There was so much that I couldn't understand it all. I was bewildered since his body was just lying on me and I couldn't do anything about it.

I eventually discovered he was no longer with me.

He was not going to come back.


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